Thanks for adding an audio preview. Please make the audio file the first preview file, otherwise this looks like a 2D asset. People are unable to listen to it from the gallery page.
Maybe, but the original question seeks other people's preferences in order to make the game fun to more than one person.
If I like RPGs for the tactics, but my bf likes them for the story, it's possible to have a game we enjoy together. If I only selected the features I enjoy most, I would be playing alone a lot more. I don't dislike the story, of course, but it may not occur to me to give narrative elements importance unless I ask others what they enjoy about them.
Please do not use images as the first preview of an audio submission. It makes it impossible to preview the audio from the gallery page. Album art or other images are fine, so long as they are not the first preview file.
Updating the tags does not count as a submission. My instructions about tags in that post were unrelated to the rest of my comment on the asset removal topic. It was more of a "oh, and by the way, your tags are also in need of repair."... Both of which are entirely unrelated to Kenney's submission here. Sorry for the confusion. O_o
All licenses accepted on OGA allow for commercial use, which neccessarily comes with the ability to resell assets. I understand you are saying "please don't resell this pack unless it's in a game" but saying so makes the whole pack legally difficult to use at all, even in non-commercial projects.
It's pretty hard for someone to resell this pack successfully since the reseller would be required to link back here and license it CC-BY-SA. Anyone who might buy it from them would click the link, see that it's free, and not bother paying the other person for it. The point is, in order for it to be legally useable, they must be permitted to try.
Would you be willing to forego that stipulation? Until then I must mark this as having a licensing conflict.
Yes, these would make more sense as a visual novel kit with all the artwork on one submission instead of being spread out across several. Would you be willing to consolidate these assets?
Thanks for adding an audio preview. Please make the audio file the first preview file, otherwise this looks like a 2D asset. People are unable to listen to it from the gallery page.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Maybe, but the original question seeks other people's preferences in order to make the game fun to more than one person.
If I like RPGs for the tactics, but my bf likes them for the story, it's possible to have a game we enjoy together. If I only selected the features I enjoy most, I would be playing alone a lot more. I don't dislike the story, of course, but it may not occur to me to give narrative elements importance unless I ask others what they enjoy about them.
Please do not use images as the first preview of an audio submission. It makes it impossible to preview the audio from the gallery page. Album art or other images are fine, so long as they are not the first preview file.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
@theSKkid: the "tilesetplain_8x8.png" and "tilesetplain_16x16.png" in the .zip file are the non-samples.
Congratulations and thanks all who participated.
All medals awarded & Front page announcement updated.
Ah. It looks like your browser may be caching your own "preview.png" file and displaying it here erroneously.
Does anyone else see the wrong preview image here or do you see the following?
...What am I missing?
Updating the tags does not count as a submission. My instructions about tags in that post were unrelated to the rest of my comment on the asset removal topic. It was more of a "oh, and by the way, your tags are also in need of repair."... Both of which are entirely unrelated to Kenney's submission here. Sorry for the confusion. O_o
Great stuff, as usual, Kenney! :)
"you are free to modify... please don't modify"?All licenses accepted on OGA allow for commercial use, which neccessarily comes with the ability to resell assets. I understand you are saying "please don't resell this pack unless it's in a game" but saying so makes the whole pack legally difficult to use at all, even in non-commercial projects.It's pretty hard for someone to resell this pack successfully since the reseller would be required to link back here and license it CC-BY-SA. Anyone who might buy it from them would click the link, see that it's free, and not bother paying the other person for it. The point is, in order for it to be legally useable, they must be permitted to try.Would you be willing to forego that stipulation? Until then I must mark this as having a licensing conflict.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Yes, these would make more sense as a visual novel kit with all the artwork on one submission instead of being spread out across several. Would you be willing to consolidate these assets?EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Looks like a great start! :)
Though, why would this need to be a separate submission? Why not just an additional file on the "witch" submission?