Depends on armor the enemy wears and country/discipline. Heavy knights carried 30-40 kgs of armor, when they fell from their horses they became clunky slabs of iron with little movement but unholy protection and long reach from their weapons, on the other hands scottish highlanders carried little to no armor, two-handers and could pull what is shown on the videos.
As for ranged is the same, crossbows were used to pierce heavy armor plates, while bows had many types of arrow heads to take care of different kinds of armor, and bow sizes depended on shooting distance and power; likewise, as the highlanders, mongols trained into speed shootings (even firing 3 arrows while falling from a horse and hitting the target) since their enemies carried little armor and each landed shot meant serious damage.
The line to use ammo is:
24 would be item ID that would be used, and 1 the quantity per shot.
As for the other i can´t answer, one way would be to have an inventory slot (quiver) that is disabled by all weapons except for bows, giving it extra effects aside from damage or stats requires to exchange normal arrow power for a new one with desired extra effects.
I changed their speeds in \items\base\weapons base text files, so you can make weapons that inherit all the base attributes, and then modify the item description to make them different to base (like icon, extra power...) "bonus=attack_speed,70" is what you need to add.
As for weapons speed versus damage, thats another playstyle discussion, fast weapons with lower damage have better results agaisnt low armored enemies, but struggle versus heavy armor. While the opposite happens with heavy weapons, less attacks that will easily bypass heavy armor but you get risk getting mobbed by light enemies. Think of it like deciding between using a machinegun or a rocket launcher when faced by tanks and infantry. It´s all to the player to exchange them for flexibility or stick to one.
As for ranged, thats why I nerfed speed to 60%, I tested, less than that and it doesn´t feel good to the player, remember this is a game meant to have fun, you have to make things fair. I tried expending ammo and mana as well, but it destroys the fun with unnecesary add-ons. Also, for real life wounds, flesh wounds are far less lethal than piercing ones, depends on many things like strike places, but the chances of piercing something vital are higher than a slash. But there are so many variables in real life that it´s stupid to translate that to a simple game as Flare.
I agree with you at magic, mages should need to play it strategically or splurge on mana potions, making it more expensive than other classes. That´s the price of extreme power, anyways I´m making the "Magic bolt" power attack have no mana cost, and gain lesser mana leech at max level. That way the player can keep a distance and recover mana at the cost of low dps and short range.
I would not do the "Fist" weapon unless it´s very eye catching, but yes, that´s is the bare minimum.
The off-hand weapons need the "item_type=off" line in it´s file.
As for balance i went a different direction, for starters all weapons get their attack speeds nerfed, 60% for bows, 90% for daggers, 80% for rest of one handed, 70% for two handed (but they get multiple enemies hit). I never liked the machinegun attack speed of Flare, i also buffed all enemies "Poise"(interruption resistance) to 50% minimun. This guarantes that you can´t speed beat an enemy without retaliation.
As for damage % i think your take is good. I tested and can confirm that the damage gets added properly no matter the sources (even from armor) to the total.
Give me a couple of days and i will upload a blend file with the left hand weapon for you to use as base.
Dorkster, that plant boss is quite cool, do you know the render size? i guess it´s Flare max as well, which i don´t know.
Your dream game could be doable in Flare with a few new sci-fi sets, the tech could just be new loot unique to ship types (like metal-made for human hulks and fleshy-like for alien hulks).
The combat would demand a better animated model, also bigger models, like original Diablo. You would ignore all Flare existent assests (fantasy) and start anew, adding the possibility of new maniouvers like roll. Small stat values would help to keep numbers sane.
You could have a spacestation as activity hub to get missions, trade... and a radar to locate hulks, which would create random maps based on hulk race and your level (someone in this forum left one script halfway done) to get loot and materials, and a fixed hulk (high level) that would be the main mission needed to advance history.
As for me, I would like to a do a full conversion and turn Flare into a mech game, equipment would turn into legs, arms, heads pieces, shoulder mounts... and you would stomp into warring cities with lil tanks and infantry around, crashing buildings, dodging artillery strikes...
It worked only while the program was first running(from small window to full), it went full screeen, after i closed and open again the issue returned. Invisible screen that locks all pc focus.
So far a first act, 2-3 hours duration, it´s pretty self contained so you can play it fully to the act conclusion. You can download it from this forum. I keep on adding things regulary as well from player feedback.
No, that´s it. Dorkster can expand on it, but he has told me before that the campaign was a travel fueled by the characters guilt, ultimately descending to Hell to punish himself and maybe atone. Quite oniric honestly.
If you want to have something with a bit more coherent story plaese check my mod, Heresy.
WithinAmnesia You can get away with much less effort in your extra equipment, you don´t need to be so perfectionist and show everything, the game resolution is so low you won´t get to see most of what you want to add, you will barely see a few pixels changing colors.
Look at the old games like Baldur´s gate, you can have all of your new equipment and not show them on-screen at all; just having it display into equipment screen is enough, with plenty icon variety it looks good.
As for the extra weapon, it´s an ugly solution but you can create an off-hand sword (inherit from shield), render it into left hand using one of the shields blend file to easily attach it to left hand existant animations, then give it damage attributes that will add to the main one. I plan to add sword breakers and other similars in the future, there won´t be dual strikes animations but it gets the job done easily.
I haven´t forgotten about you but I´m kinda busy these days. I´ll pass you the models as soon as i can.
Depends on armor the enemy wears and country/discipline. Heavy knights carried 30-40 kgs of armor, when they fell from their horses they became clunky slabs of iron with little movement but unholy protection and long reach from their weapons, on the other hands scottish highlanders carried little to no armor, two-handers and could pull what is shown on the videos.
As for ranged is the same, crossbows were used to pierce heavy armor plates, while bows had many types of arrow heads to take care of different kinds of armor, and bow sizes depended on shooting distance and power; likewise, as the highlanders, mongols trained into speed shootings (even firing 3 arrows while falling from a horse and hitting the target) since their enemies carried little armor and each landed shot meant serious damage.
The line to use ammo is:
24 would be item ID that would be used, and 1 the quantity per shot.
As for the other i can´t answer, one way would be to have an inventory slot (quiver) that is disabled by all weapons except for bows, giving it extra effects aside from damage or stats requires to exchange normal arrow power for a new one with desired extra effects.
I changed their speeds in \items\base\weapons base text files, so you can make weapons that inherit all the base attributes, and then modify the item description to make them different to base (like icon, extra power...) "bonus=attack_speed,70" is what you need to add.
As for weapons speed versus damage, thats another playstyle discussion, fast weapons with lower damage have better results agaisnt low armored enemies, but struggle versus heavy armor. While the opposite happens with heavy weapons, less attacks that will easily bypass heavy armor but you get risk getting mobbed by light enemies. Think of it like deciding between using a machinegun or a rocket launcher when faced by tanks and infantry. It´s all to the player to exchange them for flexibility or stick to one.
As for ranged, thats why I nerfed speed to 60%, I tested, less than that and it doesn´t feel good to the player, remember this is a game meant to have fun, you have to make things fair. I tried expending ammo and mana as well, but it destroys the fun with unnecesary add-ons. Also, for real life wounds, flesh wounds are far less lethal than piercing ones, depends on many things like strike places, but the chances of piercing something vital are higher than a slash. But there are so many variables in real life that it´s stupid to translate that to a simple game as Flare.
I agree with you at magic, mages should need to play it strategically or splurge on mana potions, making it more expensive than other classes. That´s the price of extreme power, anyways I´m making the "Magic bolt" power attack have no mana cost, and gain lesser mana leech at max level. That way the player can keep a distance and recover mana at the cost of low dps and short range.
m7600 I would like to use this awesome set, will you release it?
I would not do the "Fist" weapon unless it´s very eye catching, but yes, that´s is the bare minimum.
The off-hand weapons need the "item_type=off" line in it´s file.
As for balance i went a different direction, for starters all weapons get their attack speeds nerfed, 60% for bows, 90% for daggers, 80% for rest of one handed, 70% for two handed (but they get multiple enemies hit). I never liked the machinegun attack speed of Flare, i also buffed all enemies "Poise"(interruption resistance) to 50% minimun. This guarantes that you can´t speed beat an enemy without retaliation.
As for damage % i think your take is good. I tested and can confirm that the damage gets added properly no matter the sources (even from armor) to the total.
Give me a couple of days and i will upload a blend file with the left hand weapon for you to use as base.
Dorkster, that plant boss is quite cool, do you know the render size? i guess it´s Flare max as well, which i don´t know.
Your dream game could be doable in Flare with a few new sci-fi sets, the tech could just be new loot unique to ship types (like metal-made for human hulks and fleshy-like for alien hulks).
The combat would demand a better animated model, also bigger models, like original Diablo. You would ignore all Flare existent assests (fantasy) and start anew, adding the possibility of new maniouvers like roll. Small stat values would help to keep numbers sane.
You could have a spacestation as activity hub to get missions, trade... and a radar to locate hulks, which would create random maps based on hulk race and your level (someone in this forum left one script halfway done) to get loot and materials, and a fixed hulk (high level) that would be the main mission needed to advance history.
As for me, I would like to a do a full conversion and turn Flare into a mech game, equipment would turn into legs, arms, heads pieces, shoulder mounts... and you would stomp into warring cities with lil tanks and infantry around, crashing buildings, dodging artillery strikes...
It worked only while the program was first running(from small window to full), it went full screeen, after i closed and open again the issue returned. Invisible screen that locks all pc focus.
So far a first act, 2-3 hours duration, it´s pretty self contained so you can play it fully to the act conclusion. You can download it from this forum. I keep on adding things regulary as well from player feedback.
No, that´s it. Dorkster can expand on it, but he has told me before that the campaign was a travel fueled by the characters guilt, ultimately descending to Hell to punish himself and maybe atone. Quite oniric honestly.
If you want to have something with a bit more coherent story plaese check my mod, Heresy.
WithinAmnesia You can get away with much less effort in your extra equipment, you don´t need to be so perfectionist and show everything, the game resolution is so low you won´t get to see most of what you want to add, you will barely see a few pixels changing colors.
Look at the old games like Baldur´s gate, you can have all of your new equipment and not show them on-screen at all; just having it display into equipment screen is enough, with plenty icon variety it looks good.
As for the extra weapon, it´s an ugly solution but you can create an off-hand sword (inherit from shield), render it into left hand using one of the shields blend file to easily attach it to left hand existant animations, then give it damage attributes that will add to the main one. I plan to add sword breakers and other similars in the future, there won´t be dual strikes animations but it gets the job done easily.