there is an easy way to do this.
first you can add a cube in blender (use the default cube) and keyframe the rotation of the cube.
after rendering an image sequence you can open these images in gimp and paint a simple cube over it.
an other way is to pixelise these renders you get from blender
i works with imagemagick, but i have an issue at the moment.
i get a white background, but i have an alpha-channel with semi transparent pixels, so can't remove the white background normally
edit: i just got it: it is the command -background none
i upgraded the blend file and use a better preview file now.
the link to your site brings me to a "page not found" site of oga, like it would be content
it shows me "" if i hover the link.
edit: there is now a link to the right page in my post
i would like to work with the BGE and i really have planned to make a game with it.
but the bge is a bit buggy and "underdeveloped". But it is getting better.
for example:
blender 2.7.2 (in development) gets a better addon to publish your game
another thing i want to do in the future is to make a site, where i list links to other sites with open source / free (cc0, cc by gpl) content like this.
some days ago i found a collection of 2900 cc-by textures
i want to make it easier to find such open content
i can't unpack these files, it is better to use an other format.
this is my first texture-resources pack
but there are a lot photos more i shot.
i collect photos for various texture-resource-categories:
these are only some of them.
- wood
- nature
- signs
-cloth /textile
- windows /doors
- roofs
- patterns
- pipes
i think you posted this to the wrong set. the link is a recursion (-:
that is goo0oo0o0ooo0D
i love it
(and my fovorite gives you now the 100th point in popularity)
there is an easy way to do this.
first you can add a cube in blender (use the default cube) and keyframe the rotation of the cube.
after rendering an image sequence you can open these images in gimp and paint a simple cube over it.
an other way is to pixelise these renders you get from blender
i works with imagemagick, but i have an issue at the moment.
i get a white background, but i have an alpha-channel with semi transparent pixels, so can't remove the white background normally
edit: i just got it: it is the command -background none
i upgraded the blend file and use a better preview file now.
the link to your site brings me to a "page not found" site of oga, like it would be content
it shows me "" if i hover the link.
edit: there is now a link to the right page in my post
i would like to work with the BGE and i really have planned to make a game with it.
but the bge is a bit buggy and "underdeveloped". But it is getting better.
for example:
blender 2.7.2 (in development) gets a better addon to publish your game
another thing i want to do in the future is to make a site, where i list links to other sites with open source / free (cc0, cc by gpl) content like this.
some days ago i found a collection of 2900 cc-by textures
i want to make it easier to find such open content
i can't unpack these files, it is better to use an other format.
this is my first texture-resources pack
but there are a lot photos more i shot.
i collect photos for various texture-resource-categories:
these are only some of them.
- wood
- nature
- signs
-cloth /textile
- windows /doors
- roofs
- patterns
- pipes
i think you posted this to the wrong set. the link is a recursion (-:
that is goo0oo0o0ooo0D
i love it
(and my fovorite gives you now the 100th point in popularity)