Specially see the .pot files, which are the original model. All the other .po files are translations. So to start a translation for a new language, you'd just copy the pot file and fill in the msgstr fields.
3. We're currently discussing whether we switch over to use gnu gettext instead of our own solution. This would help with us with using launchpad or other online translation services.
The one in the cave of the living bones 2 needs to be blown up with explosives which you'll find at the upper left (north-west) cave of the living bones 3
The large pillar in the lost mines can simply be touched to make it collapse iirc.
Well have a look at it the other way round: If you're an artist, who doesn't share the enthusiasm about flare, then creating art is just work you're getting paid for. And how long would you work for 15 Eur? If you'd think of average wages you come up with roughly a time span of a few minutes up to 2 hours, depending on the actual wage being paid.
So most of the contributions to flare happen voluntarily, so there is no money pressure on these contributions. For such smaller amounts of money I'd actually recommend donating it to Clint directly at http://flarerpg.org/donate (paypal and flattr, no bitcoin as of now). Clint usually collects the money and commissions it in larger chunks to artists, who will then deliver a complete piece of work.
If you are strictly speaking about bitcoin, this site (opengameart) may be worth donating to, as it accepts bitcoins. And opengameart here is very helpful to the flare project in my opinion. (Though the donation would be not used for flare directly, but for keeping the site up or concept art or other art, but you get the spirit)
Go more east from the abandoned tower.
You'll find a cave at the end of the ydrakka pass
Exactly. :)
1. The translation as of now is rather rough and happens in text files. See
https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/tree/master/mods/default/... for the engine and
https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game/tree/master/mods/fantasycor... and
https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game/tree/master/mods/alpha_demo... for the game related stuff.
Specially see the .pot files, which are the original model. All the other .po files are translations. So to start a translation for a new language, you'd just copy the pot file and fill in the msgstr fields.
2. You can either download the files at said links and send it in via email to our lead developer clintbellanger@gmail.com or any other core developer, (such as me stefanbeller@googlemail.com)
If you're familiar with git and github, you can fork the repositories
https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game and https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine
and create a pull request once you're done.
3. We're currently discussing whether we switch over to use gnu gettext instead of our own solution. This would help with us with using launchpad or other online translation services.
Which large pillar are you referring to?
The one in the cave of the living bones 2 needs to be blown up with explosives which you'll find at the upper left (north-west) cave of the living bones 3
The large pillar in the lost mines can simply be touched to make it collapse iirc.
Try to go north-east at the frontier plains.
Then you'll find that a man came in town few days ago. He is found at another tower. ;)
There are similar plans already, please see the starting discussion at https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game/issues/282
and follow up discussion at https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/issues/546
I proposed a solution here
This changes the color of the hardcore characters and adds an additional 'Permadeath' string beside the level
I used this as an inspiration for this pull request https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/pull/615
That change of code makes the stash very private for hardcore characters as they cannot share the stash with any other character.
Edit: Actually exactly what pennomi proposed. Except that the stash is not deleted upon death, but not loaded when starting a new character.
By latest engine I did not mean the release 0.18, but the very latest development build.
It is found at https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/
All of it as zip is found at https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/archive/master.zip or you can use git to checkout the latest engine.
Well have a look at it the other way round: If you're an artist, who doesn't share the enthusiasm about flare, then creating art is just work you're getting paid for. And how long would you work for 15 Eur? If you'd think of average wages you come up with roughly a time span of a few minutes up to 2 hours, depending on the actual wage being paid.
So most of the contributions to flare happen voluntarily, so there is no money pressure on these contributions.
For such smaller amounts of money I'd actually recommend donating it to Clint directly at http://flarerpg.org/donate
(paypal and flattr, no bitcoin as of now). Clint usually collects the money and commissions it in larger chunks to artists, who will then deliver a complete piece of work.
If you are strictly speaking about bitcoin, this site (opengameart) may be worth donating to, as it accepts bitcoins.
And opengameart here is very helpful to the flare project in my opinion. (Though the donation would be not used for flare directly, but for keeping the site up or concept art or other art, but you get the spirit)