I think they rely on the HDD cache, but some use the memory too. Some say I was mad making this type of game, well some of the promos of Ntis City in the info centre show that mad chaotic world..
New, just recently imported into Ntis from the Telos Homeworld, Housecat remakes, these cute adorable little creatures called Leonix are no ordinary house pets, along with our popular product the fangercrawlers, these lovely little cats have special cloaking abilities. Watch your Leonix dissapear before your eyes and reappear. Fun for all the kids. Don't delay only 100 credits each. Get yours today. P.S We will not be held responsbile if your Leonix decides to materiaise inside your warp core engine. Ship train your Leonix today. For more information see Leonix Pet shop in the Main Central Markets area.
Financial News:
In Financial News: Well Citizens of Ntis, its your lucky day Element 113 stocks are now going at half price due to market crash on the Belanus Homeworld of rare metals. Trade your precious metals in today. Visit vendors area Metal Suppliers for more information.
In other news, Thelisium trading stocks from Vinus fell over 70% today after Financial trades negotiations all fell through. Attempts at Negotations are again curently underway with the planet, but because of tight security due to conflicts with rogue factions warring with each other, the govenor of Vinus has called off the trade talks with Ntis until further notice.
In other News Brokers are doing well in the Metals market on Triaxis Prime. Rich mining resources were found on the planet so hurry and invest in your metal stocks on Triaxis before bandits get it today.
News for today: The Ntis Government has decided to say no to the council's requests for more reinforcements for a breakdout in the north district of the city of a dispute between two neighbouring factions, saying that local security are able to handle the dispute. Bad Sector and Core are responsible for causing the unrest over 'machine rights'.
Breaking News, a rogue droid has just trashed the Central Plaza Hotel, 1000 credits reward to anyone who can take him down. Security has been unsucessful in capturing him. 4052 credits of damage was done to the hotel. If you are the owner, please pay up for the damages and keep your droid on a leash.
The Cheesy News Bulletins on Telos
Welcome to Intergalactic News for Today. On Telfus, Rogue droid robs Spare parts store claiming to be all out of date with software. Store owner is shaken up, but the droid has been apprehended by security screaming, 'I have my rights, I have my machine rights.' before being taken away.
(Note if you invest in Thelisium) you lose 130000 credits....
which brings up random one line script replies from one of the game party members.
Loana: All is good with Thelesium market You were saying? Loana: Well look what happened to your precious stocks now. Its hit the bottom. Loana: Looks like your precious stocks just went all down the toilet Loana: Looks like the Commander's lip fell on the ground after hearing this Loana: Didn't you know my world has volatile stocks? Loana: You should'v listened to me and not brought theleslium stocks from that alien. Laona: Your stocks just lost all their value
And If you are on Telos at the bar.............
In other news, thelisium stocks are doing well this year but there is some concern as Rogue Factions are starting to disrupt trading operations on the planet. The governor of Vinus will soon release a news bulletin on the developing situation.
In other breaking news, this just came in, Disaster hits Vinus as the Rogue Factions continue to shut down trade. The Vinus Stock Market has halted trade, causing precious metals stocks like Thelisium to crash and burn. Folks, I hope none of you brought any Thelisium stocks this year. Vinus say they hope to resume normal trading at a later time. Someone should really sort that planet out.
Storm: Ahahaha that's funny.
ana% EQU 1 echo. Loana: I don't see what's so funny about my planet ana% EQU 1 echo. being in conflict with rogue factions. Now trade ana% EQU 1 echo. has been halted I hope its only temporary.
Commander: I invested in Thelesium stocks. It' not funny. I just lost my money.
Storm: Well it looks like the Thelesium has crashed and burned on you Commander.
Commnader: Damm, all that money wasted.
Bar Owner: What's the matty sonny, it looks like you seen a ghost.
Storm: He just lost over 130,000 credits in the Vinus Stock market when
the thelisium trade market crashed.
Bar Owner: (Bursts out laughing), I wouldn't trade all the credits for one metal stock of that planet, there's too much conflict all the time on that world. They need to sort themselves out.
In Intergalactic News Today: A big group of Ionian Raiders was seen in the Metroa System, destroying one of our Metal Refineries. Telos reinforcements are being called right now to go to that system to deal with these raiders. If you want to help with the fight, please see Security Administration Recruitments in Telos Towers Floor 10 for more information. Bounty reward is $6000 and under
Tell me if I interpreted this right. Do you mean to say that I can just Piggy back my code into any computer language by loading my code all into the ram so I can to bypass the limitations of Cmd.exe which is stopping me using batch code with other script languages?
So once its all loaded up in the ram, then the code is free to be accessed by any program or script whether its java, or python, or C++ can now call any of the goto label that I made and execute any section or function of my game. and have much faster execution speed because its in ram not reading one line at a time through cmd.exe and if I'm right, then that then will make it possible to run that code in a 3d game engine script and start customizing it. once you get Cmd.exe out of the picture. I think that's what you're saying to mem can piggy back it. And if that's true, that sounds really interesting but I don't know how to load my batch code all up into the computer's memory, I only know how to execute it within cmd.exe one lousy line at a time.
Now I know with these type of games they prefer to load the files it as small modules from the HDD into the memory, this may be necessary when working with a 3d engine to create all the 3d systems and stuff because you need a 3d space simulator engine for a game like this so you can beable to fly around in your spaceship through all the different systems....That's what I want it to be doing. So the text script gives me a starting foundation to work from.
I would need to know how to create the big large nebula clouds of mist so you can fly through them, and the planets in the systems.
But because this game is not yet hooked up into a 3d space engine, I can only move from room to room in my script or system to system I use either Goto :Label, or
B) A If "%hyoshi% EQU 1 1 A Flag label to determine a certain condition in the game before making a goto jump
C) A If %x1%== or use a set /p prompt choice.
D) Or I use the Call command to load the save file but I don't use the call statement much excep for two places in my game at the moment. 1. Halfway through the spacestation mission you can save the game then load it to continue where you left off, or when you zoom out to the galaxy you can save where you are up to in the game.
Do do that I simply put the Save routine halfway in the spacestation mission code. so i got a save checkpoint in it.
51273 lines have been written, that didn't take long, what took me long, was creating and wiring up all of the sound files of the text dialog of the game characters.
So now with each game character having around 200-400 speech audio files each for ll the different dialog in the storylines, throughout the various missions and systems I'm going to need to set my directories out like this
ect. So I don't get that LAGGING if I just chuck the audio dialog files all into one sound directory. the same also for all the systems of the game.
The good thing about batch script is that the filesize can be very big but the downside is that it will slow down eventually the exeution speed of the script the bigger the file gets as it starts slowing down when you reach about 400,000-500 lines, then it starts lagging.
becuse I think when you run the batch file the command.com, spools it one line at time into the memory, so it takes the hdd a little longer for the computer to run it as its not all being loaded into the ram.
Because windows has a problem with lag when you have alot of files in a single directory or when you run a big massive batch file
I've got unity on my computer, but I didn't understand how to set things up in it. Don't you need a 3d modeling program to create your worlds in with that engine? Unreal expects you to create your 3d worlds with Maya or 3d max.. I don't have those programs, Only Blender... But I'm still trying to figure out how to get thousands of lines of dialog text into a 3d game engine without overloading it. because in the batch format, I can do thousands of lines of dialog and have no problem, its just getting it all into a 3d engine is the problem and putting in all the flags and switches to trigger all that dialog.. .
I find the brackets stuff difficult to try to layout becase it just takes one missing bracket or cause the whole thing to crash.
For batch code does crash easily if you missing an envinment variable, or mispelt a flag label name. And the problem with batch code, it dosen't always tell you what type of error it is. doen't give enough detail on the error. so you have to try to debug the code to locate where the error is coming from, most of the time the error comes from a certain section of code.
But I hate getting the
1 is unexpected before goto error
because that usually means a misspelt or missing name label somewhere in the code..
That would have to be compiled as a command line exe I would think that you just put your batch file through it.
My game plays audio wav files, display bitmap graphics in the console window (at the moment) becauae I don't know how to open up a gui windows interface with batch script language to allow me to display JPG or PNG graphics instead of being stuck with just BMP graphics because you cannot easily animate bitmaps that don't have the alpha channel.
And with mp3 file, the media window player keeps on popping up all the time when I only want the mp3 file to play without showing up any player window.
So i used sound.exe to play the wav files in the dos console window without showing any window output. and that's handy because I can play more than one sound file at the same time. but eh disadvantage is wav files take up more space.
The game is actually just all one big long script text batch file there are no sub scripts files, unless you count the couple of game save files as a script file.
Well Here's a section of my code where I do use multiple flags in a code block...
cls echo. ---------------SHIP REPAIRS AND UPGRADES AREA && echo. if %secureguard% EQU 1 echo. There's a security guard standing nearby.... echo. echo. (A) Go down hallway echo. (B) Back into lift if %secureguard% EQU 1 echo. (C) Talk to Security Guard echo. echo. if %stationdroid% EQU 0 if %vinusdone% EQU 1 echo. Computer: Ship's Computer: Warning: Cooleant Lank detected in Engine Room %% sound play computermsg20.wav %% bg sleep 3000 if %vinusdone% EQU 1 echo. if %nanor% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Don't worry Commander, when you get that Nano Reflector if %nanor% EQU 1 echo. technology put in the suits, your Solar flare troubles will be over and if %nanor% EQU 1 echo. the planet will then be safer to explore. echo. if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: I'm in need of an upgrade or two as well. My systems are feeling a bit strange. It be nice to replace all this beaten up dirty old armour plating. if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo.
set /a spin-%random% %%5+1
if %spin% EQU 1 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: What are you doing down here. You don't need an upgrade.
if %spin% EQU 2 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Get outta here you crazy droid.
if %spin% EQU 3 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Go back to the bridge and stay put. Do something useful like freeing up another memory cluster of one of your lost star charts.
if %spin% EQU 4 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: You don't need any upgrades. You walked all the way down here to follow me, so You're working fine.
if %spin% EQU 5 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Stupid droid, these are ship upgrades not droid upgrades, we don't have new droid armor plating. Get back to your Alcove.
set /p x1= if %x1%==a goto dhalls if %x1%==b goto lift if %x1%==c goto talkguac goto upgrades
Reason Why you're in trouble with a security guard watching you....2 reasons
1). Causing a planet to be destroyed.
2.) Causng trouble down at the hospital by deleting all the paitent medial records or causing trouble directly with hospital paitents.
cls echo. --------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo. Security Guard: I'm here because I was sent here by Central to keep echo. an eye on you so you don't get yourself into any more trouble than echo. what you already are in. Boya are you deep in it or what.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Destroying a whole planet.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. tsk, tsk, tsk. You are one Bad puppy that should not ever be left alone on your own.
echo. Security Guard: So I have the utmost displeasure of having to watch over you. echo. if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: You already destroyed Tesseract Prime and put us if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: all in danger by letting a black hole run all rampant if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: You can't bring the planet back. It's gone. echo.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Commander: Well Storm shouldn't have shot the reflective shielding if
if %planetdes% EQU 1 with his illegal dark matter gun..That's how the trouble all started.. echo.
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: You should've left the hospital alone.
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. Commander: Oh you know all about that.
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. I should've focued more on the mission instead of trying to play
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. Operation. oops I guess I gave them a little too much medicine.
echo. Security Guard: Frankly, I don't care about your silly shennanigans or who did it, or how, but I am surprised commander that it came from someone like you. Neither do I like having to babysit you but i am under orders from Central to remain where I am to watch your every move
echo. echo. Commander: Well I will leave you to "watch our every move" then. Don't fall asleep. echo.
if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: Commander, I calculate that
if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: within 6 hours the Tesseract prime sun will be swallowed up and within 10 hours the whole tesseract prime system will be gone.
echo. Commander: Oh crap. as if things couldn't get any worse. We are going to have to evacuate neighbouring planets in that system if that anolamy keeps growing..
if %r6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: Oh not to worry over one little planet Commander, there are over 15 billion more in this galaxy, I calculate that it will take approxitemly 100 years for the whole for galaxy to be turned into a Great Dark Matter Expanse. You have plenty of time before that happens Commander.
set /a spin=%random% %%8+1 if %spin% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: Humph, you enjoy making me stand here don't you.
if %r6unit% EQU 1 if %spin% EQU 2 echo. Security Guard: I don't like what your tin head friend is saying.
if %spin% EQU 3 echo. Security Guard: It's Not funny what your friend did.
if %t6unit% EQU 1 if %spin% EQU 4 echo. Security Guard: You should keep your friend and your droid on a leash
if %spin% EQU 5 echo. Security Guard: What? Now hes gonna destroy the whole system.
if %spin% EQU 6 echo. Security Guard: Visiting time is over, Talk to the hand buddy.
if %spin% EQU 7 echo. Security Guard: Your lap dog friend is a menace to all.
if %spin% EQU 8 echo. Security Guard: Hes a Planet Destroyer. he should be exiled out of the galaxy.
It would be good if I knew how to parse my batch code into game engine script so a game engine can beable to use my code. like a batch to engine script converter...... Because I only know how to set up my flags and switches in batch code. and in batch I can wire a game up in it faster because I type high speeds but I cant do fast wiring up with the way Unreal game engine is currently set up to wire up with which is slow and cumbersome and takes a long time to configure and set up. That engine took ages to try to wire a game up in. Unity might take a while to wire things up in it as well.But Unreal UDK was well in it infancy really, just unreal the way lightmaps kept on crashing out with black screens all the time..
They need to come up with a faster way of setting up the 3d game models with the engine code.
I have done over 51200 lines of code now in my game. A mechdroid droid unit can now be added to the party if you repair him, he is found at the Tesseract Prime Labs Facility outside in the vast maze of ruins where a big battle between the Techdroids and Mechdroids along ago took place. The Mechdroids come from another galaxy, so this mechdroid has in his memory banks over 200 star charts of this galaxy and also other galaxies the mechdroids have visited. But his memory is damaged and frozen over, so he can only grind them out to you a tiny bit at a time. These droid star charts are not the same ones you buy from traders or from doing odd jobs for certain factions.
I added in the Giant Megallanc Gaseos Cloud Nebula with random ambushes of enemy raider ships, a hidden planet on the other side of the the cloud which is the source of where the enemy raiders are coming from., . and about 20 more systems.
Solar Systems now in the game so far For the Sirus Expanse Region: Cayrel, Calsai, Belsus, Tsirus Belt, Cesir Belt, Aquari, Debris, Maion, Jupitea, Hansu, Hysohi, X-Dimesion Barrier, Rim Outerworlds, Out Worlds, Tierk, Olas, Olas Nebula, Alran, Ionia, (Ionians Homeworld), Gnosia, Sybain, Cascades, Megallanc, Metroa, Zenon, Tryphis, Tiera, Okion, Sirus Major, Sirus Omega, Veltas, Belanus Prime, Ryben
Right, so how do you load a batch file all into the memory?
I think they rely on the HDD cache, but some use the memory too. Some say I was mad making this type of game, well some of the promos of Ntis City in the info centre show that mad chaotic world..
New, just recently imported into Ntis from the Telos Homeworld, Housecat remakes, these cute adorable little creatures called Leonix are no ordinary house pets, along with our popular product the fangercrawlers, these lovely little cats have special cloaking abilities. Watch your Leonix dissapear before your eyes and reappear. Fun for all the kids. Don't delay only 100 credits each. Get yours today. P.S We will not be held responsbile if your Leonix decides to materiaise inside your warp core engine. Ship train your Leonix today. For more information see Leonix Pet shop in the Main Central Markets area.
Financial News:
In Financial News: Well Citizens of Ntis, its your lucky day
Element 113 stocks are now going at half price due to market crash on
the Belanus Homeworld of rare metals. Trade your precious metals in today.
Visit vendors area Metal Suppliers for more information.
In other news, Thelisium trading stocks from Vinus fell over 70% today after
Financial trades negotiations all fell through. Attempts at Negotations are again curently
underway with the planet, but because of tight security due to conflicts with
rogue factions warring with each other, the govenor of Vinus has called off
the trade talks with Ntis until further notice.
In other News Brokers are doing well in the Metals market on Triaxis
Prime. Rich mining resources were found on the planet so hurry and
invest in your metal stocks on Triaxis before bandits get it today.
News for today: The Ntis Government has decided to say no to the council's
requests for more reinforcements for a breakdout in the north district
of the city of a dispute between two neighbouring factions, saying that
local security are able to handle the dispute. Bad Sector and Core are
responsible for causing the unrest over 'machine rights'.
Breaking News, a rogue droid has just trashed the Central Plaza
Hotel, 1000 credits reward to anyone who can take him down. Security
has been unsucessful in capturing him. 4052 credits of damage was done to the hotel. If you are the owner, please pay up for the damages and keep your droid on a leash.
The Cheesy News Bulletins on Telos
Welcome to Intergalactic News for Today. On Telfus, Rogue droid
robs Spare parts store claiming to be all out of date with software. Store
owner is shaken up, but the droid has been apprehended by security
screaming, 'I have my rights, I have my machine rights.' before being taken away.
(Note if you invest in Thelisium) you lose 130000 credits....
which brings up random one line script replies from one of the game party members.
Loana: All is good with Thelesium market You were saying?
Loana: Well look what happened to your precious stocks now. Its hit the bottom.
Loana: Looks like your precious stocks just went all down the toilet
Loana: Looks like the Commander's lip fell on the ground after hearing this
Loana: Didn't you know my world has volatile stocks?
Loana: You should'v listened to me and not brought theleslium stocks from that alien.
Laona: Your stocks just lost all their value
And If you are on Telos at the bar.............
In other news, thelisium stocks are doing well this year
but there is some concern as Rogue Factions are starting to
disrupt trading operations on the planet. The governor of Vinus
will soon release a news bulletin on the developing situation.
In other breaking news, this just came in, Disaster hits Vinus as the Rogue Factions continue to
shut down trade. The Vinus Stock Market has halted trade, causing
precious metals stocks like Thelisium to crash and burn. Folks, I
hope none of you brought any Thelisium stocks this year. Vinus say
they hope to resume normal trading at a later time. Someone should
really sort that planet out.
Storm: Ahahaha that's funny.
ana% EQU 1 echo. Loana: I don't see what's so funny about my planet
ana% EQU 1 echo. being in conflict with rogue factions. Now trade
ana% EQU 1 echo. has been halted I hope its only temporary.
Commander: I invested in Thelesium stocks. It' not funny. I just lost my money.
Storm: Well it looks like the Thelesium has crashed and burned on you Commander.
Commnader: Damm, all that money wasted.
Bar Owner: What's the matty sonny, it looks like you seen a ghost.
Storm: He just lost over 130,000 credits in the Vinus Stock market when
the thelisium trade market crashed.
Bar Owner: (Bursts out laughing), I wouldn't trade all the credits for one
metal stock of that planet, there's too much conflict all the time on that
world. They need to sort themselves out.
In Intergalactic News Today: A big group of Ionian Raiders was
seen in the Metroa System, destroying one of our Metal Refineries.
Telos reinforcements are being called right now to go to that system
to deal with these raiders. If you want to help with the fight,
please see Security Administration Recruitments in Telos Towers
Floor 10 for more information. Bounty reward is $6000 and under
Tell me if I interpreted this right. Do you mean to say that I can just Piggy back my code into any computer language by loading my code all into the ram so I can to bypass the limitations of Cmd.exe which is stopping me using batch code with other script languages?
So once its all loaded up in the ram, then the code is free to be accessed by any program or script whether its java, or python, or C++ can now call any of the goto label that I made and execute any section or function of my game. and have much faster execution speed because its in ram not reading one line at a time through cmd.exe and if I'm right, then that then will make it possible to run that code in a 3d game engine script and start customizing it. once you get Cmd.exe out of the picture. I think that's what you're saying to mem can piggy back it. And if that's true, that sounds really interesting but I don't know how to load my batch code all up into the computer's memory, I only know how to execute it within cmd.exe one lousy line at a time.
Now I know with these type of games they prefer to load the files it as small modules from the HDD into the memory, this may be necessary when working with a 3d engine to create all the 3d systems and stuff because you need a 3d space simulator engine for a game like this so you can beable to fly around in your spaceship through all the different systems....That's what I want it to be doing. So the text script gives me a starting foundation to work from.
I would need to know how to create the big large nebula clouds of mist so you can fly through them, and the planets in the systems.
But because this game is not yet hooked up into a 3d space engine, I can only move from room to room in my script or system to system I use either Goto :Label, or
B) A If "%hyoshi% EQU 1 1 A Flag label to determine a certain condition in the game before making a goto jump
C) A If %x1%== or use a set /p prompt choice.
D) Or I use the Call command to load the save file but I don't use the call statement much excep for two places in my game at the moment. 1. Halfway through the spacestation mission you can save the game then load it to continue where you left off, or when you zoom out to the galaxy you can save where you are up to in the game.
Do do that I simply put the Save routine halfway in the spacestation mission code. so i got a save checkpoint in it.
51273 lines have been written, that didn't take long, what took me long, was creating and wiring up all of the sound files of the text dialog of the game characters.
So now with each game character having around 200-400 speech audio files each for ll the different dialog in the storylines, throughout the various missions and systems I'm going to need to set my directories out like this
ect. So I don't get that LAGGING if I just chuck the audio dialog files all into one sound directory. the same also for all the systems of the game.
The good thing about batch script is that the filesize can be very big but the downside is that it will slow down eventually the exeution speed of the script the bigger the file gets as it starts slowing down when you reach about 400,000-500 lines, then it starts lagging.
becuse I think when you run the batch file the command.com, spools it one line at time into the memory, so it takes the hdd a little longer for the computer to run it as its not all being loaded into the ram.
Because windows has a problem with lag when you have alot of files in a single directory or when you run a big massive batch file
At the beginning This tune just needs some acoustic bass added to it.
its a very good fast-moving tune. But whe you get bout 6 minutes into it it goes off the rails a bit before it picks up again.
This would suit Sypro The Dragon type games
I've got unity on my computer, but I didn't understand how to set things up in it. Don't you need a 3d modeling program to create your worlds in with that engine? Unreal expects you to create your 3d worlds with Maya or 3d max.. I don't have those programs, Only Blender... But I'm still trying to figure out how to get thousands of lines of dialog text into a 3d game engine without overloading it. because in the batch format, I can do thousands of lines of dialog and have no problem, its just getting it all into a 3d engine is the problem and putting in all the flags and switches to trigger all that dialog.. .
I find the brackets stuff difficult to try to layout becase it just takes one missing bracket or cause the whole thing to crash.
For batch code does crash easily if you missing an envinment variable, or mispelt a flag label name. And the problem with batch code, it dosen't always tell you what type of error it is. doen't give enough detail on the error. so you have to try to debug the code to locate where the error is coming from, most of the time the error comes from a certain section of code.
But I hate getting the
1 is unexpected before goto error
because that usually means a misspelt or missing name label somewhere in the code..
That would have to be compiled as a command line exe I would think that you just put your batch file through it.
My game plays audio wav files, display bitmap graphics in the console window (at the moment) becauae I don't know how to open up a gui windows interface with batch script language to allow me to display JPG or PNG graphics instead of being stuck with just BMP graphics because you cannot easily animate bitmaps that don't have the alpha channel.
And with mp3 file, the media window player keeps on popping up all the time when I only want the mp3 file to play without showing up any player window.
So i used sound.exe to play the wav files in the dos console window without showing any window output. and that's handy because I can play more than one sound file at the same time. but eh disadvantage is wav files take up more space.
The game is actually just all one big long script text batch file there are no sub scripts files, unless you count the couple of game save files as a script file.
So label pops up a windows screen.
The only time I use brackets mostly is when I do options to choose from A) B) C) ect.
But Python does use lot of brackets in its code. I had alot of that trouble with Festival.
Festival required brackets with everything you typed so I hated typing in all the open and closed parathesis brackets and just macro it instead..
I wish there was a magic button somewhere
that said 'no brackets'
Well Here's a section of my code where I do use multiple flags in a code block...
echo. ---------------SHIP REPAIRS AND UPGRADES AREA && echo.
if %secureguard% EQU 1 echo. There's a security guard standing nearby....
echo. (A) Go down hallway
echo. (B) Back into lift
if %secureguard% EQU 1 echo. (C) Talk to Security Guard
if %stationdroid% EQU 0 if %vinusdone% EQU 1 echo. Computer: Ship's Computer: Warning: Cooleant Lank detected in Engine Room %% sound play computermsg20.wav %% bg sleep 3000
if %vinusdone% EQU 1 echo.
if %nanor% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Don't worry Commander, when you get that Nano Reflector
if %nanor% EQU 1 echo. technology put in the suits, your Solar flare troubles will be over and
if %nanor% EQU 1 echo. the planet will then be safer to explore.
if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: I'm in need of an upgrade or two as well. My systems are feeling a bit strange. It be nice to replace all this beaten up dirty old armour plating.
if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo.
set /a spin-%random% %%5+1
if %spin% EQU 1 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: What are you doing down here. You don't need an upgrade.
if %spin% EQU 2 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Get outta here you crazy droid.
if %spin% EQU 3 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Go back to the bridge and stay put. Do something useful like freeing up another memory cluster of one of your lost star charts.
if %spin% EQU 4 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: You don't need any upgrades. You walked all the way down here to follow me, so You're working fine.
if %spin% EQU 5 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Storm: Stupid droid, these are ship upgrades not droid upgrades, we don't have new droid armor plating. Get back to your Alcove.
set /p x1=
if %x1%==a goto dhalls
if %x1%==b goto lift
if %x1%==c goto talkguac
goto upgrades
Reason Why you're in trouble with a security guard watching you....2 reasons
1). Causing a planet to be destroyed.
2.) Causng trouble down at the hospital by deleting all the paitent medial records or causing trouble directly with hospital paitents.
echo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
echo. Security Guard: I'm here because I was sent here by Central to keep
echo. an eye on you so you don't get yourself into any more trouble than
echo. what you already are in. Boya are you deep in it or what.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Destroying a whole planet.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. tsk, tsk, tsk. You are one Bad puppy that should not ever be left alone on your own.
echo. Security Guard: So I have the utmost displeasure of having to watch over you.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: You already destroyed Tesseract Prime and put us
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: all in danger by letting a black hole run all rampant
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: You can't bring the planet back. It's gone.
if %planetdes% EQU 1 echo. Commander: Well Storm shouldn't have shot the reflective shielding if
if %planetdes% EQU 1 with his illegal dark matter gun..That's how the trouble all started..
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: You should've left the hospital alone.
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. Commander: Oh you know all about that.
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. I should've focued more on the mission instead of trying to play
if %malpractice% EQU 1 echo. Operation. oops I guess I gave them a little too much medicine.
echo. Security Guard: Frankly, I don't care about your silly shennanigans or who did it, or how, but I am surprised commander that it came from someone like you. Neither do I like having to babysit you but i am under orders from Central to remain where I am to watch your every move
echo. Commander: Well I will leave you to "watch our every move" then. Don't fall asleep.
if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: Commander, I calculate that
if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: within 6 hours the Tesseract prime sun will be swallowed up and within 10 hours the whole tesseract prime system will be gone.
echo. Commander: Oh crap. as if things couldn't get any worse. We are going to have to evacuate neighbouring planets in that system if that anolamy keeps growing..
if %r6unit% EQU 1 echo. T6unit: Oh not to worry over one little planet Commander, there are over 15 billion more in this galaxy, I calculate that it will take approxitemly 100 years for the whole for galaxy to be turned into a Great Dark Matter Expanse. You have plenty of time before that happens Commander.
set /a spin=%random% %%8+1
if %spin% EQU 1 echo. Security Guard: Humph, you enjoy making me stand here don't you.
if %r6unit% EQU 1 if %spin% EQU 2 echo. Security Guard: I don't like what your tin head friend is saying.
if %spin% EQU 3 echo. Security Guard: It's Not funny what your friend did.
if %t6unit% EQU 1 if %spin% EQU 4 echo. Security Guard: You should keep your friend and your droid on a leash
if %spin% EQU 5 echo. Security Guard: What? Now hes gonna destroy the whole system.
if %spin% EQU 6 echo. Security Guard: Visiting time is over, Talk to the hand buddy.
if %spin% EQU 7 echo. Security Guard: Your lap dog friend is a menace to all.
if %spin% EQU 8 echo. Security Guard: Hes a Planet Destroyer. he should be exiled out of the galaxy.
It would be good if I knew how to parse my batch code into game engine script so a game engine can beable to use my code. like a batch to engine script converter...... Because I only know how to set up my flags and switches in batch code. and in batch I can wire a game up in it faster because I type high speeds but I cant do fast wiring up with the way Unreal game engine is currently set up to wire up with which is slow and cumbersome and takes a long time to configure and set up. That engine took ages to try to wire a game up in. Unity might take a while to wire things up in it as well.But Unreal UDK was well in it infancy really, just unreal the way lightmaps kept on crashing out with black screens all the time..
They need to come up with a faster way of setting up the 3d game models with the engine code.
I have done over 51200 lines of code now in my game. A mechdroid droid unit can now be added to the party if you repair him, he is found at the Tesseract Prime Labs Facility outside in the vast maze of ruins where a big battle between the Techdroids and Mechdroids along ago took place. The Mechdroids come from another galaxy, so this mechdroid has in his memory banks over 200 star charts of this galaxy and also other galaxies the mechdroids have visited. But his memory is damaged and frozen over, so he can only grind them out to you a tiny bit at a time. These droid star charts are not the same ones you buy from traders or from doing odd jobs for certain factions.
I added in the Giant Megallanc Gaseos Cloud Nebula with random ambushes of enemy raider ships, a hidden planet on the other side of the the cloud which is the source of where the enemy raiders are coming from., . and about 20 more systems.
Solar Systems now in the game so far For the Sirus Expanse Region: Cayrel, Calsai, Belsus, Tsirus Belt, Cesir Belt, Aquari, Debris, Maion, Jupitea, Hansu, Hysohi, X-Dimesion Barrier, Rim Outerworlds, Out Worlds, Tierk, Olas, Olas Nebula, Alran, Ionia, (Ionians Homeworld), Gnosia, Sybain, Cascades, Megallanc, Metroa, Zenon, Tryphis, Tiera, Okion, Sirus Major, Sirus Omega, Veltas, Belanus Prime, Ryben