Don't forget to include the attribution for AntumDeluge and Diarandor in the Copyright/attribution Notice section. I know you did indicate it in the description, but it's also a good idea to indicate them in the same place you're listing your own attribution since this is CC-BY-SA.
The LPC set is based on 32x32 tiles, so - although many features like large buildings do not fit within a single 32x32 tile - they should always conform to multiples of 32. I generally use GIMP to splice out large multi-tile sprites like that:
View menu > Show Grid, also View menu > Snap to Grid.
Select the rectangle tool [R]
draw a selection box around the sprite(s) you want to splice out.
Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V all the standard copy/paste shortcuts. put it wherever you want or
File menu > New, choose the resolution of the sprite you copied to clipboard
paste it into a new image.
File menu > Export As...
I'm sure there are plenty of free imaging tools for splicing out large multi-tile sprites. Perhaps some other artists around here will suggest something that works even better. I think Tiled supports mulit-tiled sprites in a spritesheet in an even simpler way, but I'm not sure it's useful for extracting the sprites, more for manipulating the sprites and using them in a level/map based on the tileset. Still, I believe there are lots of documented methods of importing Tiled maps into Unity.
Apologies, I thought you were talking about an issue with the site's Search function. The default Search settings are only "2D" and "Sort by: Favorites" when you click "Browse 2D Art". Which is as it should be, since most new users wanting to browse 2D art are looking for the most popular stuff, not the newest stuff.
Otherwise, the default Search bar (upper-left of site) is by relevance. The "Latest Art" link is visible from the central section of the front page. See screenshots below for details.
Incidentally, if you're looking for the newest art on the site, using Search and searching for nothing isn't the way to do that. (I mean you can; "sort by post date desc", but that isn't the easiest way, especially if you already don't like fiddling with search parameters) The Latest Art category is available right from the front page:
Search pulls up your favorites? or it is showing results sorted by total favorites? The default search settings do not search a user's favorites only. There is a "sort by" option that includes "favorites", but the default is, again, not by favorites. It is by relevance.
Can you go to this link, then take a screenshot of the "advanced search" area on the left?
That looks great! Thanks. :)
Don't forget to include the attribution for AntumDeluge and Diarandor in the Copyright/attribution Notice section. I know you did indicate it in the description, but it's also a good idea to indicate them in the same place you're listing your own attribution since this is CC-BY-SA.Please use an audio file as the first preview. The fruity loops image is interesting, but impossible for people to hear.EDIT: Fixed, thanks!
The LPC set is based on 32x32 tiles, so - although many features like large buildings do not fit within a single 32x32 tile - they should always conform to multiples of 32. I generally use GIMP to splice out large multi-tile sprites like that:
I'm sure there are plenty of free imaging tools for splicing out large multi-tile sprites. Perhaps some other artists around here will suggest something that works even better. I think Tiled supports mulit-tiled sprites in a spritesheet in an even simpler way, but I'm not sure it's useful for extracting the sprites, more for manipulating the sprites and using them in a level/map based on the tileset. Still, I believe there are lots of documented methods of importing Tiled maps into Unity.
Fun! I was only able to get a score of 79, but I enjoyed it. This is the first non-lethal space shooter I've ever played. Well done! :)
Apologies, I thought you were talking about an issue with the site's Search function. The default Search settings are only "2D" and "Sort by: Favorites" when you click "Browse 2D Art". Which is as it should be, since most new users wanting to browse 2D art are looking for the most popular stuff, not the newest stuff.
Otherwise, the default Search bar (upper-left of site) is by relevance. The "Latest Art" link is visible from the central section of the front page. See screenshots below for details.
Incidentally, if you're looking for the newest art on the site, using Search and searching for nothing isn't the way to do that. (I mean you can; "sort by post date desc", but that isn't the easiest way, especially if you already don't like fiddling with search parameters) The Latest Art category is available right from the front page:
Wait, what?
Search pulls up your favorites? or it is showing results sorted by total favorites? The default search settings do not search a user's favorites only. There is a "sort by" option that includes "favorites", but the default is, again, not by favorites. It is by relevance.
Can you go to this link, then take a screenshot of the "advanced search" area on the left?
Have you seen ? Might not have everything, but I bet it'll give you a good start. All icons are svg so all sizes are available.
That fan's body is now under the terms of the GPL. :P