How nice! The original font always had a problem with not being readable enough, but this edit makes it much clearer.
Your graphics have improved a lot! It's delightful in its simplicity to look at. Looks like you are using my font though, but nothing wrong with that, it was made to be used.
It is.
Congratulations on the completion of your game and best of luck to it!
I will message you shortly.
Well glad you like it!
I have no idea, but if it has to do with the contents of the actual song, that would be very surprising.
It looks very good. Lovely DOS or Amiga game feel.
Indeed it is :3
Konami style!
The first is plenty enough indeed.
How nice! The original font always had a problem with not being readable enough, but this edit makes it much clearer.
Your graphics have improved a lot! It's delightful in its simplicity to look at. Looks like you are using my font though, but nothing wrong with that, it was made to be used.
It is.
Congratulations on the completion of your game and best of luck to it!
I will message you shortly.
Well glad you like it!
I have no idea, but if it has to do with the contents of the actual song, that would be very surprising.
It looks very good. Lovely DOS or Amiga game feel.
Indeed it is :3
Konami style!
The first is plenty enough indeed.