Adding to unity is really easy, you need to have blender installed somewhere in you pc , and you just put the .blend inside one of the folders of your project; or inside unity, rigth click somewhere into the folder window and should be an option to import.
Normals migth need adjustements inside unity, just so you know.
Ok, i played it for a while, so here is some feedback:
* Regarding non combat:
- Menus are too little, most of the screen is empty
- when i recruit a class i dont know anything about them, make a small description screen (ok, mage, monk, are self explicative, but what difference is there between a knigth and figther? a small bio screen would be good, showing attacks or available equipment)
- Healing one by one is boring, make a heal all button.
-Town background, not really important on an aplha, but it adds a lot, if license problems are cleared this one would be killer:
I know you made improvements but some things still are unconfortable to use:
- Map extension VS character size, i know this one is very hard to correct, but the characters are very small comparated to the map, they barely use any of the space allocated to them (their cell) which gives the impresion of big empty terrain, either reduce standart cell size or making the characters bigger would be my advice.
- Turn system: is based on some kind of character iniciative, rigth? when you field four or more of them is very difficult to know who can move again. Some kind of indication of who can move would be nice (a green arrow over them or crossed swords, something... ) or who has moved. Other method would be for the game to automatically jump to the next able to move character and put an icon over his head so you dont lost track of it.
-Following said above, the command menus are uncomfortable to use, i think it should be cannon that once you click on a ready character, the move option will kick in by defect (no need to click on its button menu), and maybe the game should do a check after moving to see if something can be attacked, and automatically enter attack mode.
-Another problem is the combat menu location, having to move the mouse to the corner of the screen each time you use an option is annoying, could be partially solved by what i wrote above. But another kind of solution would be good (hotkeys or wasd + space/enter) or just make menu appear beside the clicked character so there is no need to cruise the whole screen.
Thats is all of what i think needs to improve, of course i know its an alpha, but trust me i wouldnt have written so much if i didnt like what i was playing. Its just that i have played so many tactics games already, that i can give a few pointers to make this even better. Cheers and keep the good work.
Well... im sorry to say its cliche, but nowadays everything have been tried... hard to be original, can i propose to you something a bit different?
Lets say you are a group of slaves(captured on some battle or just delicuents), and its your turn on the arena (good time for a tutorial), the local lord, who is cold and cruel but not really evil (do you know of the patrician from ank-morphok in discworlds books?) saw you are good figthers and he could use someone to do some dirty work, be it monster hunting, killing a rebel noble or saving a princess. So as long as you do what he wants, you get to keep your head over your shoulders.
You can insert loads of zany humour in there while being somewhat serious (nothing better than a despotic ruler), since, as the game progress you can see by the missions something is going wrong with the world, since its not normal that when you go to an old people retirement place to get their taxes a horde of squeletons appear to greet you.
Something in the way of being really reluctant heroes, who would rather run away than save the world, but they are far more scared of their lord than from a charging archdevil.
This would make the game more satirical than anything, but if you can write some good script it would be ten times more interesting than your normal "save the world from the evil". "The bards tale" is a really good example, or just this flash game can give you an idea:
This game is fleshing out really well, cant wait to see where it goes; Just one petition, please dont make it "save the world against something generacally evil"
It would be better it you do it, i dont know much about sprites and suchs and am likely to mess things up.
Adding to unity is really easy, you need to have blender installed somewhere in you pc , and you just put the .blend inside one of the folders of your project; or inside unity, rigth click somewhere into the folder window and should be an option to import.
Normals migth need adjustements inside unity, just so you know.
That sure is a good impovement , good work!!
Bloody nice!! the only Con, are not the shoulders too pointy?
Ok, i played it for a while, so here is some feedback:
* Regarding non combat:
- Menus are too little, most of the screen is empty
- when i recruit a class i dont know anything about them, make a small description screen (ok, mage, monk, are self explicative, but what difference is there between a knigth and figther? a small bio screen would be good, showing attacks or available equipment)
- Healing one by one is boring, make a heal all button.
-Town background, not really important on an aplha, but it adds a lot, if license problems are cleared this one would be killer:
* Combat system:
I know you made improvements but some things still are unconfortable to use:
- Map extension VS character size, i know this one is very hard to correct, but the characters are very small comparated to the map, they barely use any of the space allocated to them (their cell) which gives the impresion of big empty terrain, either reduce standart cell size or making the characters bigger would be my advice.
- Turn system: is based on some kind of character iniciative, rigth? when you field four or more of them is very difficult to know who can move again. Some kind of indication of who can move would be nice (a green arrow over them or crossed swords, something... ) or who has moved. Other method would be for the game to automatically jump to the next able to move character and put an icon over his head so you dont lost track of it.
-Following said above, the command menus are uncomfortable to use, i think it should be cannon that once you click on a ready character, the move option will kick in by defect (no need to click on its button menu), and maybe the game should do a check after moving to see if something can be attacked, and automatically enter attack mode.
-Another problem is the combat menu location, having to move the mouse to the corner of the screen each time you use an option is annoying, could be partially solved by what i wrote above. But another kind of solution would be good (hotkeys or wasd + space/enter) or just make menu appear beside the clicked character so there is no need to cruise the whole screen.
Thats is all of what i think needs to improve, of course i know its an alpha, but trust me i wouldnt have written so much if i didnt like what i was playing. Its just that i have played so many tactics games already, that i can give a few pointers to make this even better. Cheers and keep the good work.
cant download, the gamefront link is broken
Sounds good ;D , just remember not to drown people in pages after pages of text
i would like to know it as soon as it comes out
Well... im sorry to say its cliche, but nowadays everything have been tried... hard to be original, can i propose to you something a bit different?
Lets say you are a group of slaves(captured on some battle or just delicuents), and its your turn on the arena (good time for a tutorial), the local lord, who is cold and cruel but not really evil (do you know of the patrician from ank-morphok in discworlds books?) saw you are good figthers and he could use someone to do some dirty work, be it monster hunting, killing a rebel noble or saving a princess. So as long as you do what he wants, you get to keep your head over your shoulders.
You can insert loads of zany humour in there while being somewhat serious (nothing better than a despotic ruler), since, as the game progress you can see by the missions something is going wrong with the world, since its not normal that when you go to an old people retirement place to get their taxes a horde of squeletons appear to greet you.
Something in the way of being really reluctant heroes, who would rather run away than save the world, but they are far more scared of their lord than from a charging archdevil.
This would make the game more satirical than anything, but if you can write some good script it would be ten times more interesting than your normal "save the world from the evil". "The bards tale" is a really good example, or just this flash game can give you an idea:
This game is fleshing out really well, cant wait to see where it goes; Just one petition, please dont make it "save the world against something generacally evil"