ITS DONE!!! After a year and half im finally done with a hopeful first and not last Act; balance may be off since its the first time i make something this big; I tested warrior class and it plays well, magician/archer probably need further balance. I would love to hear your opinions on the mod overall, problems, bugs, story...
Just a quick recap, i added over 11 new enemies with 35 variants (some of them are not used yet until its their turn), over 6 new songs, lots of new sounds, modified skills, a storyline, cutscenes... and many more. First act is a small homenage to Diablo; Start can be a tiny bit slow, please bear with the few NPC dialogs at first until you get to the carnage, being the opening act it has more text than future act. I stimate over 2 hours playtime without rushing, Warning! its harder than vainilla Flare and squishy classes can possibly have a bad time; if you decide to get the cheat items "Smugler Weird" sells them.
To play it, you need to unzip, move Heresy folder into Flare/Mods, run Flare -> configuraton -> Mods , in that screen at the left (Active mods) you need to have "Fantasy core" and "Heresy"
Updated Flare version for Linux (Thanks to Dorkster):
I almost forgot, there is a workaround to all these, you can make those new buildings as npcs. You have to declare them somewhere else (.txt files) and set up the collision map by eye, but its less painful if you just want to add a single building.
But as you can see, i added that whole cathedral and house as singles, uncut.
From my own experience, yes, you have to put down the whole thing piece by piece to look nice; no workaround i know of when using the vanilla sets (Ex: grasslands_structures.png). The "grasslands.png" you linked is mostly outdated, thats why it has the rotten tower. You should have a look into the art repository, tiled folder to see what recent modders used.
1) You can just import any .png you want and give it a full size or cut it into needed chunks. Tiled will ask you the model size while importing; so if its a .png of a house of 200x200 pixels, you input 200x200 and it creates a single "chunk", if its a file 1000x800, with multiples houses, each measuring 200x400; you input 200x400 and tiled will auto-cut those chunks into each house whole. Sounds weirds but its like that...
2)Not that i know of, i place them manually.
Im attaching an example of what i explained.
One more thing, adding more models than vainilla sets have, has a problem, you will need to create a new tileset definition so the models are shown ingame.
That is done with a phyton script "tilesetdef-generator" included somewhere in the repository; to keep things sane i just use extra buildings into city hubs and use vanilla sets for combat maps. That way i just have a handfull of "custom" maps with the need of a custom tileset definition. (oh, i almost forgot, you need to install python 2.7 for it to run)
I use it from windows powershell, capitals+rigth click over folder, so i dont have to add any directions, the script need to be inside the folder with the map, replace map name and done.
After that you have to put the created file into the folder "/tilesetdefs" of your mod (create it if you dont have it) and replace the set the map uses to your own:
tileset=tilesetdefs/tileset_grassland.txt > tileset=tilesetdefs/tileset_triston.txt (inside the map file saved into flare format)
Im telling you, Flare is not for faint hearted people, you should check all the questions in the forum where i stumbled into this knowledge.
Hello, im also making a mod for Flare but due to my uneven dev progress i dont update much; so far i made over 15 new enemies/31 total counting recolors/elemental versions. Ill release them all this summer along with my mod which is just pending of rebalancing enemies and minor details.
The new models are CC-BY-SA due to 3d base model inherited license, i hope you can use them if you decide to use Flare.
ITS DONE!!! After a year and half im finally done with a hopeful first and not last Act; balance may be off since its the first time i make something this big; I tested warrior class and it plays well, magician/archer probably need further balance.
I would love to hear your opinions on the mod overall, problems, bugs, story...
Just a quick recap, i added over 11 new enemies with 35 variants (some of them are not used yet until its their turn), over 6 new songs, lots of new sounds, modified skills, a storyline, cutscenes... and many more.
First act is a small homenage to Diablo; Start can be a tiny bit slow, please bear with the few NPC dialogs at first until you get to the carnage, being the opening act it has more text than future act.
I stimate over 2 hours playtime without rushing, Warning! its harder than vainilla Flare and squishy classes can possibly have a bad time; if you decide to get the cheat items "Smugler Weird" sells them.
To play it, you need to unzip, move Heresy folder into Flare/Mods, run Flare -> configuraton -> Mods , in that screen at the left (Active mods) you need to have "Fantasy core" and "Heresy"
Updated Flare version for Linux (Thanks to Dorkster):
and Windows:
Yes, i kind of though it would be like that, thanks for showing. Do you know something about the enemies scaling?
Im very interested into level scaling enemies and multilayer maps, could you tell me how you did it?
Thanks dorkster, ill try for the next custom map;
I reported it, worked fine. Im using firefox, maybe its your navigator?
I almost forgot, there is a workaround to all these, you can make those new buildings as npcs. You have to declare them somewhere else (.txt files) and set up the collision map by eye, but its less painful if you just want to add a single building.
But as you can see, i added that whole cathedral and house as singles, uncut.
From my own experience, yes, you have to put down the whole thing piece by piece to look nice; no workaround i know of when using the vanilla sets (Ex: grasslands_structures.png). The "grasslands.png" you linked is mostly outdated, thats why it has the rotten tower. You should have a look into the art repository, tiled folder to see what recent modders used.
1) You can just import any .png you want and give it a full size or cut it into needed chunks. Tiled will ask you the model size while importing; so if its a .png of a house of 200x200 pixels, you input 200x200 and it creates a single "chunk", if its a file 1000x800, with multiples houses, each measuring 200x400; you input 200x400 and tiled will auto-cut those chunks into each house whole. Sounds weirds but its like that...
2)Not that i know of, i place them manually.
Im attaching an example of what i explained.
One more thing, adding more models than vainilla sets have, has a problem, you will need to create a new tileset definition so the models are shown ingame.
That is done with a phyton script "tilesetdef-generator" included somewhere in the repository; to keep things sane i just use extra buildings into city hubs and use vanilla sets for combat maps. That way i just have a handfull of "custom" maps with the need of a custom tileset definition. (oh, i almost forgot, you need to install python 2.7 for it to run)
The tileset creator instruction is like this:
PS C:\Users\danim\Desktop\flare-engine_v1.11-68-gd1a5e854\mods\HERESY\tiled\grassland> py Act1Triston.tmx
I use it from windows powershell, capitals+rigth click over folder, so i dont have to add any directions, the script need to be inside the folder with the map, replace map name and done.
After that you have to put the created file into the folder "/tilesetdefs" of your mod (create it if you dont have it) and replace the set the map uses to your own:
tileset=tilesetdefs/tileset_grassland.txt > tileset=tilesetdefs/tileset_triston.txt (inside the map file saved into flare format)
Im telling you, Flare is not for faint hearted people, you should check all the questions in the forum where i stumbled into this knowledge.
Hello, im also making a mod for Flare but due to my uneven dev progress i dont update much; so far i made over 15 new enemies/31 total counting recolors/elemental versions. Ill release them all this summer along with my mod which is just pending of rebalancing enemies and minor details.
The new models are CC-BY-SA due to 3d base model inherited license, i hope you can use them if you decide to use Flare.
Thats prett cool, i always loved this kind of blueprint concep art; it make real nice reference for low poly modelling
Quite good, reminds me of good old "Dino crisis"