The maps really help. Thank you for that. Also, thank you for the additional details. This really helps me.
Since this is a fertile region but adobe would be appropriate should I assume the climate is fertile desert? Similar to Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Amman, or neighboring areas?
What you've translated so far is quite good. Thank you so much for the rumors and other details. Those are things I can use when the hero talks to random NPCs. It makes me very curious now about some other details.
Things I need to know about your story:
What is the geographic setting/influences? I saw the descriptions of Kujasa being mostly warm and cold in the north but I need a bit more detail about the local region (desert, mountain, forest, bay, etc. [overview map of the region would really help me])
What economic basis does Trimak have? I saw trading for Trimak and surrounding farm lands but what about the Quashi and any other local groups? (Primarily fishing, trading, farming, ranching, crafting, raw material harvesting, mining, hybrid, etc.)
What cultural basis can Trimak's people be related to in the real world? What cultural reference can the Quashi be associated with? (Irish/Scottish/Welsh/English, Desert people [Egypt, the Sahara, Most of Northern Africa, Australia], Islander [Easter Island, Iceland, Philippians, Hawaii, New Zealand, Cuba, Puerto Rico], Cold Nordic [Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia], Cold region of the world [Canada, Greenland, the Arctic, Antarctica, northern Russia, southern Argentina], forest cultures [central/southern Africa or the Inca/Mayan people of north and central Americas before their destruction], varied European influence [French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek], Slavic [Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic], Middle Eastern [Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia], East Indian or near by cultures [India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Bangladesh], Eastern/Oriental [China, Tibet, Mongolia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan], nomadic [Celtic, Gypsy/Hungarian], or something else?)
What language influences are there? (similar to Roman/Latin, Cyrillic/Slavic, Arabic, Pushtu, Native dialects like many African countries, symbols like Mandarin Chinese, constructed of symbols like Korean, or some combination of letters and symbols like Mayan?)
What sort of significant historic events have taken place within, near, or in relation to Trimak? I saw the history between the Quashi and Trimak but I'm looking for more detail (pilgrimages, yearly festivals, important battles, failed or successful foreign cultures that mingled and became part of Trimak, failed or successful invasions, etc.)
Are there famous characters from Trimak's history that should be highlighted? I saw the Kujasa commander Hatrok Kandaro and the other notes but I need more names and significant figures (great leaders, warriors, martyrs, peace keepers, founders, famous characters, etc.)
Typical architecture (Old Roman, high gothic, jungle head-hunters in the Congo, etc.)
Any other details of significant interest that need to be addressed
What dominant traits are found in their art and cultural heritage? (Celtic knot work, roman architecture and military, Greek story telling, Alaskan totem poles, pyramids of Egypt, other famous traits)
Since Trimak is a thousand-ish years old it has a lot of history and culture. Therefore, it needs a decent back story and fairly in-depth detail surrounding it. It'll need decorations, eye candy of sorts, probably statues or landmarks (or at least obvious traits). It's going to need some well established cultural norms and customs. The people are also going to dress a certain way depending on the time of year, geographic conditions, and any other climatic considerations.
When you get some answers for this wall of text I'll be very interested to see them. You have my email address if you prefer to avoid spoiling the plot or want to keep specifics safe from prying eyes. Also, if you haven't thought of some, most, or any of these you might want to start thinking about them now because they will all shape how the game is going to look.
My next project is to have Sharm make some statues and decorations for Trimak. I need to know what kind of pictures to send her so she has an idea of what to mimic.
I paid whatever paltry sum it was to play minecraft in its infant days. I played minecraft to death (at least for me) until I discovered mods, then proceeded to play those to death one after the next in rapid succession. I stopped about 2 years ago (I think) before the cake was introduced or books and enchanting and all that. I still fire it up occassionally to see what's new. I went back when they introduced the ender dragon just because it was a good ending point to say "I beat minecraft" but that was it.
I've somewhat recently run into frustrations with trying to use some of the minecraft textures for game content. I quickly gave up in favor of the much better and more clearly licensed LPC assets (which I adore by the way, thank you for the LPC contest bart!)
I've been a little busy this week, didn't get a lot of time to work on this. I'll try to get an update out this weekend some time. My desire is to make some menu dialog screens next. If you have any more suggestions or requests let me know.
The maps really help. Thank you for that. Also, thank you for the additional details. This really helps me.
Since this is a fertile region but adobe would be appropriate should I assume the climate is fertile desert? Similar to Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Amman, or neighboring areas?
What you've translated so far is quite good. Thank you so much for the rumors and other details. Those are things I can use when the hero talks to random NPCs. It makes me very curious now about some other details.
Things I need to know about your story:
Since Trimak is a thousand-ish years old it has a lot of history and culture. Therefore, it needs a decent back story and fairly in-depth detail surrounding it. It'll need decorations, eye candy of sorts, probably statues or landmarks (or at least obvious traits). It's going to need some well established cultural norms and customs. The people are also going to dress a certain way depending on the time of year, geographic conditions, and any other climatic considerations.
When you get some answers for this wall of text I'll be very interested to see them. You have my email address if you prefer to avoid spoiling the plot or want to keep specifics safe from prying eyes. Also, if you haven't thought of some, most, or any of these you might want to start thinking about them now because they will all shape how the game is going to look.
My next project is to have Sharm make some statues and decorations for Trimak. I need to know what kind of pictures to send her so she has an idea of what to mimic.
I paid whatever paltry sum it was to play minecraft in its infant days. I played minecraft to death (at least for me) until I discovered mods, then proceeded to play those to death one after the next in rapid succession. I stopped about 2 years ago (I think) before the cake was introduced or books and enchanting and all that. I still fire it up occassionally to see what's new. I went back when they introduced the ender dragon just because it was a good ending point to say "I beat minecraft" but that was it.
I've somewhat recently run into frustrations with trying to use some of the minecraft textures for game content. I quickly gave up in favor of the much better and more clearly licensed LPC assets (which I adore by the way, thank you for the LPC contest bart!)
You're both quite kind to make 32x32 statues, thank you both very much!
My goodness, you guys are awesome! Now I really do need to invent somewhere to put these so I can show them off! Thank you!
That looks pretty good too. I'm tempted to invent a reason to use that image somewhere just for kicks! Thank you!
I've been a little busy this week, didn't get a lot of time to work on this. I'll try to get an update out this weekend some time. My desire is to make some menu dialog screens next. If you have any more suggestions or requests let me know.
These are very nice. My only wish is they were 32x32 so they could be more detailed >.<
I'm probably using this for achievement icons in the game engine I'm making.
I would REALLY love to see this animated as an opening door similar to the castle doors in this post:
That would make me so happy because I could use it in the game I'm making.