Even though, I don't really think this is doing anything different. It feels more like an attempt at making an RPG but the classic tropes are just missing with no real 'meat' to replace them-
I know, it's just not the textbook definition of "a good game", and I think if you don't care about the characters you would probably find it a boring and tedious game, also because of the incomplete world where there really isn't much to do. I enjoy it myself, but that's because the characters are my little babies and I just love to see them do stuff on the screen, but I don't think other people will have the same attachement.
@chasersgaming, what you say actually makes my job a lot more difficult.... I'm not sure how to make a fullscreen application lose focus in such a way that a webpage could be brought up :p
And the game actually isn't that good tbh, it's more of an excuse to put me and my friends' fur oc's into something rather than anything with interesting mechanics of any kind, or challenge...
@withthelove Thanks, it doesn't really matter to me if it's innovative or not ^^ also please don't expect a lot of battles in this game, because there really isn't~
Something unrelated, I've so many assets used in this game that require me to link to some page, is this something which has to be done from inside the game itself?
My game has swimmng in it!! Chasersgaming you're a blatant liar XD
It can be fun and nostalgic to look back at your old stuff :D you also did many cars and such.
Even though, I don't really think this is doing anything different. It feels more like an attempt at making an RPG but the classic tropes are just missing with no real 'meat' to replace them-
I guess we'll see ^^ gotta believe I guess.
Glad you like it, oh yeah you did use to make lots of vehicles.
I know, it's just not the textbook definition of "a good game", and I think if you don't care about the characters you would probably find it a boring and tedious game, also because of the incomplete world where there really isn't much to do. I enjoy it myself, but that's because the characters are my little babies and I just love to see them do stuff on the screen, but I don't think other people will have the same attachement.
@chasersgaming, what you say actually makes my job a lot more difficult.... I'm not sure how to make a fullscreen application lose focus in such a way that a webpage could be brought up :p
And the game actually isn't that good tbh, it's more of an excuse to put me and my friends' fur oc's into something rather than anything with interesting mechanics of any kind, or challenge...
@withthelove Thanks, it doesn't really matter to me if it's innovative or not ^^ also please don't expect a lot of battles in this game, because there really isn't~
Something unrelated, I've so many assets used in this game that require me to link to some page, is this something which has to be done from inside the game itself?
I want to use this!
Looks so good!
I'll use this!