I saw the video and i like it; things that could be improved: weapons sounds, better sprites for enemies and some weapons (the missile was some kind of red ball?), i dont know anything about the core mechanics of the rpg part, but a campaign with different planets and especific missions in each of them would nice, upgradable weapons and different players ships will be almost a must.
Basically he means that after you deliver the portrait you refuse any rigths over it, so he would be able to post it here on OGA and other people take it for free. Its not a bad as it sounds, since you may get a petition for a bundle of them if a fund rising for it is created.
I think it will also help if you are more specific in what you need in each field, im sure many could be used from existing assest in OGA, by the way, did the project just start? or has it been running for some time now?. Explaining it a bit more in debt would be good as well(im intrigued about the strategy part).
This is pretty cool man, i prefer this more complete one than the surrealistical others. It has a better chance to be modelled than the other , which are rather vague
Hi everyone, as the one who put the ball to roll i want to say some things; The purpose to this workshop would be, to be able to easily make a mech(or whatever) out of modules with just drag and drop. To that point, Surt concept is great, a central/torso module, arms, and a juction for legs and different number of hardpoints depending on torso size (light torso - few hardpoints, heavy - lots of them) the only thing i dont like about are the feet, they should go fixed on the legs, no switching feets since their junction points are just too different and i cant figure out one to fit them all.
Also, if this worshop is not as complete as possible, then it just becomes a collection of random, half finished, chaotic, models dumpster. The idea is simplicity to create something, not to make a novice user need to waste a hour just to find something useful. That implies all included models should be finished, even if that requires them to pass some kind of filter directed by someone (the workshop director ;) ). I know its difficult, but if there is no quality and just half finished assests, its no different from browsing the whole webpage downloading whatever looks somewhat useful. Finished art is hard to do, i know, but adding unfinished art is just going against the general idea of doing a functional workshop, something of homogeneus quality. Though thats only my opinion (somewhat perfectionistic, i know). Im with Cem on this one.
About the the rig issue, every piece could go with their own one for easiness of use OR a few master rigs can be created just to be added depending on the piece (this would imply good knowledge of blender or whatever program used by the final user, so its a problem) OR the middle solution, create a few master rigs, that are applied to the piece by the artist, so the final user just needs to parent them to the core/torso unit master bone. All problems on this can be solved by defining very clearly on which frames the rigs do something.EX:
1-25 walking animation, just legs and torso animation runs,
26-50 attack animation, torso takes attack position and weapon recoils
51-75 death animation, torso falls down, weapons blow around?
Since these rigs would be pre-created, the artist just adds the bipedal rig to his two legs, or the tracks rig to his tanks slugs, the recoil rig for machineguns or the heavy recoil for cannons or rockets, a torso rig thats sways a lot while walking for ligth mech or a rig thats barely sways for heavy mech... so every piece would just be animated on the frames they do something relevant (ex: weapons on frames 26-50 and maybe 51-75, legs only in frames 1-25).
This is no doubt a huge project, that will take a lot of time and dedicated users, but i think can be done with enougth time and community love. Skorpio being here is a good thing, since his previous mechs can be used as a base for ligth, medium or heavy mechs, they just need to be made compliant (read as separate the parts) and we have the start of the worshop going.
Interesting, could be used with the cyberpunk spriteset, also as zombies would be computer controled, some nasty AI could start adding cybernetic implants of all kinds making them real abominations. And maybe your target priority would be to shut down the networks hubs to handicap them.
Julius:"There was a nice pack of similar stuff, including mech/airplane cockpits and such already recently on Blenderswap (which seems to be currently offline otherwise I would link it), which would be a nice start. Maybe that artist could be convinced to repackage and expand the pack to be mech focused as a base?"
Yes, unfinished models are quite a pain, and sincerely i dont think many people have the time or skill to finish them; OGA have lots of unfinished models and even i myself have trouble skinning and texturing my own models so working on ramdon ones is a vexing thing to do.
So the idea would be that each part would be complete, rigged, skinned and textured. Be it legs, weapons, torso... So if for example i want a bipedal mech with a cannon and machine gun, i just need to drag and drop everything to their place and parent the bones/rig of each part to a master bone. Need quad legs instead of bipedal? just switch them and parent the quad legs to the master bone.
So everything would be done in modules, a bit of knowledge is involved, but the end results would pay up.
I saw the video and i like it; things that could be improved: weapons sounds, better sprites for enemies and some weapons (the missile was some kind of red ball?), i dont know anything about the core mechanics of the rpg part, but a campaign with different planets and especific missions in each of them would nice, upgradable weapons and different players ships will be almost a must.
Basically he means that after you deliver the portrait you refuse any rigths over it, so he would be able to post it here on OGA and other people take it for free. Its not a bad as it sounds, since you may get a petition for a bundle of them if a fund rising for it is created.
I think it will also help if you are more specific in what you need in each field, im sure many could be used from existing assest in OGA, by the way, did the project just start? or has it been running for some time now?. Explaining it a bit more in debt would be good as well(im intrigued about the strategy part).
Can you make a concept of the back? it would help anyone trying to model it
This is pretty cool man, i prefer this more complete one than the surrealistical others. It has a better chance to be modelled than the other , which are rather vague
Look here:
Hi everyone, as the one who put the ball to roll i want to say some things; The purpose to this workshop would be, to be able to easily make a mech(or whatever) out of modules with just drag and drop. To that point, Surt concept is great, a central/torso module, arms, and a juction for legs and different number of hardpoints depending on torso size (light torso - few hardpoints, heavy - lots of them) the only thing i dont like about are the feet, they should go fixed on the legs, no switching feets since their junction points are just too different and i cant figure out one to fit them all.
Also, if this worshop is not as complete as possible, then it just becomes a collection of random, half finished, chaotic, models dumpster. The idea is simplicity to create something, not to make a novice user need to waste a hour just to find something useful. That implies all included models should be finished, even if that requires them to pass some kind of filter directed by someone (the workshop director ;) ). I know its difficult, but if there is no quality and just half finished assests, its no different from browsing the whole webpage downloading whatever looks somewhat useful. Finished art is hard to do, i know, but adding unfinished art is just going against the general idea of doing a functional workshop, something of homogeneus quality. Though thats only my opinion (somewhat perfectionistic, i know). Im with Cem on this one.
About the the rig issue, every piece could go with their own one for easiness of use OR a few master rigs can be created just to be added depending on the piece (this would imply good knowledge of blender or whatever program used by the final user, so its a problem) OR the middle solution, create a few master rigs, that are applied to the piece by the artist, so the final user just needs to parent them to the core/torso unit master bone. All problems on this can be solved by defining very clearly on which frames the rigs do something.EX:
1-25 walking animation, just legs and torso animation runs,
26-50 attack animation, torso takes attack position and weapon recoils
51-75 death animation, torso falls down, weapons blow around?
Since these rigs would be pre-created, the artist just adds the bipedal rig to his two legs, or the tracks rig to his tanks slugs, the recoil rig for machineguns or the heavy recoil for cannons or rockets, a torso rig thats sways a lot while walking for ligth mech or a rig thats barely sways for heavy mech... so every piece would just be animated on the frames they do something relevant (ex: weapons on frames 26-50 and maybe 51-75, legs only in frames 1-25).
This is no doubt a huge project, that will take a lot of time and dedicated users, but i think can be done with enougth time and community love. Skorpio being here is a good thing, since his previous mechs can be used as a base for ligth, medium or heavy mechs, they just need to be made compliant (read as separate the parts) and we have the start of the worshop going.
Interesting, could be used with the cyberpunk spriteset, also as zombies would be computer controled, some nasty AI could start adding cybernetic implants of all kinds making them real abominations. And maybe your target priority would be to shut down the networks hubs to handicap them.
Julius:"There was a nice pack of similar stuff, including mech/airplane cockpits and such already recently on Blenderswap (which seems to be currently offline otherwise I would link it), which would be a nice start. Maybe that artist could be convinced to repackage and expand the pack to be mech focused as a base?"
Maybe its this one?
Yes, unfinished models are quite a pain, and sincerely i dont think many people have the time or skill to finish them; OGA have lots of unfinished models and even i myself have trouble skinning and texturing my own models so working on ramdon ones is a vexing thing to do.
So the idea would be that each part would be complete, rigged, skinned and textured. Be it legs, weapons, torso... So if for example i want a bipedal mech with a cannon and machine gun, i just need to drag and drop everything to their place and parent the bones/rig of each part to a master bone. Need quad legs instead of bipedal? just switch them and parent the quad legs to the master bone.
So everything would be done in modules, a bit of knowledge is involved, but the end results would pay up.