Ok, botanic found a problem with site xss handling, so he fixed it. Try uploading/editing to normal submissions and let me know if you guys still have issues.
"There is not licensing issues, I create this, ..free for use."
You did not create the faces of Edward Snowden, Norman Reedus, and other celebrities contained in the "Coming_soon.png" file. Unless you obtained permission from all of them, you can't put their faces in this.
it is ok to give teasers in your content, but anything in the download file cannot contain IP infringing materials. Please remove the faces depicting celebrities or any other real person (in Coming_soon.png : Edward Snowden, Norman Reedus, etc.) Apologies, but their likeness cannot be licensed CC0 without their express consent.
The scripting used by the FLARE engine is an excellent place to start. Especially if you've played FLARE and liked it. If it is too "programmish", then, yeah maybe try out RPG Maker first and come back to it.
Although documentation for FLARE mods is not as robust as documentation for say, Unity, etc. this is a great place to ask questions since the FLARE devs are quite consistent about responding to inqueries.
Sil open font license is not an accpted license on OGA. The license containded in the update_dogica_avreference.zip disagrees with the license you have displayed on this submission page. Would you be willing remove/replace the license file in the .zip package? Until then I must mark this as having a license issue.
It is your content and of course the decision on how to license it is entirely up to you. We just want to make sure developers do not misudnerstand your wishes. Let me know if you have questions. ;)
Fixed... I think. Try it now.
ah, nice upgrade.
Ok, botanic found a problem with site xss handling, so he fixed it. Try uploading/editing to normal submissions and let me know if you guys still have issues.
ok. should be working now. "real-persons" removed, so it should be all good. thank you for your patience.
Hmm... looking into it now.
You did not create the faces of Edward Snowden, Norman Reedus, and other celebrities contained in the "Coming_soon.png" file. Unless you obtained permission from all of them, you can't put their faces in this.Another nice set of ships. :)
it is ok to give teasers in your content, but anything in the download file cannot contain IP infringing materials. Please remove the faces depicting celebrities or any other real person (in Coming_soon.png : Edward Snowden, Norman Reedus, etc.) Apologies, but their likeness cannot be licensed CC0 without their express consent.The scripting used by the FLARE engine is an excellent place to start. Especially if you've played FLARE and liked it. If it is too "programmish", then, yeah maybe try out RPG Maker first and come back to it.
Although documentation for FLARE mods is not as robust as documentation for say, Unity, etc. this is a great place to ask questions since the FLARE devs are quite consistent about responding to inqueries.
Yep: https://opengameart.org/content/oga-by-30-faq#relicense :)
Sil open font license is not an accpted license on OGA. The license containded in the update_dogica_avreference.zip disagrees with the license you have displayed on this submission page. Would you be willing remove/replace the license file in the .zip package? Until then I must mark this as having a license issue.It is your content and of course the decision on how to license it is entirely up to you. We just want to make sure developers do not misudnerstand your wishes. Let me know if you have questions. ;)Pages