more are coming, but it will take time. (It took me about 1-2 days per texture).
I also need them for my own game, here I used one of them in my level. (And there is another hand painted 3D object I want to upload in a pack in the future, when I have some other painted objects...)
The current grass texture is made with filters, will be overpainted and then uploaded here too
I work on a new set of plants for plants. Some trees are coming later.
The preview shows them in 1x, 2x and 4x resolution compared the the tile size used in flare, for the final version I have planned to render them only in 1x and 2x resolution.
I updated this building pack now, using the same new snow shader like the last building pack. (I also found out that the fountain and the ruin tileset should be updated later...)
I also changed the snow shader / material a bit, so that the other building pack will be updated soon (updating the other snowy stuff is not so important, the difference is not so big there and the medieval props are already using the new material)
more are coming, but it will take time. (It took me about 1-2 days per texture).
I also need them for my own game, here I used one of them in my level. (And there is another hand painted 3D object I want to upload in a pack in the future, when I have some other painted objects...)
The current grass texture is made with filters, will be overpainted and then uploaded here too
I finished the trees now:
I am making a break now (a month or so), then I want to make a new grassland tileset fitting with the new style.
You did not use the new houses in that map yet, is there a reason???
an update on my trees - I still work on them.
Beginning with the renders very soon. I think the finished pack is coming next weekend, maybe some days before...
There are new trees too. Trees with a red star are self made, using the sapling addon and taking my hours...
i started working on trees (these are not all, some are not there yet)
I finished the plant pack now:
And I really would like to see a map with the new content (best with some new plants too).
I work on a new set of plants for plants. Some trees are coming later.
The preview shows them in 1x, 2x and 4x resolution compared the the tile size used in flare, for the final version I have planned to render them only in 1x and 2x resolution.
Looks like good 2D backgrounds, but you only uploaded them as a preview and under downloads there is only the source / blend file.
Or is this just 3D art tagged as 2D art???
they are made with blender too (i used simple geometry with skin modifier)
I updated this building pack now, using the same new snow shader like the last building pack. (I also found out that the fountain and the ruin tileset should be updated later...)
The attached image shows the diffrence...
I made some buildings again
I also changed the snow shader / material a bit, so that the other building pack will be updated soon (updating the other snowy stuff is not so important, the difference is not so big there and the medieval props are already using the new material)