Hi Jumpjack, not that I know and those inconsistencies are still inherent to a.i., your only chance is to process every single sprite one by one in my opinion, otherwise you will get different faces and everything will be inconsistent.
Even if you try one by one, if you want consistent faces you have more chances if the base image is well defined and your prompts are consistent. In other words: I never managed to get any consistent characters /faces with low resolution pixelated faces / sprites (I'm not saying is not possible, just I never managed to do it).
So that I explain myself better: to achieve consistency you don't let the A.I. draw the sprites, you draw them yourself and then change the style or improve it with the help of A.I., sometimes you add a human process at the end to correct imperfections. A.I. is in the middle of the process, not the only process and A.I. improves your work, it does not replace it.
The tool and model you are looking for that process hundreds of sprites with perfect consistency with a single prompt does not exist, maybe in a few years, but not yet.
looks cool! I like tower defense games, design of the gui looks sleek, maybe you will get more people to play if you create a github page since is html or an electron app with it.
As this is an open source and a collaborative project, feel free to suggest any assets that may fit to the game. I'll be collecting the ones that fit better.
If anyone is interested on contributing with new content, new assets or new levels (the game has a built in level editor) or development contributions feel free to submit them and or / join the loomio group created for the engine: https://groups.f-hub.org/boxclip/
The best assets and levels may be added to the game, even if they do not fit in the story mode they can still be added to the casual mode and or be downloaded and added from the website.
The engine itself is free and open source, if you want to create your own platform game from zero using boxclip you are welcome to do it and I'll be glad to know about the game. An effort at isolating the engine from the game and make it standalone has been started here: https://codeberg.org/glitchapp/boxclip-engine (this is only interesting for anyone who want to make a game from zero)
lovely, I'm looking for new assets for my platform project and these and some platform assets from you could fit. More info about the project: https://glitchapp.codeberg.page/_boxclip/
This may help people modulate their expectations in regards to A.I.
A.I. ≠ Replace your whole workflow with a single prompt
Hi Jumpjack, not that I know and those inconsistencies are still inherent to a.i., your only chance is to process every single sprite one by one in my opinion, otherwise you will get different faces and everything will be inconsistent.
Even if you try one by one, if you want consistent faces you have more chances if the base image is well defined and your prompts are consistent. In other words: I never managed to get any consistent characters /faces with low resolution pixelated faces / sprites (I'm not saying is not possible, just I never managed to do it).
So that I explain myself better: to achieve consistency you don't let the A.I. draw the sprites, you draw them yourself and then change the style or improve it with the help of A.I., sometimes you add a human process at the end to correct imperfections. A.I. is in the middle of the process, not the only process and A.I. improves your work, it does not replace it.
The tool and model you are looking for that process hundreds of sprites with perfect consistency with a single prompt does not exist, maybe in a few years, but not yet.
I hope this help.
beautiful and sleek, I think I can make use of this for my own touch controls. Thanks for sharing.
I love the contrast of the different styles, sounds very interesting.
Looks fantastic and they could fit very well to some Vr games I developed...
sounds fantastic, super clean.
looks cool! I like tower defense games, design of the gui looks sleek, maybe you will get more people to play if you create a github page since is html or an electron app with it.
I created a collection with the assets already used or to be used in the game: https://opengameart.org/content/assets-selected-for-my-open-source-platform-game-spinny-the-runner
As this is an open source and a collaborative project, feel free to suggest any assets that may fit to the game. I'll be collecting the ones that fit better.
If anyone is interested on contributing with new content, new assets or new levels (the game has a built in level editor) or development contributions feel free to submit them and or / join the loomio group created for the engine: https://groups.f-hub.org/boxclip/
The best assets and levels may be added to the game, even if they do not fit in the story mode they can still be added to the casual mode and or be downloaded and added from the website.
The engine itself is free and open source, if you want to create your own platform game from zero using boxclip you are welcome to do it and I'll be glad to know about the game. An effort at isolating the engine from the game and make it standalone has been started here: https://codeberg.org/glitchapp/boxclip-engine (this is only interesting for anyone who want to make a game from zero)
I combined two assets to create closed doors / passages which will be eventually used on the game mechanichs of the game.
I was wondering if you think they are worth sharing? I'll be glad for feedback.
The original assets that I combined can be found here:
Castle door by Reemax https://opengameart.org/content/castle-door CC-BY 3.0
Door/Tunnel Portal by Varkalandar https://opengameart.org/content/doortunnel-portal CC-BY 3.0
* They are not the final version, I'm still polishing them and cleaning some rough areas.
lovely, I'm looking for new assets for my platform project and these and some platform assets from you could fit. More info about the project: https://glitchapp.codeberg.page/_boxclip/