Thanks TombRat (that´s a nice creature idea btw), I´m cooking a very modified version atm with all the input I got, some of the changes that I can remember:
- Replacing all items with random ones made with my own item generator
- Reworking stats and skills by using value tables instead of my feel
- Adjusted difficulty with less treacherous maps (fewer welcome surprises)
- Basic quest markers
- Proper spelling
- added starter weapons for ranger and magicians (new ladles :D )
- Stats reset...
The list of things to do is endless, sadly my free time is not.
Ranger has always been overpowered in Flare, but I hope that will change once proper ranged enemies appear, they should be weak to that. Runes now have what they require on their description (like MP). The need to drag the different attack types icons is one I can´t fix easily since if I do, the melee/ranged combo won´t be possible anymore (I want to add variants of hand-crossbows) but I know it´s pretty counter-intuitive and needs explaining.
I´ll hide all the planned non-working skills on next release along with dev items, they are there to give me direction on what I want to integrate to each character and a peek to the future for players. The enemy behaviour depends fully on the engine, so that kind of complex acting needs some research from my part.
This being a first introductory arc as well as my learning experience to Flare (and a homenage to Diablo 1) was intended to be short, next arcs will be more expansive with bigger maps, so I don´t consider to expand upon it, rather, I´ll refine it until I´m happy, then I´ll start the next one with all the "know how" gained.
About Github, I´m doubtful, the reason is that I´m chaotic as hell (I broke and redo stuff quite often) on my development, maybe in the future when everything is more settled. Do you know of any platform that tracks number of downloads and has no stupid limits?
Thanks for your feedback, I´m happy people appreciates my effort. ;)
The woman animations are exactly done the same way, go to the Flare github repo (art-rsc) and download all the bases for each body piece, that will save you lots of time since they are already set to only render the needed body part. For this particular one, look for female shields files. Copy paste dagger (it works!) with the blends open and replace the script for the one i passed you , pretty sure it has an older one that won´t work.
For stitching the file you need to use imagemagick.
Here, I´m attaching the bare chest and the chitin armor that´s directly derivated of it by extruding. That should give you some ideas of how to create new equipment. Extruding has the benefit of keeping the same weigth bones effect so you don´t need to add them yourself.
I included the dagger on left hand file as well, just put a weapon on the chosen hand and parent to the hand bone. You will need some practise, but it´s quite easy.
Lastly on github repository you can find all bases for the different armor pieces; download an use them for each specific part and your life will be easier.
It actually looks nice, but I wonder why it´s so fat?
I created a discussion in Github, this is the answer:
They actually look nicer than i thougth, pity is so much extra work.
Nice, it would be good that once you made a few more of these off-hand weapons you Zip them and upload to OGA for sharing and keeping.
Thanks TombRat (that´s a nice creature idea btw), I´m cooking a very modified version atm with all the input I got, some of the changes that I can remember:
- Replacing all items with random ones made with my own item generator
- Reworking stats and skills by using value tables instead of my feel
- Adjusted difficulty with less treacherous maps (fewer welcome surprises)
- Basic quest markers
- Proper spelling
- added starter weapons for ranger and magicians (new ladles :D )
- Stats reset...
The list of things to do is endless, sadly my free time is not.
Ranger has always been overpowered in Flare, but I hope that will change once proper ranged enemies appear, they should be weak to that. Runes now have what they require on their description (like MP). The need to drag the different attack types icons is one I can´t fix easily since if I do, the melee/ranged combo won´t be possible anymore (I want to add variants of hand-crossbows) but I know it´s pretty counter-intuitive and needs explaining.
I´ll hide all the planned non-working skills on next release along with dev items, they are there to give me direction on what I want to integrate to each character and a peek to the future for players. The enemy behaviour depends fully on the engine, so that kind of complex acting needs some research from my part.
This being a first introductory arc as well as my learning experience to Flare (and a homenage to Diablo 1) was intended to be short, next arcs will be more expansive with bigger maps, so I don´t consider to expand upon it, rather, I´ll refine it until I´m happy, then I´ll start the next one with all the "know how" gained.
About Github, I´m doubtful, the reason is that I´m chaotic as hell (I broke and redo stuff quite often) on my development, maybe in the future when everything is more settled. Do you know of any platform that tracks number of downloads and has no stupid limits?
Thanks for your feedback, I´m happy people appreciates my effort. ;)
Congrats :)
Looks good, now you only need to try it out in Flare. I explained quite a bit of the process in those threads i passed you.
The woman animations are exactly done the same way, go to the Flare github repo (art-rsc) and download all the bases for each body piece, that will save you lots of time since they are already set to only render the needed body part. For this particular one, look for female shields files. Copy paste dagger (it works!) with the blends open and replace the script for the one i passed you , pretty sure it has an older one that won´t work.
For stitching the file you need to use imagemagick.
Re-read this threads for how to:
Those are already included, just run the script that´s in a nearly closed window to the right
Here, I´m attaching the bare chest and the chitin armor that´s directly derivated of it by extruding. That should give you some ideas of how to create new equipment. Extruding has the benefit of keeping the same weigth bones effect so you don´t need to add them yourself.
I included the dagger on left hand file as well, just put a weapon on the chosen hand and parent to the hand bone. You will need some practise, but it´s quite easy.
Lastly on github repository you can find all bases for the different armor pieces; download an use them for each specific part and your life will be easier.