There are no standards unless you are developing for specific hardware (really only if were talking very old hardware) or engine.
If you want it to be widely useful that the best bet is to keep it as simple and easy to use as feasible.
For example a platformer could have one in front of sprites foreground layer, one behind sprites forground layer plus an optional parallax background layer which should be sufficient for most cases. This would allow for grass drawn infront of a character's feet and a ladder drawn behind the character.
Hey that's pretty cool. I'll see if I can work up the motivation to do more on this after the PDJ. I'm surprised the tiles work passably against a light background.
I never got the impression that there was any ceiling tile there. I'm confident these are just meant to be thin walls.
This is sweet stuff but the scale looks quite off for OPP:
I think he may have a hard time walking through that door.
Tried a couple of racer portraits.
There are no standards unless you are developing for specific hardware (really only if were talking very old hardware) or engine.
If you want it to be widely useful that the best bet is to keep it as simple and easy to use as feasible.
For example a platformer could have one in front of sprites foreground layer, one behind sprites forground layer plus an optional parallax background layer which should be sufficient for most cases. This would allow for grass drawn infront of a character's feet and a ladder drawn behind the character.
Hey that's pretty cool. I'll see if I can work up the motivation to do more on this after the PDJ. I'm surprised the tiles work passably against a light background.
You reckon sprites to fit 64*64 would be a suitable pixel scale?
All vehicles traction driven for consistent physics, or hovery stuff too?
How about something along these lines:
Seperate sprites for weapons drawn on top of vehicle. EGA global palette.
bart: Single frames? Sold!
Any theme in mind? Realistic? Sci-fi?
The poses look very Turrican-esque.
madmarcel: If you want much in the way of animation then I won't be much use to you. Those characters work really well.
foz: Still plan to finish off those characters but probably not on time for the PDJ.