Your own personal use in a game would be abiding by's license, but OGA might still be in violation for hosting it under an open license. Would you be willing to remove those specific textures? Use of Content:"6.3 You are not permitted to: ...
(h) release the Content or derivative products with Content under Open Source Licences;"
Despite the name of the site, it doesn't have to be used in a game. Youtube videos are fine. Since CC0 doesn't require direct attribution, you could always just include the URL to this page ( ) as the credit instead of "omfgdude".
ooh, nice. From the video, it looks like you've got all sorts of ships with modular attachments. How long did it take to make all those ship parts? Gorgeous game.
I see you've chosen cc-by-sa. That makes sense. In that case, I recommend changing the attribution text to say something like "Animated Knight Character by rgs_dev. If you use this, include a link to in your credits" because saying "credit is not required" is inaccurate; CC-BY-SA requires credit.
You should also remove the text in the downloadable files that says "don't resell or redistribute this asset." or make it clearer this is a request, not a requirement of the license. "I would prefer these assets not be resold or redistributed by themselves."
Sorry to be a stickler for the rules. I want to make sure there is no licensing conflict and that your work is protected as you want it to be.
There is no license here that forbids resale or redistribution. We feel those freedoms are necessary for the assets to be usable in games: developers need to be able to redistribute assets with their games as well as sell the games sometimes. Many times people say "well, selling/distributing them in a game is fine, but not by themselves", but there is not really any legal weight behind that. Any license that says that is usually either accidentally forbidding both, or accidentally forbidding neither. There are some EULAs that might accomplish that, but they're proprietary to a given site, and OGA is not compatible with them.
However, the CC-BY or CC-BY-SA licenses make it pretty ineffective for someone else to make any money by just selling your assets: they would be required to link back to this page anywhere they were selling it, their "customers" would click the link, see that it's available here for free, and not bother to pay the other guy.
P.S. as a game programmer rather than site admin, I'd love to share shaders with you. While this discussion continues, make a post in the programming forum; Upload your favorite shaders or share links! :)
Despite the name, opengameart isn't for hosting all things art. It's for hosting art assets. Specifically non-code assets. I get that scripts, shaders, and modules could be considered art or assets, but a few of the reasons for the soft distinction between code and [non-code art-based] assets is because 1.) There are already many free/open/game code sharing sites, but few free/open/game asset sharing sites. 2.) licensing and legal definitions often treat the two separately.
This isn't a hard and fast rule, so the suggestion is a possibility, but my initial reaction as a site Amin is "meh, not sure it's quite the right fit". I'm open to be convinced otherwise though.
Your own personal use in a game would be abiding by's license, but OGA might still be in violation for hosting it under an open license. Would you be willing to remove those specific textures?EDIT: Thanks! :)
Previews may contain non-free content not intended to be shared under the same license as the contents of the .zip archive:
Let me know when this game is out of WIP status.
Despite the name of the site, it doesn't have to be used in a game. Youtube videos are fine. Since CC0 doesn't require direct attribution, you could always just include the URL to this page ( ) as the credit instead of "omfgdude".
ooh, nice. From the video, it looks like you've got all sorts of ships with modular attachments. How long did it take to make all those ship parts? Gorgeous game.
I see you've chosen cc-by-sa. That makes sense. In that case, I recommend changing the attribution text to say something like "Animated Knight Character by rgs_dev. If you use this, include a link to in your credits" because saying "credit is not required" is inaccurate; CC-BY-SA requires credit.
You should also remove the text in the downloadable files that says "don't resell or redistribute this asset." or make it clearer this is a request, not a requirement of the license. "I would prefer these assets not be resold or redistributed by themselves."
Sorry to be a stickler for the rules. I want to make sure there is no licensing conflict and that your work is protected as you want it to be.
There is no license here that forbids resale or redistribution. We feel those freedoms are necessary for the assets to be usable in games: developers need to be able to redistribute assets with their games as well as sell the games sometimes. Many times people say "well, selling/distributing them in a game is fine, but not by themselves", but there is not really any legal weight behind that. Any license that says that is usually either accidentally forbidding both, or accidentally forbidding neither. There are some EULAs that might accomplish that, but they're proprietary to a given site, and OGA is not compatible with them.
However, the CC-BY or CC-BY-SA licenses make it pretty ineffective for someone else to make any money by just selling your assets: they would be required to link back to this page anywhere they were selling it, their "customers" would click the link, see that it's available here for free, and not bother to pay the other guy.
Looks identical to the download file. I'm guessing it worked(?) let me know if it's giving you errors.
Loving the style! I agree with Shadewing. Very Cavestoryesque
P.S. as a game programmer rather than site admin, I'd love to share shaders with you. While this discussion continues, make a post in the programming forum; Upload your favorite shaders or share links! :)
All game code is art.
Despite the name, opengameart isn't for hosting all things art. It's for hosting art assets. Specifically non-code assets. I get that scripts, shaders, and modules could be considered art or assets, but a few of the reasons for the soft distinction between code and [non-code art-based] assets is because 1.) There are already many free/open/game code sharing sites, but few free/open/game asset sharing sites. 2.) licensing and legal definitions often treat the two separately.
This isn't a hard and fast rule, so the suggestion is a possibility, but my initial reaction as a site Amin is "meh, not sure it's quite the right fit". I'm open to be convinced otherwise though.