Usually the game is saved when you enter a new map, but not while walking around in the areas.
To help the developers find and fix the problem, we'd need to have some more knowledge, such as which exact version of Ubuntu do you use? Did you install the version from the Ubuntu repositories ? (Softwarecenter or apt-get or alike). Or did you rather download the tarball for linux from and compile it yourself?
It would be awesome if you could either narrow down the problem ("occurs only after opening the inventory" or such), or if you could compile flare yourself with debugging symbols.
This has been discussed a few times if I recall correctly. However no good solution has been found yet as we had opposing opinions and so the discussion stopped early a few times. Maybe this is the way to go?
Hold down shift, while clicking on the stack, then it should only take one of the items.
Another key to hold would be CTRL, then you don't need to move the item over to the inventory, but a single click on the item in the vendors tab will do.
Thinking about this, how is this problem solved playing on keyboard only, i.e. no mouse or even using a controller?
This file was automatically generated using the scripts at, so it definitely is in sync with the source code comments. However I noticed some attributes were (re?-)moved, so I wonder if we forgot to comment something in the source.
The changes I did to that article can be found as a diff in this git repo
I am sorry to hear that, ringmasterdan1!
Usually the game is saved when you enter a new map, but not while walking around in the areas.
To help the developers find and fix the problem, we'd need to have some more knowledge, such as which exact version of Ubuntu do you use? Did you install the version from the Ubuntu repositories ? (Softwarecenter or apt-get or alike). Or did you rather download the tarball for linux from and compile it yourself?
It would be awesome if you could either narrow down the problem ("occurs only after opening the inventory" or such), or if you could compile flare yourself with debugging symbols.
To the "cmake ." you'd need to append " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" and then continue with the instructions there.
And then run the game with a debugger attached:
gdb ./flare -ex run
Enhancement to this tileset, I made a while back
Sorry for a late reply. You can see the healthbar of the enemy when focussing on it.
Try holding down the ALT key and then move the window to see the relevant part.
The ALTkey is part of the window manager, not of flare, so this trick shjould work for other programs as well.
Sorry for a late answer.
This has been discussed a few times if I recall correctly. However no good solution has been found yet as we had opposing opinions and so the discussion stopped early a few times.
Maybe this is the way to go?
Hold down shift, while clicking on the stack, then it should only take one of the items.
Another key to hold would be CTRL, then you don't need to move the item over to the inventory, but a single click on the item in the vendors tab will do.
Thinking about this, how is this problem solved playing on keyboard only, i.e. no mouse or even using a controller?
please see where the events are also described.
This file was automatically generated using the scripts at, so it definitely is in sync with the source code comments. However I noticed some attributes were (re?-)moved, so I wonder if we forgot to comment something in the source.
The changes I did to that article can be found as a diff in this git repo
I will check if the map files article can be merged into this one, or can be deleted.
You still need the fantasycore mod I assume
Regarding the requires_flags I am unsure why you'd want to translate them. Is it possible to see these texts as a user?
Originally these are designed to not be shown to the user, but only be kept for the internal state
There is a link at the lower right, "download as zip"