"While US government works generally are in the public domain in the US, they may be protected by copyright abroad. The feds may claim copyright protection for US government works in other countries depending on how those countries treat their own government works. So just be aware that US government agencies sometimes claim copyright in their works outside the US."
Based on 2D Nature Platformer Tileset [16x16] by RottingPixels
"As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain in the United States."
Sounds like it's not really public domain.
From http://www.publicdomainsherpa.com/us-government-works.html:
"While US government works generally are in the public domain in the US, they may be protected by copyright abroad. The feds may claim copyright protection for US government works in other countries depending on how those countries treat their own government works. So just be aware that US government agencies sometimes claim copyright in their works outside the US."
Could you remove the background from the preview if it doesn't actually represent the contents of the submission.
I wrote an Aseprite extension for colour remapping.
Posted about it here: https://community.aseprite.org/t/extension-recolouriser/12011
IIRC correctly it's supposed to be the original Rogue roster.
Awesome stuff!
Awesome work!
Presuming you mean my Psygen thing, I made it CC0 (not sure why I hadn't already) so you can feel free to add any derivative elements back to this.