Progress pic thread! (Show us what you're working on!)
In the spirit of free and open collaboration, I thought we needed a place to show off what we're working on (and get criticisms hopefully)!
I decided to go with a Horror-theme myself, and start working on art assets inspired from different horror games, film and stories. While it could have trouble fitting in with the original art set, I like horror too much. And there aren't many libre Horror-focussed stuff, and even say, an RPG could hypothetically use bits of for more gothic/demonic areas.
First off I made a chain-link tile-set, inspired from the chain-link floors in Silent Hill.
While I like it, it's a bit too detailed for the rest of the art set. However I still have the xcf, so the noise etc can be fairly easily removed. (I'll find a place to upload the xcf)
Next I decided to start work on an animation inspired from the Jacob's Ladder head shake effect.
For those who don't know Jacob's Ladder (WARNING! YOU MAY FIND THIS DISTURBING!):
Also have an xcf, I'll get to finding places to upload them.
Comments/Criticism welcome! Or just post your own stuff!
Made a sampan (Chinese wooden boat) today and started on some water lilies some days ago. Also testing different water colors to find something more dirty :)
Yesterday I started to pixel a sika deer to fit my environment. Will try to make a walk cycle and some idle sprites later.
That's all for tonight folks
Started a simple zombie/ghoul type thing but lost motivation (8 frame walk cycle, WTF), so likely won't finish it. Here it is in case anyone wants to take it over.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
@Surt: Nice! You actually dont' have to go the full 8 to match the style guide. Enemy sprites only have 2 frames, so you could do less if you want.
@C.Nilsson: Great stuff! It's been fun to watch your tileset develop and grow.
Here are a couple of character sprites ( no animations yet). One of Xeon (see / and one of some sort of mage class (see
@surt: I think you should definitely finish the walk cycle, it looks great so far!
A couple of variations of my spearman work in progress:
The different parts are removable and reusable as usual. I will probably convert it to using a 128x128 grid later to give the spear more room.
If anyone is interested in an automated way of doing it, here is how to do it in ImageMagick:
convert male_walkcycle_64x64.png -crop 64x64 +repage +adjoin tile_%02d.png
montage tile* -geometry 64x64+32+32 -tile 9x4 -background transparent male_walkcycle_128x128.png
Obviously you need to adjust the -tile switch to match the layout you want.
Baldric was drawn as an example sprite, to test the base and for use in example screenshots. I never got a chance to kit him out fully before, but I've started now. So far, he's got walking poses.
@Wulax: Nice spearman I'm going to definately use that in my game
I made an eypatch last night hopefully I will finish my pirate clothes soon.
I'm playing around with some larger inventory images for fruits and vegetables. So far, they seem to be turning out ok.
Slashing animations for Baldric:
so, yeah. Only falling down and (by popular request) spellcasting to do.
@wulax: do you plan to create thrust animation for your archer and bow firing and slasing for spearman? It would be nice to have a bowman with chainmail or a spearman with leather clothing. In our current plan we would have 3 armor selection, cloth, leather and chain with (hopefully) different weapon selections.
@redshrike: baldrick is turning to be pretty good. Would you consider additional animations like thrust and bow
@cemkalyoncu: Sure, I was planning to do that. I just couldn't find the motivation until someone asked for it. I'll create them before the contest ends.
I am also planning to create some mounted units if I can find the time. First sketch:
This one is a 128x128 square image. I believe all the fighting sprites should be adaptable for use on a horse sprite with some modifications. We'll see.
@wulax: no one thought of mounted units, good idea and a pretty nice horse too. I wish programming part was a year or so :).
@cemkalyoncu actually, I requested mounted units in the art request thread before the start of the comp.
@wulax: encouraging to see you've mocked that up, because now I have hope that it might actually happen :D although he is so big, he will need 2 tiles
i'm probably going to have to shrink him for my game like fire emblem does
but it looks so good! your art is going to be so prominent in my game, thanks for everything you've made so far
Wow! A horse is a lot of work to animate correctly and he looks really good. It's too bad the perspective is side on, that's a lot of good stuff you'll have to redraw. Top down should be easier to animate though.
edit: I like the horse the way it is
imo it matches the character sprite well
gr3yh47: I'm not so sure about that. Notice the difference between the deer above and the horse. The horse is seen from the direct side, but the deer is seen from slightly above.
wulax: As I said on IRC, I think the style of the horse is phenomenal as is the rest of your work... well cone. pennomi is right though, the perspective is off. The deer is a great example of the perspective done right on a quadruped animal. I think it should be very possible to make the appropriate adjustments.
Loving the updates from everyone. mind == blown.
AKA paroneayea on freenode
A test on something more LPCish, inspired by Czapski Palace
@Wulax: As discussed on IRC, nice work on the horse!
@C.Nilsson: Nice work on the hoose!
Now he falls down. All that's left is spellcasting, plus or minus the other poses.
Last update for tonight
Didn't get to work on my mage set much, but I haven't been completely idle. I did the spellcast animation with a robe and started some separate accessories. The spellcast doesn't look too awesome by itself so I added a bit of motion blur and some quake animations from here (though it's not pixel art):
EDIT: My pictures are mangled for some reason but it appears you can click on them to see the animations.
@melior: that magic animation is groundbreaking (literally). Would you consider making heal and fireball?
Here's a quick heal animation, made with more of Clint's FLARE stuff here:
These aren't pixel art, though.
Hey guys, heres my work on the pirate I was working on!
Thats it for tonight.
@dethe @melior @ redshrike Great work, all of you. At some point can you guys release the source files with separate layers so we can pick and choose the layers we need?
@melior in peticular, really nice to see spell work. any chance you can make an ice and fire spell too? I am specifically looking for an ice beam or ice shards/spikes wave/rain/whatever, and a fire ball hadouken type thing, but will take anything i can get for fire and ice :)
@Cnilsson woah nice palace thing
I've seen a lot of pixel based RPGs that use non-pixel graphics for spells, so I think it'll be okay. I'm so glad there are so many people working on sprites! We're getting quite the variety of people this way.
@gr3yh47: I will definitely be submitting GIMP .xcf files with separate layers. I have robes, shoes, belts, belt buckles, necklaces, and hair all on different layers right now, and I'm hoping to figure out a way to add different headwear (circlets/crowns/tiaras and probably hats will be easy, but I'm not sure how hoods will work with the hair). I'm making an eye color overlay as well, in case you aren't a fan of the original. Long term I was thinking of making it into a web app eventually, where you can choose different colors of each item (or not include certain items) and download ready-made spritesheets. That probably wouldn't be until after the competition is over though.
As for spells, I can certainly continue to adapt what Clint has already posted on OGA from FLARE:
I guess non-pixel art spells are a possibility, but for my game I think I'd prefer a consistent look. I might just convert those things to pixel art, since that would be faster.
@melior: awesome!!! i could use either one of both the fire and ice examples. if i had to pick i like the freeze spell because it looks more distinct from the fireball. also the fireball and explosion could go together nicely, as separate sheets, to allow for splash damage animation. i do need a lightning spell too. you rock!
@EVERYONE: all of the coders seem to be in agreement that all of the artists are doing a fantastic job. We're so excited to have all of this to work with. thank you all for your awesome work!!! Keep it up!!!
Those spells look awesome melior, but i'd really love some sort of a Wind spell (I'm using the 4 basic elements, plus several extras like ice and thunder, so the animation would be welcome)
if he does wind i will add it to my game too :)
can someone convert the male hurt animation to include all 4 directions?
OK, here is the different layers for my pirate. I am sorry I did not post them yesterday.
brown pants
red bandana
and once it is all put together...
Hope you like. Myabe I will make him slashing next. CAN someone PLEASE make an axe?
@surt: why did you gave up your zombie? it looks very good! (and would fit perfectly in my game :))
would someone expand a bit more outside tilesets? i mean: some street tileset, some grass variations...
@daanelku: would you please make a version of your sandy tileset without water, so that it could be used also as a desert or something like that?
@dethe: I really like that pirate you've put together, I'm honored that you used my sword :). I look forward to seeing the pirate swing the sword. As for the axe you're requesting, I'm considering doing it, but I don't know if it would fit well with the slash animation (maybe backwards?).
As for the layers, I think it's easier to just post a link to an xcf (instead of having to export the layers individually), if you have hosting which allows xcf files that is.
@melior: good idea to export the flare magic spells. Seeing them I was inspired to do some magic myself.
I present to you, "turtle shell" and "snakebite":
EDIT: also a lion.
@daneeklu: WONDERFUL!!! would you make the four-directions frames for each spell (of course the turtle shell shouldn't need it...)
Nice job everyone!
I might create a usable animated horse before the contest ends but probably not. In any case I finished the missing animations for archer and spearman
I also made a rotating combat dummy as requested by Ablu on IRC:
Thanks daneeklu, I dont post xcf cause I make my stuff in pixelmator
@wulax: you are the best (and freaking fast) :)
O hi, i'm not participating, but i'm remixing some of the lpc assets for a platformer i'm trying to build and i kinda disliked the house doors so i made some on a more browser quest style
So in case it helps anyone.
(the hole on the first one is from the browserquest sprite sheet, it was just too sexy)
@dethe: no problem then, my bad for assuming everyone uses GIMP :P
@Buch: here's my latest sand tileset, with and without water. It might still be subject to change, but I think it's better now than before. As for the animations, I don't know. I might make topdown versions of the snake and fire lion, but that might be a lot of work and maybe I should focus on my fishing/farming tilesets. Anyways, I made an edit and recolor of the turtle shell, so it's an ice shield.
And I've finally continued working on the farming tiles a bit more. Here's some wheat in different stages of growth, as well as corn plants.
Windmill based on this. More work to do, not finished, 12 frames, 6 delay.
That is so amazing. Definitely going to have to include that in my village!
@C.Nilsson: Really nice render! What program did you use?
I started on a set of full plate armor:
With some plumes and padding, not happy with this one yet:
Are the body parts independent of each other?
i.e. in the game there should also be soldiers available without helmet (though it is very great!),
but the games would be much more interesting if the armor can be assembled per bodypart.
Wulax: Blender (internal render, 1 sample shadow raytracing on a sunlamp), gimp and imagemagick.
It's three renders from blender, one with light only, and two shadow passes, one for the ground for the #322125 color, and one for self shadowing (a bit more blue). Every frame is an object instance in the blender scene and every frame will need alot of cleaning and small correction after rendered, some flickering pixels to remove, some width correction since a nonfiltered render will choose "wrong pixels" to place stuff on sometimes.
Then its time for gimp, all renders needs to be put together in one file, colors need to be reduced, huefix and small stuff, all frames will be fitted to the sprites grid size, all errors will be fixed 12 times :)
Still alot of cleaning to do today, single pixels will be removed, shadows will be a bit simplified, fix colors on edges and small things like that. Some silhouette stuff and other thing you don't always get right from 3D.
About your knights, I love the boots and armor :) It gives a great feeling where all the joints are, well done!
Hey everybody, I saw this LPC and decided to try and make a game with the art, although I probably won't enter it cause I don't have nearly enough coding knowledge to this in the time, just doing it for fun. Anyways the game I have in mind is lovecraft-inspired so I needed more modern characters.
So far I have this towards walking sprite of some sort of professor or archeologist or what have you.
Gonna see if my patience and skills are enough to get the walking and dying sprite done (my game has no combat) And then I will try and make a female sprite just so players have the option.
Anyways, here is the xcf file so far with every clothing piece on separate layers. I will post again if I finish so everybody can use the characters or his clothing for their ideas.
@Anon1: Sure, this armor is split into following pieces:
Pretty much the same for the two other armor sets I have made.
@C.Nilsson: Thanks for the detailed explaination. I will have to try that procedure some day, though it sounds like a lot of boring work to correct the error pixels. :) Well done in any case.
@Anon2: Nice to see more modern clothing! I think the arms of the jacket should have more movement though.
OK, I have gotten Imagemagick working. here's my pirate animated:
And I made a staff for the casting animation:
now I will make slashing for the pirate, walking with the staff, different staves (fire, water, earth etc.) and more...
Hello again, it is me, anon#2, now with name!
Finished the professor sprite to a passable quality at least:
I edited the towards jacket a bit as per wulax's reccomendation
Going to take a breather and attempt a female from same era next oh and also death animation.
Anyways, here is the xcf file again, might be the same link but just in case:
One thing to note if you decide to use the flashlight: it's on three layers, flashlight has the bases for towards, away, and left and flashlight#1 has the light. Flashlight 2 is the right facing base.
OK, folks, here are the spell animations for Baldric.
Note: unless there is some particular request, I'll probably leave it at these animations.
I wondered about one very common thing in RPGs:
A woodpile, anyone?
Update with meat, some sacks, and updated grass tileset (and growing grass).
@Bertram: I might be able to do a woodpile if you like. Do you mean something like just a few logs/sticks stacked facing the same direction?