Hydra Slayer GB
Saturday, February 27, 2021 - 11:41
Art Type:
Graphics from Hydra Slayer by Zeno Rogue; scaled down, redrawn, and recolored for use in GB Studio.
I converted all of the mushrooms (up to 9 stalks) into one actor with frames.
Max frames for a single sprite in GB Studio are 25, so there is room for a single hydra sprite with up to 24 heads. I have only converted 21 heads so far.
Hydra Slayer 17.1 can be found here along with the original assets and copyright notice (Zeno Rogue licensed their content CC-BY-SA 3.0 in /noteye/gfx/license.txt): http://roguetemple.com/z/noteye/noteye-84.zip
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
The original copyright notice was "The Fantasy Font, Hydra graphics, VOI graphics (vapors.png), and NotEye and
Hydra Slayer splash screens are made by Zeno Rogue <zeno@attnam.com>,
under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license."

Can you show where the hydra slayer assets are released CC-BY-SA? Otherwise these derivatives should be licensed GPL, shouldn't they?
MedicineStorm: thank you. I updated the entry to clarify source and license information. At http://roguetemple.com/z/hydra/download.php you can download the zip, within which a license.txt specifically states the art in question was released CC-BY-SA 3.0. Please let me know if I need to do anything else RE: licensing info
Can you be more specific about the license location within the zip file? And more specific about the location of the zip file itself, too? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong file, but everything I can see on that page indicates GPL, not CC-BY-SA.
Of course. The exact URL of the file is here http://roguetemple.com/z/noteye/noteye-84.zip and the text is inside at /noteye/gfx/license.txt
Perfect. Thanks. :)