but i think you should add something to the section tips and tricks:
when you have a plant using a png image with alpha channel, using the option "receive transparent" under shadows of the plane catching the shadows makes that the shadows of those plants look right.
i don't see a link from the main site to this wiki.
and it has only a credits-page
i think this should be more organized.
time to make "seamless" tilesets out of it.
the tutorial from clint (http://flarerpg.org/tutorials/isometric_tiles/) is good.
but i think you should add something to the section tips and tricks:
when you have a plant using a png image with alpha channel, using the option "receive transparent" under shadows of the plane catching the shadows makes that the shadows of those plants look right.
sweet and slimy, yeah
looks like a green octopus :)
i made this from cc0 3d-art from oga, i uploaded the blend-file and textures too.
next i want to make some isometric trees.
a lot of GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD stuff
and you could add some more examples of these svg.files into a jpg for a preview or load some more svgs as preview file (10 would be good)
i hope that this could be useful for games like Flare
i opened this blend, it has inner faces, that is not good.
when recalculating this mesh, you have some faces pointing into the inner side.
(i used this blend to make some isometric graphics out of it)
look here: http://opengameart.org/content/more-isometric-parts
, it has a blend-file too, with a better mesh-structure, it has an other texture, too.
you could make some background-parts like bones or a skull and a real background that fits to this
i forgot to set the right specularity-settings for the stones (lower intensity-value and more hardness)