As for "getting feeling into the song with a mouse", I guess that's arguable but you are kinda right. Keyboard playing would probably be better for "feeling" like you said, but having control is also important imo, and there are ways to give notes entered with the mouse an acoustic feeling, I'm not an expert on how tho. It does make a lot of difference whether you want your music to sound acoustic or whether you don't mind it sounding "electronic" and "gamey", obviously, yeah I don't know.
if you'd like to send me what you have, feel free to!
I have a bit of a hard time figuring out what I want to say here :P I think the song's rhtyhm is confusing, this distracts the listeners attention and makes the song kind of unfit for a calm background theme, but there are so many ways to make different rhythms and I can't say which one you would like or want the best?
I think maybe you should place the notes you want with the mouse instead of recording with a keyboard to start out, this will give you a more visual indication of the time signature, because as you stated yourself, judging from this song it does not seem like you are sure how to measure it. (if you already used the mouse for this I'm sorry, it just doesn't sound like you did)
I guess if you want to, we can build up a song together, sharing the flp or midi files back and forth. I have plenty of time for this today and I think it could be fun. It would be easier over discord though. What do you think about this idea? You don't need to credit me or use this song in your game or anything, it would just be an example project.
That won't be too easy if I don't know what you know, or how much experience you have, but I could start by asking you what you used to record this, to make sure we're even using the same program. Also I would like to ask you what time signature your song is supposed to be in. And if I get too annoying and smartassy you need to say ^^
I don't know what to say, I think your problems can be fixed, but in order to analyze and explain this I will kinda need to be harsh towards your song, I feel.
And I don't wanna pretend like I know a "right way" which is better than yours. There is no right way to make music after all.
Well it's like with music like so many other things, how "good" you are depends highly on who you compare yourself to, I mean none of my tracks are that great either?
I would like to hear your songs tho. Maybe I can help with some ideas or something.
And while your automated music engine seems like an interesting idea, I highly doubt it will be able to create good or coherent songs, but we'll see :)
I personally did not like this or any other automated music generators, the music they make sounds very samey to me, with no real sort of drive or interest to it, if you get what I mean.
Sorry about this late reply, turns out I didn't have as much time as I thought. :P
This is discord, it's a chatting system that everyone seems to use nowadays.
My discord tag is Kir#6354.
As for "getting feeling into the song with a mouse", I guess that's arguable but you are kinda right. Keyboard playing would probably be better for "feeling" like you said, but having control is also important imo, and there are ways to give notes entered with the mouse an acoustic feeling, I'm not an expert on how tho. It does make a lot of difference whether you want your music to sound acoustic or whether you don't mind it sounding "electronic" and "gamey", obviously, yeah I don't know.
if you'd like to send me what you have, feel free to!
I use FL studio as well, so that's good. :)
I have a bit of a hard time figuring out what I want to say here :P I think the song's rhtyhm is confusing, this distracts the listeners attention and makes the song kind of unfit for a calm background theme, but there are so many ways to make different rhythms and I can't say which one you would like or want the best?
I think maybe you should place the notes you want with the mouse instead of recording with a keyboard to start out, this will give you a more visual indication of the time signature, because as you stated yourself, judging from this song it does not seem like you are sure how to measure it. (if you already used the mouse for this I'm sorry, it just doesn't sound like you did)
I guess if you want to, we can build up a song together, sharing the flp or midi files back and forth. I have plenty of time for this today and I think it could be fun. It would be easier over discord though. What do you think about this idea? You don't need to credit me or use this song in your game or anything, it would just be an example project.
That won't be too easy if I don't know what you know, or how much experience you have, but I could start by asking you what you used to record this, to make sure we're even using the same program. Also I would like to ask you what time signature your song is supposed to be in. And if I get too annoying and smartassy you need to say ^^
I don't know what to say, I think your problems can be fixed, but in order to analyze and explain this I will kinda need to be harsh towards your song, I feel.
And I don't wanna pretend like I know a "right way" which is better than yours. There is no right way to make music after all.
"There aren't enough ladies in games" ~ Highly debatable statement imo.
These are actually quite good!
Why did I hate them so much back then *bites lip*
Damn Falanca was not even that much better than me I feel now >_>; ....and I actually paid him quite a lot *bites lip*
... Not that I really regret it tho. I just wish I had a little more faith in myself sometimes, anyways, I'm rambling again
I know, many of my songs are like this, or similar to this, I'm getting very stale I feel. :P
In game maker studio, isn't it fairly self explanatory? Surely you must know how to load a sprite into the program?
But I might just not understand how to use them probably.
Well it's like with music like so many other things, how "good" you are depends highly on who you compare yourself to, I mean none of my tracks are that great either?
I would like to hear your songs tho. Maybe I can help with some ideas or something.
And while your automated music engine seems like an interesting idea, I highly doubt it will be able to create good or coherent songs, but we'll see :)
Is it somehting like this that you've also coded?
I personally did not like this or any other automated music generators, the music they make sounds very samey to me, with no real sort of drive or interest to it, if you get what I mean.