That's kind of the thoughts I had too. I was thinking in the forest if there's a camp fire scene we now have a camp fire and optionally a boiling pot! If we wanted to make something look old we could also discolor or blanch some furniture and turn it sideways so it looks like it's old and forgotten, then we could add spider webs around to add to the effect.
Would you be willing to give Tiled another try? I'll setup some tilesets we can share and I'll send you a Tiled save file that has everything setup so all you have to do is read the documentation on (assuming you haven't already). I found making a game map with Tiled was ridiculously easy, maybe it was just me.
Sharm finished the first set of graphics I commissioned her to craft. It's a dungeon elements set. If you're interested in seeing what she made you can find it as one of my uploads. She's working on an adobe building set now, she might make an outdoor decorations set before/during/after the adobe building stuff depending on her schedule and interest level.
Tiled is definitely easier and more useful than I realized at first. I would prefer any contributions to this game to be made using Tiled because I can export to JSON and it's not hard to make a reasonable tileset that we can share. I already made a terrain set for tiled, I'm going to work on some more tilesets wiith existing tiles so we have a consistent set to use. Is that alright with you?
I've added proper lowercase letters to the font. If you want to use it you're welcome to download the latest version that includes nicely blocky lowercase letters.
It may be a couple days before I can integrate the lowercase characters. I'm definitely going to include these! I started thinking that I should include support for non-English characters such as these:
àèìòù - Grave
áéíóúý - Acute (Aigu)
âêîôû - Circumflex
çş - Cedilla (not all letters, just a few for now)
Şş - Cedilla on S (for Turkish)
ß - Sharp S (ss)
äëïöüÿÿ - Umlaut
ãñõ - Tilde
¡! - Inverted exclamation mark
¿? - Inverted question mark
Ææ - Diphthong
Øø - O slash
Åå - AA
ř - Hacek
Ðð - Eth
Ğğ - Breve (for Turkish)
I ı İ i - Dotted and dotless "i" (for Turkish)
I want English, Turkish, German, and Spanish characters because I plan to localize my game in at least 2 of those. I added a few other letters from Norwegian and French because they're common usage and it's possible to find them, even sometimes in English. If usr_share, Clint Bellanger, and cemkalyoncu can come up with something I'll be ecstatic to add whatever comes from your efforts into a proper True Type font so everyone can benefit from it.
Now I'll have to update the font I made. I just made up the lowercase letters because I didn't know what to do. This looks much better than what I came up with initially. Thanks for the addition!
Turned the boxy bold graphics into a font by hand. Had to make the lowercase letters from scratch since it didn't have any. I also did some slight modifications to a couple characters because they weren't displaying consistently. Let me know if you think this font will work as is or if it needs to be tweeked.
I would attach it for your review here but this site doesn't allow me to attach zip files on discussion threads. I uploaded it as a document here:
usr_share was kind enough to make lowercase letters after seeing my True Type font. I've updated my font to include these lowercase letters and fixed some errors.
Parts can. The bits that Sharm made can be used as CC-BY. I suppose sinse the whole thing can't be CC-BY it shouldn't be listed that way though. I'll fix that. Thanks for the correction.
I haven't figured out how to use automapping yet, I'm still pretty new to Tiled. It's a neat program and it's easy enough to use. I think I'll use it for most of my game level design because I can actually understand it.
As long as it works for the system that's using it I guess it's good. Thanks for the link, maybe someone will use it with Tiled.
That's kind of the thoughts I had too. I was thinking in the forest if there's a camp fire scene we now have a camp fire and optionally a boiling pot! If we wanted to make something look old we could also discolor or blanch some furniture and turn it sideways so it looks like it's old and forgotten, then we could add spider webs around to add to the effect.
Would you be willing to give Tiled another try? I'll setup some tilesets we can share and I'll send you a Tiled save file that has everything setup so all you have to do is read the documentation on (assuming you haven't already). I found making a game map with Tiled was ridiculously easy, maybe it was just me.
Sharm finished the first set of graphics I commissioned her to craft. It's a dungeon elements set. If you're interested in seeing what she made you can find it as one of my uploads. She's working on an adobe building set now, she might make an outdoor decorations set before/during/after the adobe building stuff depending on her schedule and interest level.
Tiled is definitely easier and more useful than I realized at first. I would prefer any contributions to this game to be made using Tiled because I can export to JSON and it's not hard to make a reasonable tileset that we can share. I already made a terrain set for tiled, I'm going to work on some more tilesets wiith existing tiles so we have a consistent set to use. Is that alright with you?
cemkalyoncu already did the uppercase letters and symbols here:
Maybe you can get him to do the same with the lowercase letters if you ask nice ;)
I added the lowercase letters to my font. This is still the link (updated download file and preview to reflect new content):
I've added proper lowercase letters to the font. If you want to use it you're welcome to download the latest version that includes nicely blocky lowercase letters.
It may be a couple days before I can integrate the lowercase characters. I'm definitely going to include these! I started thinking that I should include support for non-English characters such as these:
I want English, Turkish, German, and Spanish characters because I plan to localize my game in at least 2 of those. I added a few other letters from Norwegian and French because they're common usage and it's possible to find them, even sometimes in English. If usr_share, Clint Bellanger, and cemkalyoncu can come up with something I'll be ecstatic to add whatever comes from your efforts into a proper True Type font so everyone can benefit from it.
Now I'll have to update the font I made. I just made up the lowercase letters because I didn't know what to do. This looks much better than what I came up with initially. Thanks for the addition!
Turned the boxy bold graphics into a font by hand. Had to make the lowercase letters from scratch since it didn't have any. I also did some slight modifications to a couple characters because they weren't displaying consistently. Let me know if you think this font will work as is or if it needs to be tweeked.
I would attach it for your review here but this site doesn't allow me to attach zip files on discussion threads. I uploaded it as a document here:
usr_share was kind enough to make lowercase letters after seeing my True Type font. I've updated my font to include these lowercase letters and fixed some errors.
Parts can. The bits that Sharm made can be used as CC-BY. I suppose sinse the whole thing can't be CC-BY it shouldn't be listed that way though. I'll fix that. Thanks for the correction.
That tileset looks so confusing to my brain >.<
I haven't figured out how to use automapping yet, I'm still pretty new to Tiled. It's a neat program and it's easy enough to use. I think I'll use it for most of my game level design because I can actually understand it.
As long as it works for the system that's using it I guess it's good. Thanks for the link, maybe someone will use it with Tiled.