Well there's a lot of great free art out there that's not uploaded here, I'd like to address this issue in the following days :)
I though I'd make a separate account for a few reasons:
- I wanted only CC0 art on my main account.
- I wanted to keep my main account, which asks for donations, clear or purely redistributing the work of others. It's okay to do, but some people see it as evil to potentially make money from just uploading someone else's art. But then again, I have mostly my original art here, so I should be okay.
So be it, I personally agree it's better this way... and can blame it on the admins now :)
This is extremely awesome, but could you please provide a preview sheet? It would be helpful and also at the first glance it only looks like a single sprite now.
Someone has posted some Ryzom assets as well so it really should be okay - you can even make it to display the original author and you're only displayed underneath as the poster, so I wouldn't even make a separate account.
I've started to look into the 0 A.D. models and they're not super easy to pull out of the repository - many of the final models are assembled from other submodels based on XML definitions and many textures are in weird formats, so it can actually be difficult to do for an artist. Just extracting some of the models and packing them in a ready-to-use way is a real job to be done here that will take several hours. I think that is why the assets are not reused so much.
So... I am now working on assembling a pack of selected 0 A.D. models that I'd really like to post in a few days. And to not be so rebellious after all, I will at least try to inform the game developers about this :)
This is how I'd try to put it - you charge money for your work, so if you take time to package a freely available work, you can demand (ask, not require) payment for the work you added - i.e. you may have sorted the work, named the files nicely, converted them to different formats, compressed them, ...). I agree you shouldn't ask the same amount the author would ask for creating the work itself - and I think this is what you were talking about... you should ask much, much less. You should be paid approprietly to the amount of work you added. You can ask however much you want, but if it's too much for what you've done, people will see it and won't pay. I think everyone has to agree with this, right?
I wouldn't try to make money on this at this moment for two reasons:
1. I personally don't care about money. If I was starving and this was a way to make money, I would do it with clear conscience though.
2. At this moment I'd like to focus on the issue of redistribution to show people it is okay to do, so I'd be doing just redistribution, without involving money. Involving money would be okay, but it suddenly becomes a broader question, so basically I want to address first things first.
- If I were to upload the 0 A.D. assets, I'd do it from a separate account, BUT
- Packaging and redistribution is work too, so it's okay to even make money by just uploading someone else's art here. I wouldn't do it, but it's okay. If you can make money by selling something that's available next door for free, good for you.
- People need to learn this is okay. Most people have been taught by the copyright/IP propaganda that redistribution or derivative work is a shady/weird practice, we need to unlearn this. Basically the only shady practice is falsely claiming autorship.
- Proposing a rule to ask for permission to reupload a work that allows redistribution by its license means dishonoring the license. The license explicitly grants a right to the users but you'd be putting a restriction in its place that is anti-free/open culture. The site would then basically have to be renamed to SemiOpenGameArt or something.
I don't get this - that's what CC licenses are for - so that you do not have to ask for permission for certain uses, including redistribution. I can't see anything rude or disrespectful. If anything, it helps put the artwork to use, supports creativity etc. That's the whole point of these licenses.
Am I going to get in trouble on this site if I post 0 A.D. resources without asking? I think I am going to do it, just out of principle.
EDIT: I can see someone posted the textures already (https://opengameart.org/content/0-ad-textures) - that's good. I can't see the models though, would be nice to have them accessible, they'd be tremendously useful.
Well there's a lot of great free art out there that's not uploaded here, I'd like to address this issue in the following days :)
I though I'd make a separate account for a few reasons:
- I wanted only CC0 art on my main account.
- I wanted to keep my main account, which asks for donations, clear or purely redistributing the work of others. It's okay to do, but some people see it as evil to potentially make money from just uploading someone else's art. But then again, I have mostly my original art here, so I should be okay.
So be it, I personally agree it's better this way... and can blame it on the admins now :)
Here, I hand-picked some sprites. It was very difficult, the collection is huge and full of awesome image :)
Let me see :)
This is extremely awesome, but could you please provide a preview sheet? It would be helpful and also at the first glance it only looks like a single sprite now.
Thank you :)
Someone has posted some Ryzom assets as well so it really should be okay - you can even make it to display the original author and you're only displayed underneath as the poster, so I wouldn't even make a separate account.
I've started to look into the 0 A.D. models and they're not super easy to pull out of the repository - many of the final models are assembled from other submodels based on XML definitions and many textures are in weird formats, so it can actually be difficult to do for an artist. Just extracting some of the models and packing them in a ready-to-use way is a real job to be done here that will take several hours. I think that is why the assets are not reused so much.
So... I am now working on assembling a pack of selected 0 A.D. models that I'd really like to post in a few days. And to not be so rebellious after all, I will at least try to inform the game developers about this :)
very nice :)
This is how I'd try to put it - you charge money for your work, so if you take time to package a freely available work, you can demand (ask, not require) payment for the work you added - i.e. you may have sorted the work, named the files nicely, converted them to different formats, compressed them, ...). I agree you shouldn't ask the same amount the author would ask for creating the work itself - and I think this is what you were talking about... you should ask much, much less. You should be paid approprietly to the amount of work you added. You can ask however much you want, but if it's too much for what you've done, people will see it and won't pay. I think everyone has to agree with this, right?
I wouldn't try to make money on this at this moment for two reasons:
1. I personally don't care about money. If I was starving and this was a way to make money, I would do it with clear conscience though.
2. At this moment I'd like to focus on the issue of redistribution to show people it is okay to do, so I'd be doing just redistribution, without involving money. Involving money would be okay, but it suddenly becomes a broader question, so basically I want to address first things first.
Just a few additional points:
- If I were to upload the 0 A.D. assets, I'd do it from a separate account, BUT
- Packaging and redistribution is work too, so it's okay to even make money by just uploading someone else's art here. I wouldn't do it, but it's okay. If you can make money by selling something that's available next door for free, good for you.
- People need to learn this is okay. Most people have been taught by the copyright/IP propaganda that redistribution or derivative work is a shady/weird practice, we need to unlearn this. Basically the only shady practice is falsely claiming autorship.
- Proposing a rule to ask for permission to reupload a work that allows redistribution by its license means dishonoring the license. The license explicitly grants a right to the users but you'd be putting a restriction in its place that is anti-free/open culture. The site would then basically have to be renamed to SemiOpenGameArt or something.
I don't get this - that's what CC licenses are for - so that you do not have to ask for permission for certain uses, including redistribution. I can't see anything rude or disrespectful. If anything, it helps put the artwork to use, supports creativity etc. That's the whole point of these licenses.
Am I going to get in trouble on this site if I post 0 A.D. resources without asking? I think I am going to do it, just out of principle.
EDIT: I can see someone posted the textures already (https://opengameart.org/content/0-ad-textures) - that's good. I can't see the models though, would be nice to have them accessible, they'd be tremendously useful.
Very awesome CC0 posts, thank you :)