Just a quick news, this is still alive. Currently im making all the items declarations on my spare time; its a real chore which is making me lag behind on the development, after that ill realease an alpha/beta of what i have of the first arc to get some feedback and bugs reports.
I have been slowly adding more equipment, icons, enemies... across this past year; so far the worst is having to tailor to 3 different game styles (melee/ranged/magic) and balancing difficulty, while maps and art-wise is more straighforward and fun to me.
Yes, you would have to create each tree spot tho one by one, in the enemy attributes there is a %chance for enemy to appear. The thing is they will reppear after reloading the map, but you can make a cople of status triggers for that, like "cut" and "uncut".
No, i meant the one thumbnail people see at your submission, if you cut a single of those pics and make it the main one, the goblin will be easy to see. Rigth now people just see an almost black strip. Thats not good if you want more visibility.
A small advice, change the pic to show only the boar rider goblin, right now the small pic doesnt make justice to your work and many people migth overlook it.
Just a quick news, this is still alive. Currently im making all the items declarations on my spare time; its a real chore which is making me lag behind on the development, after that ill realease an alpha/beta of what i have of the first arc to get some feedback and bugs reports.
I have been slowly adding more equipment, icons, enemies... across this past year; so far the worst is having to tailor to 3 different game styles (melee/ranged/magic) and balancing difficulty, while maps and art-wise is more straighforward and fun to me.
So keep tuned, im slow but sure.
Another idea, a portal opens and we get invaded by fantasy world creatures, or the opposite, we invade them. It could fit any genre.
Very nice portraying of our cute poster girl
Yes, you would have to create each tree spot tho one by one, in the enemy attributes there is a %chance for enemy to appear. The thing is they will reppear after reloading the map, but you can make a cople of status triggers for that, like "cut" and "uncut".
No, i meant the one thumbnail people see at your submission, if you cut a single of those pics and make it the main one, the goblin will be easy to see. Rigth now people just see an almost black strip. Thats not good if you want more visibility.
A small advice, change the pic to show only the boar rider goblin, right now the small pic doesnt make justice to your work and many people migth overlook it.
I actually liked better the low-res ones, have you thought of rendering 3d to 2d models like they did in the earlies 2000s?
Those are pretty good, what did your customer used them into?
Somewhat unrelated, there was some kind of "patrol route" system, right? i remember a goblin cart going around circles in some map.
Go into "Creating a map in Tiled"