DawnLike - 16x16 Universal Rogue-like tileset v1.81
- !CO Assets
- 16x16 cc 4.0
- 16x16 for voxels
- 16x16 Gfx
- 16x16 pixel art sprites for a Harvest Moon style game
- 2D - Dungeon and Roguelike
- 2D Art
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 8x - 16x Mini
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Adventure Co
- Antur Resources
- Art for Undying Dusk PDF game
- Art using DawnBringer palettes
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Assets I Want to Make Games With
- Asteria
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- BinxQuest
- Book 1 (GDN)
- C0 fantasy modern game
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- CF Inspiration
- Clone: Zelda (GDN)
- Collected
- Complete art kits
- Dawnbringer
- DawnBringer 16-color Palette
- DungeonKeeperIshGame
- Favorite Assets
- gb conversion
- Hunt the Wumpus or Roguelike
- Ideas 1
- LegendOfMomo
- Library of 2D Game Art
- Lost in the void potential assets
- misc. CC-BY
- Morgan's Favorites
- Must Use
- Non-Commercial - Art
- Oddball Gamez NES Style
- Off The Shelf
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- Pool: Emotes (GDN)
- Pool: Fonts (GDN)
- Pool: GUI (GDN)
- Pool: Icons (GDN)
- Pool: Roguelike (GDN)
- Quality game assets
- Quality pieces
- QuestTown prototype
- Resources
- Rogue like
- Roguezeldalike
- RPG (non LPC)
- RPG Tiles
- RPG-t.d
- rpg-tiny
- RPG/Roguelike
- Similar to Tiny 16
- Space Captain Yanya
- Sprites
- stardont
- Strategy RPG stuff
- The Princess and Her Dragon
- Theme - Fantasy Sprites
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- tileset
- Tileset with TSX
- Tilesets
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- TLoZ-like Overhead Convergent Perspective
- Top 2D Art
- top down 16x16 pixel art fantasy
- top down 2d graphs
- Top Down 2D JRPG 16x16 Art Collection
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- Top-down TIlesets
- Topdown
- TopDown RPG
- Viewpoint - Orthogonal Sprites
- wzleg Candidates
- Zelda Like RPG
Dawnlike all started in the fall of 2013 as an idea. A crazy, ambitious idea called DawnHack. I had recently played NetHack, but was let down with the graphics. It was then that I decided I would make a tileset worthy of this incredible game! And so I began. I drew a giant ant. Then a bee, and then a soldier ant. I worked at a furious pace, churning out tiles at superhuman speeds. And lo and behold...after the first week I had blazed my way through the first 120 tiles, a total 11% of the 1057 tiles of NetHack. But little did I know, I had just taken my first brave bites out of the great whale I would one day consume.
And finally, after 3 months of on-and-off work, I ate that whale. Tail and all. Several devs including ais523 (NetHack4) and Patric Mueller (UnNetHack) found the tileset and contacted me for some expansions. I helped them out, and the Android versions of NetHack4 and UnNetHack now include DawnHack.
But I still wasn't satisfied. I lurked the web and discovered famous tilesets like Oryx's Ultimate Roguelike, Cardinal Quest, and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. I discovered that in the rogue-like community, there exists a high demand for high-quality, open source tilesets. Something to make rogue-likes more accessible...something to add a little pizazz...something to help newcomers discover they love rogue-likes! And so I bring you a colossal expansion of DawnHack. My time, my sweat, my magnus opus...Dawnlike.

@hyp1993: Everything on OGA can be used commercially.
from the FAQ:
"Yes, you can use any of the art submitted to this site. Just be sure to adhere to the license terms. Artists often indicate how they would like to be credited in the "Copyright/Attribution Notice:" section of the submission. You can find this between the submission's description and the list of downloadable files. If no Copyright/Attribution Notice instructions are given, a good way to credit an author for any asset is to put the following text in your game's credits file and on your game's credits screen:
For example:
Platino does have what can be considered a requirement; it's in one of the files. He has a dragon sprite you must hide in your game. It's clearly marked in the file it's in.
You should, however, still toss a note to him in your credits. See the above.
Next stop: Cataclysm DDA?
Are you available & willing to do a commissioned expansion to this set?
Sorry, I'm currently focusing on my current commercial work and am not taking any more commissions. Thank you for the offer, though.
Loved to read about crazy, ambitious idea called DawnHack for game lovers and it is really good game but re
@dragondeplatino first off, kudos on the amazing work.
I'm curious about how some of the tiles are meant to be used, at the top of objects/decor
looks like window frames, roof tiles, and buttresses but I'm not sure how they work
EDIT: okay, right after posting this, I realized that they're actually doors/windows on the sides of walls! still, I can't quite figure out how to use the black lines as references? how would I actually use these
Hi -- wanted to share that we've used some of these assets in a retro-RPG. Just posted the demo link & more info here:
Thx for making great artwork!
I was wondering, what tiles would you use for open water, for example a river, lake, or ocean?
This set is awesome, is it the same set used in Mastering Libgdx Game Development, which is an awesome read BTW.
I know I'm a bit late to the party but thanks a lot for this!
awesome work! I'm using it my game Loop Runner
I have no words to describe how nice this tiles set is. I make games with Mini Micro, and in the MiniScript discord channel, someone suggested making a rogue like game. I liked the idea, so I went to look for good rogue like tile sets, and I found this one - and I loved it. I really hope I can use it on my game. Thank you a lot for publishing such a incredible work!
Holy moly just downloaded the package. Came with way more awesome assets than I was expecting. Thanks!
I used the small amulet & magnifying glass sprites in my game: https://lucas-c.itch.io/undying-dusk
Thank you!!
Sup! Thanks for sharing such a cool tileset. I'm using it for my game and included both Dawnbringer and DragonDePlatino in the credits. So far I've only included the little platinum dragon in the credits, since the demo is kinda barebones, but I'll make sure of placing it in some heavily hidden and cool place in the final game.
Here's the game if you want to check how it looks and how I'm using the tileset: https://tintoconcasera.itch.io/pacos-quest-tbd
Brother, excellent sprinters, very complete and very varied.