bluecarrot16's WIP LPC tilesets/collections
Hi all,
I've had a lot of LPC tilesets in various states of flux on my hard drive for a long time now. I've realized it takes me probably too long to get them out there, so I was inspired by Zabin to start this thread and post some of my WIP tilesets. Hopefully I can get feedback and prioritize sets to finish. I know AntumDeluge is working on converting a lot of assets for Stendhal, so hopefully I can also try to target things I'm already working on to his needs.
My interest (for some reason) is in creating thematic compilations of related assets, then filling in the gaps with similar-styled art, or remixing pieces that are already included. For this reason, all the images in this thread likely include multiple other contributors work, and should not be used until I have had a chance to properly attribute them. Don't download images from this thread and use them!
With that out of the way, I'd be happy to get your feedback and suggestions :) First images to come shortly...
Thanks guys, it's unfortunate that GPL is like that. If you do decide to do a boat, bluecarrot, it would be nice to have diagonal directions as well, to make a smoother sailing animation.
Draft of the much-requested LPC sailing ship! Deck parts designed to be modular to allow different sizes/configurations. Only one size mast and sail at the moment, but could definitely add others. Thanks to castelonia for supporting this work!
Nice! Thanks to both of you guys for adding so much to LPC. :)
Hand tools for farming! A hoe, for tilling soil, and a watering can... for watering... Thanks to SRWG for the commission! I'll be posting these soon. I also did a sketch of an improved shoveling animation, if someone is interested in that.
Made north- and south-facing hammering animations, which was a bit of a challenge, because if you look only at his arm, it is... not really moving how you would swing a hammer :p But I think it ended up working out OK actually! The motion blur and the little sparks kinda draw the eye away from the arm movement. This also makes me REALLY want to try doing an axe chopping animation, because I think 1--2 frames of motion blur could make for a really dynamic and convincing axe swing.
One problem is these animations force the issue of scale---whereas normally we can get away with things being approximately the right size, with these animations, the tables and such have to be exaclty the right height and the character in just the right position or it looks super strange, at least in certain directions. The anvils on the stone table/pedestal things are clearly too tall for the north-facing guy to hit. But if you mentally edit-out the stone table, he can just baaaaarely reach the anvil. I'll have to mess with this a bit.
I tried making a sawing and smaller hammering animation for the woodshop (very rough sketches), and realized the layers get a little tricky too... I think the south-facing sawing would work if the saw was moved to a separate layer on top of the workbench/planks (currently the layers are, bottom-to-top: character > workbench > planks). He can get away with hammering right now, but he's not quite standing in the right place. Not sure whether it's worth it to try and sort all this out. What do you think?
Awesome! I really like that sawing animation, it looks as if the animation was made for it. The scale with the hammers is a conundum, however, even if you can't find a sulution, they would still be useful. the shovel looks great as well.
oh my this is so cool again! The shoveling is also awesome, together with the watering animation, one can create great farmers :)
Near-final ship tileset, now with better sails and more options!
I have also finished all 4 directions and walking animations of the shovel, but as I was recording the preview image I decided it needed a few more tweaks... too late for those edits tonight, but here's what it looks like...
I have also been playing with some cooking-related animations: chopping with a chef's knife or cleaver, tossing food in a frying pan, and stirring a pot. Chopping definitely works, not so sure about the others yet... Other ideas for animations that could be shoe-horned into the existing motions?
Awesome! When they come out I'll have to pick back up Pages! :)
Hi all, a few updates -
1. I am adding some additional items for the ship tileset (crow's nest, jacob's ladder, railings, quarterdeck, some accessories); this will require a little re-organization. Since it's been a pain to keep this organized but still usable, I'm going to hold off a little bit on releasing until these items are done. I'm sure it will be worth it :)
2. I am nearing completion of a large and often-requested tileset: ruins and dungeons! Commissioned by pvigier (thanks!). Includes complete buildings, ruined walls, pillars/columns, staircases, and statues. There are two versions: desert and jungle; both have the same basic layout and elements. All tiles are 100% original, but will work well with the existing sets like the adobe town, ancient greek, and ancient roman tiles, as well as some statues from here.
I may also use this template in the future to build ruined castle tiles for more generic ruins if there is interest.
3. I will try to get around to releasing the blacksmith and tools packs soon! I had to re-organize some of the tiles so need to re-make the preview...
Ruins? Awesome! I also can't wait for that boat, it'll be nice to have the crowsnest and such to help detail it out, good idea!
Yeah! Realized I forgot to post the actual previews here...
Question on the ships: Any plans for gun ports or deck hatches?
--Medicine Storm
Yes to both, if by hatch you mean as below. Currently-planned additions to the ship: gunports (animated), anchor, steering wheel, coiled ropes, crow's nest, quarter gallery, jacob's ladder, fancier railings (done), grated deck hatch (done), animations for moving through water
Forgot to mention that castelonia also commissioned a freestanding cannon which is already completed (though these GIFs are missing a shadow for some reason).
--Medicine Storm
Those look awesome! Do you have plans for stairs on the sides of the pyramid?|
Also, those jungle statues are LEGIT! :) V
Since you asked so nicely...
Awesome! Those are going to be great, thanks! :)
Hi everyone,
As the year ends/begins, I am wrapping up a lot of projects and looking ahead to next year. I'd like to gauge interest in future LPC art packs.
Several of my existing submissions could use some attention and updates as well:
Of course, I still have a few projects in the pipeline from 2021 that I'm hoping to finish and release soon:
By way of disclosure, I am also soon planning to launch subscriptions on my Ko-fi page, . The gist is that subscribers will get early access to my completed art, as well as work-in-progress screenshots and updates via Discord. I will also have a standing pool of projects that anyone can sponsor for a reasonable price. All art will ultimately be released for free to everyone on OGA, as always!
Please let me know what sets you would be most interested in seeing! The suggestions last year were very helpful, and I think I made great progress adding lots of craft shops, ruins, and the sailing ship to the available LPC assets.
For the tilesets, I think it's worth looking carefully at what is actually needed. Camps, kitchens, farms, taverns and breweries can, I think, be reasonably constructed from existing assets, with perhaps just a few flavour items to round things out. Think a stag head on the wall, stacked barrels of wine with a tap.
More weapon animations (or animation variations, think slash, backhand slash, thrust all with a sword) and tool animations (especially if they don't need new animation frams but can cleverly reuse existing animation frames) would be awesome.
As for what I'd like to see: more animals! Sure, we have farm animals, some birds, a rabbit, a boar and a wolf, but wouldn't it be awesome if we had things like deer? Bears? Monkeys? I appreciate that'd be a lot of work though - and that's before considering that death and attack animations for those would be awesome too.
I was thinking about animals too, Evert, it woould be nuce to see some rg standards, like deer and bears.
Those tilesets look really cool bluecarrot! I think there's some steampunk related items in one of the atlases, you could probobaly get a pallete from those. The additional dresses sound really cool! I've always thought there hasn't been a medieval enough dress. Here's an idea for one, with the unhooped skirt and the bodice and the cap.
Hey! Personally i think some "realistic" plants and crops could really be useful for people, that and an expansion to your amazing workshop/crafts packs. By realistic i meant correlated to real species (non-fantasy) as that matches well with the crafts environments and even the chemistry machines set, if you think about it. The antique office one also seems intriguing, i made a pack with that exact theme once but i think it isn't very useful since it's not LPC themed and there aren't many other assets made in the same style.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Good points all around.
@Evert: any specific weapons or tools you'd like to see?
@FiveBrosStopMosYT: yes, this is exactly what I had in mind for the ladies clothing! Eliza started something similar years ago and I would like to finish it!
@YuriNikolai: are there some particular realistic plants/crops that you'd like to see? In terms of crops, there are a lot of items from my food pack that I could do, but I've definitely done the most common ones already... I would like to do some growing animations for herbs, which would be useful both as crops (e.g. for farming) and for foraging. For non-crop plants, I'd have to do some research/thinking to figure out what would be most useful... for most games, a bush is a bush. I can definitely imagine scenarios where the specific kind of bush would matter, but I'd appreciate some suggestions on which bushes (/flowers/plants/shrubs) would be worth drawing.
Do you have suggestions for expansions to the workshop/crafts packs? I think the next logical ones would be farm, camp, kitchen. Woodcutter/lumber mill? Stonecutter/quarry? Herbalist? MedicineStorm suggested bowyer/fletcher, magic emporium, those could be fun too.
@All: love the idea of having more animals, but to be honest I'm unlikely to do big animals like bears, deer, camels, etc. unless someone commissions them. It's just a ton of work; they're big sprites so each frame takes a long time, plus it would take me a lot of time looking at videos of the actual animals to get the movement right. Every once in a while, I look longingly at these great animations and think about it though. I will say that bear and deer have been requested numerous times so those would probably be first on my personal list.
Smaller animals are definitely doable though. I've been playing Stardew Valley with my partner recently and I love all the little wild critters. Plus just a few frames can add a ton of personality. I've often thought about revisiting the birds, cats, and dogs. One of my favorite pixel artists recently posted this, which was very inspiring.
Squirrel, rat, raccoon, fox, seagull, duck... fish?
Are there other animals you would like to see?
Fish in the water would be useful, as most games have fishing mechanics. They could be done fairly easily, probably just a 3 or 4 frame swimming animation. For specific types: Bass and Perch for Lakes, Salmon and Carp for rivers, and Sea Bass and Cod for Oceans. (Listed in that order below)
If it's not too late to give feedback on this, I would personally be most interested in the following, in order of most interest first:
*I think several of the tools I listed already exist, I just listed everything I am thinking of: stuff for mining, fishing, harvesting, farming, jewelry, device-disarming. I guess most of the smaller tools won't be needed as animated character items, just inventory icons probably.
--Medicine Storm
I think for fish in the water, there could just be a small/medium/large fish silhouette, like in Animal Crossing or similar. There are side view images of all those fish (and some others) for inventory etc. in the LPC Foods pack.
Never too late; I appreciate the feedback! Thanks also for your support on Ko-fi, your patronage definitely buys greater influence! XD
The ship currently only supports east/west (west is mirrored). North/south would certainly be possible to add. It would be some work but not a terrible amount---basically would need new bow/stern tiles, sails, ratlines, quarter gallery, and stairs, I think everything else could be re-used. Diagonal is not happening (sorry to whoever asked for that earlier :p)
Wield-able/character animated Shears, tongs, chisels, and pliers are all great ideas. I bet I can work those into the south-facing thrust animation, though might not work for east/west. Inventory items/tiles are definitely possible for those items that don't exist.
How about jeweler's magnifying glasses, or a face shield for welding/smithing, or goggles?
Oh, dear! I mean, that's good, though it was not my intent. :) If the consensus from everyone else is firmly divergent from my own preferences, mine should not overrule everyone else's... yet! ;)
Understandable about kiboshing the diagonal ship, but hopeful about north & south versions.
Ooh, good idea! I suppose a jewelers loupe would propably look like a monocle. Still, I like the idea of a loupe or magnifying glasses. Goggles, for sure! Even having nothing to do with jewelry, they apply to so many circumstances.
--Medicine Storm
Ooops! I intended to have the animals in my list as well. Most interested in game animals; deer, bears, boars are in the difficult category. but foxes(?), rabbits, ducks, birds in general, fish, and squirrels. Rats too, because everyone gets their first level-up from fighting rats! :D
--Medicine Storm
Thanks, great ideas for animals!
By the way, I am pleased to announce Memberships are live on my Ko-fi page: . Members get early access to my new art, (starting with the new LPC Sailing Ship, available now!), and members at higher tiers can choose from a set of discounted commission projects here . All art will ultimately be released under a free/libre license on OGA, as always. Thanks for your support!
@bluecarrot16 Plants for foraging seem like a cool idea! This reminds me of an academic movement from my country called PANC, which translates to something like "unconventional food plants", advocating for the reintroduction of many edible species that were once used but fell out of favour once industrialized agriculture took over. Resources from PANC organisations have loads of lists of forageable species, the ones i found are not in english but the scientific names and photos can give you a starting point if you wanted to pursue more research on unusual forageable species. Here's one such list of plants. Also, if you wanted to make specific bushes, maybe different types of berry bushes could be made with minimal work? Wikipedia has a list of culinary fruits divided by type, and they feature loads of berries i personally had never heard about.
Also, i have to mention my conflicts of interest! I have a spare-time project for creating assets depicting species, especially threatened ones, so I'm a bit biased towards representing real ones. Right now there's not enough material for people wanting to represent real-world biomes in games or science communication, but I'm not sure how much people would need such assets in more general-purpose games, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt :D
The animal crossing style fish are a good idea bluecarrot, here's a concept I made.
Thanks YuriNikolai! That is a great idea to focus on foragable plants. I found this Wikipedia article (which is not very comprehensive), as well as this neat website. (I definitely referenced that Wikipedia article on culinary fruits, as well as the List of Vegetables page while working on my Foods pack :p). Still seems like a huge list, I would love it someone could help prioritize for me ;-)
FiveBrosStopMosYT, that is great, exactly what I was thinking! Now you just need a biting/tugging animation (maybe?). And maybe it needs different directions, or maybe it just gets rotated in-engine?
I like the idea of having in-game flora be recognizable as IRL plants. I would be especially interested in IRL plants that have medicinal or mystical properties, not just as food. If such plants also have culinary uses, all the better! Garlic, for example, has all three:
Elder Scrolls games seem to do this sometimes. I always loved being able to recognize the in-game alchemical reagents based on my out-of-game knowledge of plants like aloe vera, ginko, flax, or bergamot.
--Medicine Storm
Yeah, bluecarrot, I might be able to do this myself! I'm not exactly happy with the animation yet, it almost looks like the fish is swaying in the water. As for a biting animation, it might be better to have the sprite dash forward each time it bites, then have the bobber sink when it does. Then mayde a swirly animation when it's pulled in.
I messed around in Piskel for a while, and was able to make it 4 directional by just rotating the frames and changing the lighting slightly. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Looks nice! Maybe adjust the shading so that it implies more of a 3/4 perspective than top-down? E.g. move the light-gray shading from the middle more towards the top.
Ok, is this what you meant?
More like this (I only edited the first frame for each direction). Very minor edit, but I think it makes the light source more clear and the object look more 3D as a consequence.
Ok, thanks, it looks much better now! I copied and pasted your changes on the other frames, I think it's pretty much done. Do you know of any programs that can scale it down to 16x16 for smaller fish?
Looks nice! I would just scale it down in whatever program you usally use (I use PyxelEdit for pixel art, Aseprite is also good; GIMP would work too, but make sure to set the interpolation mode to "None" or "Nearest Neighbor" so you don't get aliasing).
I am making a fishing animation for one of this month's commissions on my Ko-fi page; this will go nicely together!
Ok, awesome! I've been using piskel, but unfortunately it doesn't have scale down or tranparent pixels for shadowing. I've been meaning to find another program for a while now, I'll look into those. :)
Ok, I scaled it down to 16x16 in gimp and I'm pretty happy with the result. However, what first came out had a very square tail. I edited it a bit to make it pointier, but I'm not sure which one is best, what do you think?
did you use nearest neighbor? it looks antialiased to my untrained eye.
I don't think so, but when I put the image in piskel it came out with the right amount of pixels.
The scaled image has been anti-aliased; you did not enable nearest neighbor/disable filtering when scaling.
Zoom in on the image. Notice that instead of 5 distinct colors there are many shades of grey. This is due to anti-aliasing applied by the scaling algorithm. It makes the image not really look like pixel art anymore.
FYI, even with nearest neighbor scaling, you often need to hand-edit pixel art when you scale it. Prototype 2 looks better than 1 for this reason, although it still has anti-aliasing on the internal parts of the fish.
I'd be happy to keep giving feedback on this and/or other sprites, but maybe we should move the conversation to a different thread?
Ok, I see what you mean, I think after I fix the color problem it should be done, so no need to create a new thread, thanks. :)
Hello Good Afternoon Blue Carrot from other colleagues
I really liked the arts presented here, I really appreciate this type of arts, because I really like these types of RPG-like pixalized dolls, I was even impressed with the art of the blacksmith in the gif of [LPC] HAND TOOLS from his gallery where the link is:, which I even wanted to use.
I've even seen skull art of this type, and zombies but from what I understand I don't know how these licenses work, and I had the impression that maybe I can't use them. So I wanted to know if you could clarify my ideas and if these arts here from your gallery can be used by me, including the fishing rod, because I don't understand the licensing of these types of arts, and I wanted to know if these arts are only for games free or not, whether they can also be used in commercial games or not????
I even know some licenses like the one from colleague, which can also download/buy donation type but are free without danger to use and also from colleague KayKit_who offers packs and has support for downloading/buying donation type and has patren support but they are free without danger of using, my doubt is how many licenses in the same art CC04 and GPL varied type GPL2 and GPL 3,,,,, and OGA varied and sometimes both together?????
Hi MendongGkewadCarlos -
Glad you like the art!
1. Art that only appears in this forum thread is unfinished; please do not use it. In general, art that only appears on the forums (*) is not necessarily free to use.
2. All other art on this website* is free to use. See for details. Once my art is finished, I will upload it as a submssion and it will appear on my profile ; all art on that page is free to use in any game, commercial or otherwise, as long as your follow the other rules of the license for each piece of artwork.
3. You can find the license for any art on this website by looking at the left-hand side of the submission page; for example the license for is "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported" (or "CC BY-SA 3.0", for short). If you click on the license name, you can find a description of what the license allows/requires. You can also find that information here . If there are multiple licenses listed for a given asset, you can pick any of the licenses listed to follow.
Check out the rest of the FAQ here , it will answer many of your questions. If you still have specific licensing questions about one of my assets, please post a comment on the submission page for that asset. If you have general questions about licenses, what they mean, what you need to do to follow them, etc., please make a post in the forums here .
Good luck!