this is by far my preferred one of the three you made. And the 1st and 3rd variation of this one are my preferred. I like the "crying" of the instruments, like some singers do with their voice, they tremble. It makes the lose sound more dramatic :)
That really sounds like an epic final battle :) By the way, I guess it should be easy to make it longer by repeating some of the loops as long as one wants to.
Very nice (dare I say: as usual :)) Thanks for sharing!
Wow turned out pretty nice! Thanks for sharing.
I imagine exactly what you said: a platformer, in a fluffy colourful environment, it just feels good :)
hehehe that is a great one :D
this is by far my preferred one of the three you made. And the 1st and 3rd variation of this one are my preferred. I like the "crying" of the instruments, like some singers do with their voice, they tremble. It makes the lose sound more dramatic :)
That really sounds like an epic final battle :) By the way, I guess it should be easy to make it longer by repeating some of the loops as long as one wants to.
looks great, as most of your stuff. Thanks again!
Nice one, I wonder how I missed it! Although I think the skin is somewhat too grayish :)
Wow, this is an awesome collection. Thanks for you putting it here and of course huge thanks to the original author!
in the screenshots and the art gallery section of the website, I see the message
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
And see no images/artgallery. Using both FF3.6 and IE8