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Making and playing games are great hobbies. On terms of global importance, though, these things are pretty small.
This week four important individuals became backers of Justin Nichol's Fantasy Portrait Marathon:
- Mike Linksvayer, Vice President of Creative Commons
- Joi Ito, CEO of Creative Commons
- Lawrence Lessig, founding board member of Creative Commons and former board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Richard Stallman, founder of GNU and president of the Free Software Foundation
I'm thrilled that their portraits will appear as NPCs in Flare. In return, I support these important organizations and I hope you will as well.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons (CC) is an organization that creates art content licenses which allow creators to give various permissions to users. These licenses are a valuable part of our remix, mash-up, and sampling culture.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) fights for user rights the world over. They focus on issues like internet free speech, privacy, and fair use.
Free Software Foundation
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) promotes computer user freedoms through licenses that grant and protect freedoms, free software development, and campaigns against DRM and software patents.
- Clint Bellanger's blog
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If you're reading this blog entry, there's a good chance you've noticed we've reached out current fundraising goal to purchase the two excellent 3D models I blogged about previously! I'm currently waiting to receive a check pledged in the mail -- once that clears, I'll make the purchase and post the models on the site.
In the meantime, it's time to put up the next donation goal: $200 for a double set of spell icons by eleazzaar (picture shown to the left is from the very popular first set, which OGA commissioned last month). The new icons icons will include:
ice shards flying
boulder(s) flying through the air
entangling thorny vines
Beam of light (all nine colors)
Speed boost
- ~6 more sets (depending on number of colors)
- Frames for the icons
Contributors of $40 or more may specify a spell idea to be included in the set (3 power levels, in 3 colors of the artist's choice). We'll keep the list up to date as it's being expanded.
UPDATE: Here are some preview images from the next set, already in progress:
- bart's blog
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I'll be honest here -- OGA accepts Paypal because it's relatively cheap and a lot of people use it. We withdraw our Paypal money every month so as to prevent massive losses if they happen to arbitrarily decide to freeze our account, as they have been known to do in the past. It's one of those annoying practical decisions that you have to make when you run a community website -- risk dealing with Paypal, or lose out on a lot of donation money. As things stand, OGA will continue to accept money by Paypal until few enough people use it that it makes sense to stop.
All that being said, there are plenty of people out there who would prefer not to deal with Paypal at all, and we're now providing an alternative for these folks: Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual currency that can be exchanged from person to person without going through any kind of central authority. You can exchange Bitcoins either by running your own P2P bitcoin client, or going through a site such as, which takes care of that for you. You can read more about it on their site -- they explain it far better than I can.
If you want to donate Bitcoins to OGA, you can go through money of the many exchange sites and purchase some with various payment methods and then send them to OGA. At the moment, Bitcoins are currently exchanging for 20 to 23 cents apiece.
If you're an artist and you'd prefer to accept Bitcoins as payment for a commission, we'll be happy to accomodate you.
As a final note, I should point out that we're offering Bitcoins as a donation option. OGA will, for the forseeable future, continue to accept Paypal. If you'd prefer to avoid dealing with Paypal and don't want to use Bitcoins, we can arrange other donation methods, such as money order or bank transfers.
Reminder: OGA is currently taking donation money to pay for for this commission, which will be released by the artists when we reach our goal of $220.
- bart's blog
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Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up about the status of OGA 2.0. Drupal 7 and its modules have come a long way in the last several months, and it's at the point where I can set it up and play around with it without it barfing all over the place. That being said, there's still one crucial module with an outstanding bug that's preventing me from getting a serious start on the OGA 2.0 codebase. Once that's fixed, I'll start working on the alpha version.
- bart's blog
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I was recently contacted by a 3D artist who would like to sell the community the models in the attached picture for a total of $220 ($130 for the executioner and $90 for the lizardman). I have the .blend files in my possession for previewing purposes, and I can verify that both of these models are rigged and ready to go. Also, given what I know about 3D art, I would normally expect to pay a good deal more for models of this quality.
Unfortunately my budget is really tight this month due to some family circumstances, so I can't just purchase it myself, and all of donated commission money has already been allocated to other commissions. So, what I'd like to do is see if people will be willing to donate money to pay to liberate some existing art. I'm going to change the donation goal for the month to $220, at which point we will purchase both models. If we don't reach this by the end of December, I'll just continue the donation drive into January, and so on.
I'd be interested to hear peoples' thoughts on this process. If it turns out to be a good way to raise commission money, we may do it again in the future.
Note: If we can manage to raise the funds in the next two weeks, he'll also include the nude version of the executioner model (as seen in the last image).
Click for full size (now with wireframes):
- bart's blog
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