The names of the different contributors fill follow underneath my name, but there will be a disclaimer at the top of the roll pointing to the credits file.
Interesting MedicineStorm, I was actually getting prepared to redraw everything. Guess I have to make a choice now...
I was actually going to include a credits file with all the links included anyway. And it turns out making clickable links isn't that hard in Game Maker after all..... well, guess I've got something to think about now.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - 03:05
I wrote to you on discord about that line of code.
Also, I'm aiming to get the new art style ready in time I guess, but I just don't know, so it would be nice to know if not I guess.
@chasersgaming if that "one line of code" relies on execute_shell, that function was deprecated.
I guess I have an excuse to redraw the art style now, and I will probably try and do so. Will that be in time for the jam, though? -We'll have to wait and see.... as all the maps also need to be reworked due to the different tilesets coming into use and such. Anyways I'm gonna try and salvage the scraps and I'm not giving up on the game in general, but I doubt that I can be ready in time.
@Saliv, no idea what you're referring to by saying
"everyone has either reached some difficulties or is playing too small"
but having to go through all that legal mumbojumbo makes me think that
1. I'll actually give up on the game jam entirely and share this only with the fur community
2. I'll actually try and redraw the LPC assets, but that means I'm no longer using those 6 OGA assets meaning I will also have to give up the game jam.
One thing that's for sure is that I'm not gonna spend the majority of the month trying to find a mechanism to incorporate a webpage launcher into the game.
@VinnNo.0 I guess mechanically my game does resemble Undertale a bit, but the story, themes and feel couldn't be more different I think. This game also has much fewer battles than even Undertale had (there are actually no battles at all yet), which actually wasn't even that many compared to those stereotypical "mediocre RPG maker games" you mentioned. The music in Undertale is indeed amazing, and I hope I can get a good soundtrack as well, of course nowhere near as good as that but still :) glad you like the idea, but the version of the game to take part in the jam will probably have lots of stuff missing from it compared to a possible full realization of the idea.
And hey, don't feel bad about cheap dialogue if the writing is interesting! In my game, cheap dialogue is the name of the game, there's barely any sort of action tbh. Just like in Undertale I don't want constant mindless murdering to be the solution to every problem you face, but on the other hand a branching system where you can choose to kill anyone or not like in Undetale would just be way, way too ambitious for something made in one month, also it's another game's gimmick so yeah. ^^
So I can do something like this and it will work?
The names of the different contributors fill follow underneath my name, but there will be a disclaimer at the top of the roll pointing to the credits file.
@withthelove yeah apparently it isn't that difficult, I was afraid I was gonna have to incorporate a HTML parser into the game and that would be.
Interesting MedicineStorm, I was actually getting prepared to redraw everything. Guess I have to make a choice now...
I was actually going to include a credits file with all the links included anyway. And it turns out making clickable links isn't that hard in Game Maker after all..... well, guess I've got something to think about now.
I wrote to you on discord about that line of code.
Also, I'm aiming to get the new art style ready in time I guess, but I just don't know, so it would be nice to know if not I guess.
@chasersgaming if that "one line of code" relies on execute_shell, that function was deprecated.
I guess I have an excuse to redraw the art style now, and I will probably try and do so. Will that be in time for the jam, though? -We'll have to wait and see.... as all the maps also need to be reworked due to the different tilesets coming into use and such. Anyways I'm gonna try and salvage the scraps and I'm not giving up on the game in general, but I doubt that I can be ready in time.
@chasersgaming the rules aren't hard.
@Saliv, no idea what you're referring to by saying
"everyone has either reached some difficulties or is playing too small"
but having to go through all that legal mumbojumbo makes me think that
1. I'll actually give up on the game jam entirely and share this only with the fur community
2. I'll actually try and redraw the LPC assets, but that means I'm no longer using those 6 OGA assets meaning I will also have to give up the game jam.
One thing that's for sure is that I'm not gonna spend the majority of the month trying to find a mechanism to incorporate a webpage launcher into the game.
Ah, thanks!
@VinnNo.0 I guess mechanically my game does resemble Undertale a bit, but the story, themes and feel couldn't be more different I think. This game also has much fewer battles than even Undertale had (there are actually no battles at all yet), which actually wasn't even that many compared to those stereotypical "mediocre RPG maker games" you mentioned. The music in Undertale is indeed amazing, and I hope I can get a good soundtrack as well, of course nowhere near as good as that but still :) glad you like the idea, but the version of the game to take part in the jam will probably have lots of stuff missing from it compared to a possible full realization of the idea.
And hey, don't feel bad about cheap dialogue if the writing is interesting! In my game, cheap dialogue is the name of the game, there's barely any sort of action tbh. Just like in Undertale I don't want constant mindless murdering to be the solution to every problem you face, but on the other hand a branching system where you can choose to kill anyone or not like in Undetale would just be way, way too ambitious for something made in one month, also it's another game's gimmick so yeah. ^^
I am happy with the game and I like it......