I (Angry Turtle Gems) got an even 100 visits from OGA in the past month. 76% new people. The average visit was 16 seconds long. So, I think people clicked out of curiosity at its contextual oddity, but left when they saw what it was.
I agree. And she was also the first collaborator to contribute a dragon made specifically for the set.
So. Now that it is evident I wasn't lying when I said all the cool kids were making dragons, any chance we'll get one from you (and/or some of your classic remixes)?
Heck yeah! Thanks for your contribution, and welcome on board! I went ahead and added it (with a couple of tiny tweaks, because I am watching a movie and like to multitask--if you'd prefer just the original, I can replace it with that) Anyway, I really like it, and I'm also excited to have another person on board as well.
I don't think that borrowing someone else's graphics counts as remixing. That's just reusing. I'm also skeptical about the relevance of the platform they chose to study.
I didn't have time for my entry, but I'll get it together eventually anyway. Great job, everyone!
I (Angry Turtle Gems) got an even 100 visits from OGA in the past month. 76% new people. The average visit was 16 seconds long. So, I think people clicked out of curiosity at its contextual oddity, but left when they saw what it was.
Hehe, I like it!
Yeah, the rat king quit at the last minute--said something about wanting to spend more time with his family. You can probably reach him at home: http://opengameart.org/content/rat-men-rpg-enemies
I agree. And she was also the first collaborator to contribute a dragon made specifically for the set.
So. Now that it is evident I wasn't lying when I said all the cool kids were making dragons, any chance we'll get one from you (and/or some of your classic remixes)?
Alrighty, all the files are updated.
@MrBeast: i like the new color scheme, and I think it does match better.
@Zabin: If that's really your second sprite, you're off to a very good start. I'm looking forward to seeing your third =D.
@Blarumyrran: wow, I really like that! He has a very classic look, like medieval depictions of Saint George and the Dragon. Thanks for making him!
Heck yeah! Thanks for your contribution, and welcome on board! I went ahead and added it (with a couple of tiny tweaks, because I am watching a movie and like to multitask--if you'd prefer just the original, I can replace it with that) Anyway, I really like it, and I'm also excited to have another person on board as well.
Thanks again to Surt for providing his ancient dragon concept, which was used as the basis of the big dragon here: http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-enemies-9-dragons
I might do the others at some point as well (or maybe someone else will?).
I don't think that borrowing someone else's graphics counts as remixing. That's just reusing. I'm also skeptical about the relevance of the platform they chose to study.
Oh heck yes. Those are absolutely perfect for what I'm working on atm.
For the record, I have used these concept pieces (https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/sproyt.png) as the basis for some of the test sprites made for this game:
Thanks for making these resources available!