"The images are all public domain so please do what you wish with them (a link somewhere back to the source here on OpenGameArt would be appreciated, but is in not required)."
should be removed, or it could be that you think that is cc0, because you read it there and you don't look at the licence-information on the side
next i want to use them in my game monkey world 3d
they are good
i love it so much!!, so "sweet"
and you should upload the pixel-version there too, like in this case
last time i experimented with a better grassland-landscape for the game
the text
"The images are all public domain so please do what you wish with them (a link somewhere back to the source here on OpenGameArt would be appreciated, but is in not required)."
should be removed, or it could be that you think that is cc0, because you read it there and you don't look at the licence-information on the side
i have updated the automapping script:
the newest version is now in a submission (because the tilesset is ready)
here is a screenshot from a small problem (for more information read in the description of this tileset)
i want to use some parts from this in my planned game "monkey world 3d", a supermario 3d land clone.
at the moment i work on a 3d-tileset and an automapping-script for this tileset
i'm not sure, if this is possible, my script is specialized in tiles with a special size.
but i think you could add some "base-forms", when you change the code a bit
it takes a lot of time to model these tilesets
i love it!