Unfortunately I think the lore I came up with diverges from the current Freedoom pseudo-lore a bit too much. Once I develop mine a bit more I'd love to run it by the Freedoom community and see what they think though!
I'm working on some (free)doom mods on my own though, and that's where this lore is likely to end up eventually. Thanks for the comment!
The resemblance really hit me when the guitar riff came in, of course. Then I read the description and found out why.
I am curious, is the pack a collection of new original and derivative work to replace the original Evilution soundtrack via loading a PWAD? That's what I'm getting from the forum post.
I see decino worked on some of the other tracks. That's cool!
I arranged this according to the Wang Tiles 2-edge compact layout, starting with rocky tops. The layout is 128x128 pixels total, and 'alternate' tiles can be selected by adding 128 pixels to the x and/or y coordinates of the base tile. Hope its helpful to someone :-)
MedicineStorm: thank you. I updated the entry to clarify source and license information. At http://roguetemple.com/z/hydra/download.php you can download the zip, within which a license.txt specifically states the art in question was released CC-BY-SA 3.0. Please let me know if I need to do anything else RE: licensing info
I love the shape and detail of the guns :-)
Nice job! These are great sprites.
Your tile art is always excellent, surt!
I've added a link to the upstream text file which is checked in to my Gitlab repository
Unfortunately I think the lore I came up with diverges from the current Freedoom pseudo-lore a bit too much. Once I develop mine a bit more I'd love to run it by the Freedoom community and see what they think though!
I'm working on some (free)doom mods on my own though, and that's where this lore is likely to end up eventually. Thanks for the comment!
The resemblance really hit me when the guitar riff came in, of course. Then I read the description and found out why.
I am curious, is the pack a collection of new original and derivative work to replace the original Evilution soundtrack via loading a PWAD? That's what I'm getting from the forum post.
I see decino worked on some of the other tracks. That's cool!
Very cool. Totally reminds me of ye olde Doom-style MIDI soundtrack
I arranged this according to the Wang Tiles 2-edge compact layout, starting with rocky tops. The layout is 128x128 pixels total, and 'alternate' tiles can be selected by adding 128 pixels to the x and/or y coordinates of the base tile. Hope its helpful to someone :-)
Notes on the Wang tile system are here http://www.cr31.co.uk/stagecast/wang/tiles_e.html
Of course. The exact URL of the file is here http://roguetemple.com/z/noteye/noteye-84.zip and the text is inside at /noteye/gfx/license.txt
MedicineStorm: thank you. I updated the entry to clarify source and license information. At http://roguetemple.com/z/hydra/download.php you can download the zip, within which a license.txt specifically states the art in question was released CC-BY-SA 3.0. Please let me know if I need to do anything else RE: licensing info