[LPC] Food
- !CO Assets
- AshenFarms
- Best summer / beach assets
- Brothers' Odyssey
- Cakes&Candies&Food
- Christmas Vacation
- Consolidated
- Encyclopedia Hortica Botanica | A farming game made with Godot and LPC assets
- EW 2021
- Farm assets
- Food
- Harvest Moon Roguelike
- HotFruits
- Icons
- Impyrean options
- Inspiration
- Larwick
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC - Special effects
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Collection
- LPC Game assets
- LPC Tiles
- LPC World Art
- LPContemporary
- OGA SUMMER JAM 2019 considered art
- PawMon LPC
- Pixel Icons & Items
- Random
- resources
- RPG Game
- RPG items (Pixel art)
- RpgMakerAssets
- Space Game
- Sprites
- Stendhal Potential
- Tale of Two Lands
- The Huge Food Collection
- Top Down 2d Knight Shmup
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- topdown tiles
- Vagabond's assets
- Vanguard
- [LPC] Collection
- [LPC] Farming
So many foods... This started as just fruits and vegetables, and rapidly got out of control. Includes fruits, vegetables, cheeses, eggs, nuts, bread/baked goods, seafood, and meat/poultry. The fourth version of each item is designed to fit inside several different containers, such as crates, boxes, baskets, or barrels.
See CREDITS-food.txt for a full list of everything included. Note also that additional licenses are available for many of the tiles---in particular, many tiles are licensed CC0.
There are crops with growing animations for many of the vegetables and fruits! See [LPC] Crops and [LPC] Fruit Trees. Want to commission more items for this set (or another project)? Send me a private message!
Update 2021-01-16 (Version 2): Added ~150 new items, mostly produce---namely grains/cereals, beans, herbs, and many fruits and vegetables. Several items also updated to better match the fruit trees and crops. Re-arranged significantly. Old version preserved as lpc-food-v1.zip

good foodies!!! yum yum!
munches everything like a big doggo
I love how you drew the bread especially,,
Great stuff as always
VERY impressive collection! Just one thing... why isn't there a blue carrot? XD
This will win! o.o
plenty of grub there. whos cooking? :)
Awesome! Great to have all these munchies grouped in one place.
Hi -- wanted to share that we've used some of these assets in a retro-RPG. Just posted the demo link & more info here:
Thx for making great artwork!
I literally did a cute "wow!" when I saw this. Thanks for making great artwork!
There are now animated trees available for many of these fruits: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-fruit-trees
And in case you missed it, there are crop growth cycles for many of the other fruits and veggies! https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-crops .
A small update for this set is coming soon with a few more fruits, vegetables, and baked goods, and some tweaks/fixes encountered while making the trees and crops.
bluecarrot16, I'm adding your icons to my CC0 Food Icons. But there are two images that I didn't find info for in the CREDITS-foot.txt. The first looks like blueberries, perhaps? The second is a cake. It looks similar to the other cakes you made & uses the same decoration as the braided pie. Could you give me the details of these two, if you created them & they are CC0, so I can include them?
Thanks. And all of these are beautiful.
Whoops! Yes those are both mine, CC0! Sorry, I will update the attributions file.
BTW, I am updating this set very soon, and have re-drawn several sprites, including the blueberries (attached). Still CC0.
Thank you blue. :)
Added your food:
I'll check back for updates.
Downsized and used some bread-related sprites for Ultimate Cataclysm tileset for Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead game in https://github.com/I-am-Erk/CDDA-Tilesets/pull/725 Please comment if the credits.txt is ok.
Thanks for the content pack! As a programmer without art skills, this is a truly massive boost for my current project.
I have a quick question regarding the CCO licensing. I've read the .txt file that shows the different artists and credits and such, but I'm unsure as to how I'd provide the credit. Can I use a blanket credit stating something like:
Credits for all food assets use go to: bluecarrot16, Daniel Eddeland (daneeklu), Joshua Taylor, Richard Kettering (Jetrel), thekingphoenix, RedVoxel, and Molly "Cougarmint" Willits
or do I need to credit each individual for each specific food used in my game?
Are you asking specifically about the CC0 licensed components? Not all of these are CC0 so these can only be blanket attributed under the terms of CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0.
If you're planning to only use the CC0 parts, you should probably identify which ones those are via the details in the credits.txt and attribute those specific authors instead of a blanket attribution of names that may not apply.
I'm currently using a mixture of the CC0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0. I'm just unsure on if I have to list the specific authors next to every single sprite I'd use for the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0 ones or if I can just say that the assets are from x ,y, z and then provide the link.
For example, let's say I wanted to use all the potatoes which have different authors. Would I need to say:
Credits for sweet potatoes, gold potatoes, and purple tomatoes go to bluecarrot16 and daneeklu (link)
Credits for russet potatoes go to bluecarrot16 and Joshua Taylor (link).
could I simply say:
Credits for all potatoes go to bluecarrot16, daneeklu, and Joshua Taylor (link).
I recommned going with the "Lowest Common License"
If you're using a mix of sprites from each of the licenses, then the common license is CC-BY-SA (or GPL) and you only need to credit them under those terms; You can just blanket the whole pack even if you aren't using every one of the sprites in the pack. Similar to your original suggested blurb. This is closer to the explicitly defined attribution instructions above:
EDIT: If you're only using the potato sprites and want a shorter attribution, then yes, you could list the attribution specific to the sprites, but you should also list the license and title.
Thanks so much! I will be using more than the potato sprites, that was just an example to better explain my question. This way sounds much easier than keeping track of each individual sprite for credit.