Title: A package of 8-bit fonts for Grafx2 and Linux Author: usr_share URL: http://opengameart.org/content/ a-package-of-8-bit-fonts-for-grafx2-and-linux License(s): CC0
The last one there is specific to the 'Made For' splash screens which use the victoria bold font from for the 'Made For' text.
@ZomBCool: No. The Fall Jam will not require entries to come from any particular thread or list of ideas. Anything folks want to enter will be fine. There will be a 'theme' but it will be strictly optional. I like to provide a theme because it can help provide inspiration for folks wondering what to do for the Jam, but following the theme will not be required.
@Xom Adept:
For the Fall Art Challenge, I think it will encourage more participation to keep the theme loose. I would suggest that folks consider 'bringing to life' art for one of the game ideas on that forum thread, but I would not require it. That way folks who aren't interested in one of those specific ideas can still participate in the challenge. As long as their work fits the broader theme of 'Brought to Life'.
@Xom Adept: Ok, what time schedule where you thinking of for the challenge? I am going to run the Game Jam in Novemember (Nov 1 - Nov 30th) so the art challenge should complete before then. although it's not the end of hte world if they overlap I suppose.
anyone want to volunteer to create some cover art for the Fall Game Jam?
Since November is harvest time and a Game Jam is a good time to harvest art from OpenGameArt, I am definiltey thinking the optional theme will have something to do with the word 'harvest' Probably 'Harvest of Open Art' or 'Free Harvest' or something like that. or maybe just the world 'Harvest' to keep it simple....
I am happy to do the logo bit if someone just wants to draw a picture, like Sarah holding a bushel of apples or something like that...
Love it! I would never have expected it, but the piano and metal guitars are a perfect combination! Talk about two great flavors that go great together!! :)
Monday, September 23, 2019 - 11:01
Hi! Still love this font! In fact, I used it all over my entry into OGA's Summer 2019 Game Jam!
I did some tweaking, enlarged the numbers to 8x16 and also shrunk them to 8x8 and enlarged the characters to 9x15. Packed the results into my submission for Miracle Math Land art but posting them here also so interested parties can get them without having to dig around.
here's a true 4 color Game Boy version.
oh no! I just realized that game boy screen cheats and uses a pure black!
Will get a true 4 color version up ASAP!!
and here it is downscaled and down-colored for GameBoy!
Here are the two banner's I've made so far, a Sega Master System original version and a NES port.
Also, here's the proper credits for the OGA works used to make the banner and these 'made for' splash screens.
The following works were used to make these banners.
Modifications were made.
Title: Codel Visual Novel Sprite
Author: LisadiKaprio
URL: https://opengameart.org/content/codel-visual-novel-sprite
License(s): CC-BY-4.0
Title: SunnyLand - Forest
Author: ansimuz
URL: https://opengameart.org/content/sunnyland-forest
License(s): CC0
Title: A package of 8-bit fonts for Grafx2 and Linux
Author: usr_share
URL: http://opengameart.org/content/ a-package-of-8-bit-fonts-for-grafx2-and-linux
License(s): CC0
The last one there is specific to the 'Made For' splash screens which use the victoria bold font from for the 'Made For' text.
the bonus sprites are super cute!
ELP is the version I grew up with, but just now I stumbled on this take which is pretty fun:
suddenly all I can hear is this:
@ZomBCool: No. The Fall Jam will not require entries to come from any particular thread or list of ideas. Anything folks want to enter will be fine. There will be a 'theme' but it will be strictly optional. I like to provide a theme because it can help provide inspiration for folks wondering what to do for the Jam, but following the theme will not be required.
@Xom Adept:
For the Fall Art Challenge, I think it will encourage more participation to keep the theme loose. I would suggest that folks consider 'bringing to life' art for one of the game ideas on that forum thread, but I would not require it. That way folks who aren't interested in one of those specific ideas can still participate in the challenge. As long as their work fits the broader theme of 'Brought to Life'.
@Xom Adept: Ok, what time schedule where you thinking of for the challenge? I am going to run the Game Jam in Novemember (Nov 1 - Nov 30th) so the art challenge should complete before then. although it's not the end of hte world if they overlap I suppose.
anyone want to volunteer to create some cover art for the Fall Game Jam?
Since November is harvest time and a Game Jam is a good time to harvest art from OpenGameArt, I am definiltey thinking the optional theme will have something to do with the word 'harvest' Probably 'Harvest of Open Art' or 'Free Harvest' or something like that. or maybe just the world 'Harvest' to keep it simple....
I am happy to do the logo bit if someone just wants to draw a picture, like Sarah holding a bushel of apples or something like that...
Love it! I would never have expected it, but the piano and metal guitars are a perfect combination! Talk about two great flavors that go great together!! :)
Hi! Still love this font! In fact, I used it all over my entry into OGA's Summer 2019 Game Jam!
I did some tweaking, enlarged the numbers to 8x16 and also shrunk them to 8x8 and enlarged the characters to 9x15. Packed the results into my submission for Miracle Math Land art but posting them here also so interested parties can get them without having to dig around.