I like these! Is there a recording where the sounds are isolated from one another a bit more? the main download says "preview". Is that intended to be the production-ready version?
The only extra forbidden stipulation is 'no porn' but yes, PeterX is correct that a 'no porn' stipulation makes it not-CC0. Nothing prevents you from making your own CC0-adjacent EULA, though.
Haha! @FiveBrosStopMossYT: That's good legal information and all, but I don't recommend encouraging people to add big walls of legal text to their submissions unnecessarily. Submissions are assumed to be legal by default. (Vast majority of people are very decent and never intentionally submit bad content) Justifying an asset's legality is only necessary if that legality is then called into question. In this case, StarNinjas has clarified that the sounds are merely imitating the sound effects of another game, not a ripped re-recording of them.
@StarNinjas: That means these were recorded/created without using any components of the original minecraft sound, right? If that is the case, they're fine. It is not necessary to pre-emptively argue against a protest that no one has made yet.
Though being a Minecraft rip is not the only thing that could make assets illegal. No need to add "therefore it is not illegal" as it just makes this seem more suspicious, not less.
Some of my suggestions may already have been done; I'm not the best at keeping up with LPC stuff. I know some seasonal tiles have partially been done, but any terrain or land feature that doesn't already have a Summer/Autumn/Winter/Spring equivalent is something I think many people could use.
craft shops?
Clothing boutique/loom/textiles/dye vats
Apothecary pretty much done!
Bakery/restaurant: lots of food items already. I think there's an oven, too. What other stuff would make sense for food prep?
mystic emporium/wizard's labratory: enchanting or imbuing things with magic. I imagine some device prominently featuring a large crystal (glowing or non). Like a crystal affixed to a stand. Not like a pedestal just for showing off a crystal, but a magical device where the crystal is the primary component making it function.
I like these! Is there a recording where the sounds are isolated from one another a bit more? the main download says "preview". Is that intended to be the production-ready version?
I would like to change my answer to "sailing ships", please.
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
Ah, I see. Specifically loot dropped by mobs that probably don't have pockets. Useful animal/monster parts. I love it!
The only extra forbidden stipulation is 'no porn' but yes, PeterX is correct that a 'no porn' stipulation makes it not-CC0. Nothing prevents you from making your own CC0-adjacent EULA, though.
Haha! @FiveBrosStopMossYT: That's good legal information and all, but I don't recommend encouraging people to add big walls of legal text to their submissions unnecessarily. Submissions are assumed to be legal by default. (Vast majority of people are very decent and never intentionally submit bad content) Justifying an asset's legality is only necessary if that legality is then called into question. In this case, StarNinjas has clarified that the sounds are merely imitating the sound effects of another game, not a ripped re-recording of them.
@StarNinjas: That means these were recorded/created without using any components of the original minecraft sound, right? If that is the case, they're fine. It is not necessary to pre-emptively argue against a protest that no one has made yet.
Though being a Minecraft rip is not the only thing that could make assets illegal. No need to add "therefore it is not illegal" as it just makes this seem more suspicious, not less.+1 for all of Boom Shaka's suggestions :)
Some of my suggestions may already have been done; I'm not the best at keeping up with LPC stuff. I know some seasonal tiles have partially been done, but any terrain or land feature that doesn't already have a Summer/Autumn/Winter/Spring equivalent is something I think many people could use.
craft shops?
Apothecarypretty much done!Groovy. Thanks for sharing these. :)
Were any of the fire emblem graphics used to make them. Like using the basic shape or silhouette from fire emblem sprites?
Cool. Are these based on anything? Some of the styles seem somewhat familiar.