Slates [32x32px orthogonal tileset by Ivan Voirol]
- !CO Assets
- 16x16 Gfx
- 2D Art Free (Mostly Pixel Art)
- 2D assets
- 2D tiles
- 2d Top-down Surface Map
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Amazing Stuff
- Bogumil's Journey
- CF Inspiration
- Collected
- Dungeon Slayer Art
- Game Art Inspiration
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Infinimon - Procedurally-Generated Pokemon- or Digimon-style Game Assets
- LOZ Type Stuff
- map sprite
- MedievalThings
- My Gather.Town stuff
- OGA SUMMER JAM 2019 considered art
- OpenGameArt Jam resources
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- pixelart-game-by
- Ragnar's CC-BY 4.0 / OGA-BY 3/4 Bag of Holding
- React RPG
- Rockwood village
- Roguezeldalike
- RPG Game
- RPG-t.d
- Sprites
- Stendhal Potential
- Theme - Fantasy Sprites
- Tilesets
- Tilesets
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Zelda style tilesets
I'm proud to finally present you my latest big project!
Two years ago, I looked back to my old uploads, and found that some of them could be improved with what I had learned. And so I started to remake my old Basic Map. I used the same patterns, but re-arranged them, re-colored them, and added a significative quantity of new assets to add more life to them. Here's a little peak at the evolution:
It really took me a long time. I tried to improve the palettes, and hope that all the tiles and textures are now better matched :
I also spent a lot of my time on animations :
This tileset is orthogonal, and is as much as I could manage, modular. These tiles are meant to be put on top of each other, and combined to create detailled environments. You'll find trees, fences, stairs and pontoons, columns, signs, and much more.
Finally, considering the fact that this tileset doesn't come with characters, I would recommend you to use 16 x 24 px characters, like those drawn by PixElthen, or those, or the one in Zelda-like tilesets and sprites. Fun fact, 16 x 16 px characters can be used to create kids!
If you have comments, please give me your opinion!
![image/png Slates [32x32px orthogonal tileset by Ivan Voirol].png](/modules/file/icons/image-x-generic.png)
![image/png Slates v.2 [32x32px orthogonal tileset by Ivan Voirol].png](/modules/file/icons/image-x-generic.png)

I love this! Thank you.
Wow! Beautiful! I love the slopes in the example scene. Very clever :) Thanks for sharing.
incredible work, looks fantastic!. thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks! I'm really glad you all like it :)
pretty! so pretty!
I see some things in the preview that aren't present in the downloadable tilemap. Are all the rest of those features available in your other "Basic Map" submission?
No, Every tile used in the previews are in the Slates tileset, you can entirely recreate the example scenes with what's downloadable here. But What didn't you find? Which features are you looking for? I could help you find them.
The roof and grass variants in this image (some seem similar to tiles in your Basic Map submission, but I don't believe they're identical. Not a problem, I just like them and was hoping they were available somewhere :)
...and the water and grass tiles from the left ("old version") image are not in the tileset here:
(of course these ones are definitely available in your Basic Map submission, so I wasn't really concerned with that. just addressing your question. However, I realize both the images I referenced as containing tiles I don't see in the tileset are not technically preview images, but are instead linked images in the description. If that is the distinction you are drawing, then yes all the tiles in the "preview images" are present in the tileset. :)
Those two images are just meant to show the progression, so you can notice all the details I worked on. I see how this can lead to confusion, but I don't intend on uploading the temporary tilesets, sorry :P
I changed a bit the presentation, and hope it's clearer now.
I didn't keep the tiles you mention, because they weren't coherent with the rest. Nevertheless, I remind you that the licence allows transformation, and according to your request here are the old grass tiles, and roof palette :
A fine set from which many a map will grow that's not just visually appealing, but also intenlligently crafted.
I'm very happy that you like it, considering all the time I spent listening to your music : I got inspired by it, and originally wanted to make a demo of my tileset with Overworld, so thank you!
Excellent work! You've done a great job improving on your previous set. I really love seeing these types of submissions where you can see the artist grow. (I'm revisiting some of my own older submissions now as well, and it's sometimes painful!)
A few things I really like: careful palette work and shading increased the contrast across the board; makes everything look like it has a bit more depth, and also makes many parts of the scene much easier to visually parse (edges of the roof, boundaries between trees/bushes and grass). Windows and the little red awnings add lots of personality to the building, and the bricks look great. Animation of the water wheel and windmill are very smooth and clean.
On the other hand, I am not a big fan of the dithering in otherwise solid-color spaces (like the walls of the building, the stone tiles, the sand, etc. Unless you're working in color palette restrictions such that the specific tones you're looking for are unavailable, why not just choose a tone to fill that area that matches your desired color? I also think the perspective on the conifer tree looks wrong---it looks very flat to me, in contrast to the otherwise orthographic perspective.
Otherwise, really nice work! Can't wait to see what you do next!
Thank you!
At first I had applied that dithering effect you talked about on many other textures, and found out it was way too much. It was on the stone walls, the bricks, the grass, the water, and even the shadows! So I reduced it as much as I could. But on some textures I couldn't find a pattern to replace it effectively, and wasn't satisfied with the result. I think it deserves completely new patterns and motifs, so be sure that the next version will resolve that issue ^^
But concerning the pine, I agree with you. I'll try to improve it soon.
Thanks again for such a detailled observation, it really helps!
Georgous! This is amazing work, thanks so much for sharing!
Nice colors, they are really vivid and provide good contrast
Someday I want to polish that one and release a complete bundle of remastered stuff. It made my day, - my week, the idea that that music encouraged your work. All the best.
sign idea (beer icon by
YUM beer
I really want to make a game with this tileset featuring that big rolling wheel you drew!
windows idea
Thank you mold!
I'm happy to see that you're already playing with it. I think it's through modifications and addings that this tileset can evolve and meet the requirings of more specific projects.
I'll think of a version 2 to work on soon, and I hope you don't mind if I add some of your ideas.
PS: I wanted to have more signs, and which would be less textual, but never really took the time to search for some. More of these would be welcome!
Would you be willing to provide the palette you used for this set?
I might need it to draw some characters which fit ^^
I uploaded a small file containing all the main palettes of the tileset, that you'll find in the "File(s)" section.
I very sorry for the mess it represents ^^ You have to understand that I kept changing it for months, so now it's a bit complex. I hope you can use it, and if you have troubles understanding the origin of some colors, or you think I forgot some, please ask me.
As I told mold, I'm very glad that my work enthusiasm people on this site, and that you're helping me completting this project! So again, thank you!
Hey, thanks, and I'm only happy you provided the palette!
I noticed that there aren't very many blues, but I'll try to make some characters work with just that.
Thank you for the tileset, it's great.
How I set up the house the right way? Can any kind of specific program automatically do it for me?
You can use a tileset-based map editor, which you can find in a game development tool (I've been using Construct 2 for a long time and loved it : or a map editor alone (I use Tiled to test my tiles, a very intuitive freeware :
If you need more help, just ask
Looks awesome man! Keep it up!
Any chance you might make more assets for this sheet? Anyone else might have made more? :o
Hello! I love your set and am using it in my game I am making in my free time (I am NOT an artist!)
I have a question about the shading of the grass tiles. The light grass is my main grass type. The edges grass tiles and grass tiles that have edges - however you say that - do not seem to have the light shading. How can I fix this?
Edit: figured it out.
Love your set!
Thank you
Yes ! Just published version 2, with many more tiles to build more complex cities, and improved textures. I actually made two new example scenes to show what you can do. If you need special tiles, just ask, I might be able to add them to the set.
Also, I wanted to add small complementary tilesets, for like snow, interiors, basic characters and so on. But it'll take a long time to do.
Hello Ivan! I had to register an account here to tell you that I SUPER LOVE THIS WONDERFUL CRAFT OF YOURS! You've made a huge improvement from your older art. ^^ I spent countless hours looking for tilesets for my multiplayer RPG game project, can I have the permission to use these tilesets for non-commercial use? All the necessary credits will be provided.. ^^
@ryua: You already have permission to use everything on this site. for non-commercial or even commercial projects. As long as you give credit, no asking required. Welcome to Open Game Art. :)
PS. I totally agree; Ivan's work is gorgeous.
@MedicineStorm waaaa thanks a lot!!!! I 100% surely will put credits on the main page. I can now imagine my characters walking around these awesome tilesets. ^^ Thanks for the info, and thanks to Ivan! Hope you are all healthy and safe at this time of crisis. Take care! ^__^
Wow, I really appreciate your comment (made me smile)!
Such responses are my main motivation to keep trying to improve my art, it means a lot!
Concerning your request, @MedicineStorm summed it pretty well : fell free to use my tilesets, you just need to credit me. But since you said you're working on a RPG, I would recommend using tinySLATES, which is compatible with most 16x16 character spritesheets (and is a bit more improved, like the overall vegetation, and is much easier to use). But of course do as you wish ^^
Please, keep me updated on your work, i'm always curious of where my sprites end up!
Thanks again and stay safe!
@Ivan heloo thank you for your recommendation! I wasn't able to find free mapmaker online so I decided to code my own, here it is:
Not compatible for mobile, and it's not yet done, I'm planning to put animation layer for animating sprites and file options are not yet functioning except for creating new map xp
I'm not sure if this is how map-making works, I'm new to this hahaha xD I'm open to suggestions tho. And also it is free for everyone who wanna use it (though there might be much better map-maker somewhere else xD)
Your awesome artworks really inspire me and so I put a lot of effort to do this, I can't thank you enough! I'm your fan now.. xD
Nice project, I'll check it from time to time! Hope you pursue it.
If you need UI sprites, just ask. Also, since you're using my old Slates tileset, let me give you this slightly updated version, which makes forests much easier to make, and better-looking.
PS : Couldn't find an eraser tool on your app, is it on purpose or not coded yet? Thanks again ^^
Heeeeeeeeeyyyy Ivan!! What's up!! Thanks for the updated tileset! It has been a tough week and I am proud to say that I have finally implemented all the functions! :D Please revisit my mapmaker, I managed to animate tiles with different fps (maximum of 60 fps) and we can now use multiple tilesets, we can switch back and forth (top left corner). I already put your tilesets there..^^
And also I attached a database to it so we can save our progress. Don't be confused with the stash, it's just like a username and password for security purpose xD ..keep the KEY after you create a stash name, that will be the password.
If you're lost, try to click the HELP! button, I put there all the instructions.
And if the app still doesn't show the updated version, try to reload the browser after 10-20 seconds because it will delete the old cache.
"If you need UI sprites, just ask." - awwww Ivan isn't it too much if I ask more sprites? I'm shy xD
You are so kind! My motivation is overflowing and flaming with these free resources from you!! ^^
Still more months of hard work to come to finish this entire game. I got to work more.
PS: I really can't thank you enough with all your beautiful sprites, thanks thanks a lot!! ^____^
are these resources free to use?
The licence lets you use, share and remix the tileset as long as you credit me, even commercially.
So yes, it's free to use ^^
Would be amazing if we can get some Caves, Dungeons in as well!
Sorry but I moved on to a new tileset, which will be even better than Slates! So except of paid commisions, I won't add new assets to Slates.
Having said that, I can recommend you some other tilesets you could use for interiors : by Calciumtrice
and all the LPC assets, like :
Those don't actually fit with the Slates style at all though, looking forward to your new tileset.
Thanks for this set! I'm definitely going to use it. I also added on to some tiles for the cave entrances, so that they are tileable for any size. I'm planning to keep modifying tiles as I need, so I'll hopefully be back with more.
Full set of fences.
I seem to be unable to get autotiling to work with this tilset using Godot. Is this tileset incompatible with Godot? Specifically, I am trying to get the grassy regions to work.
It could also be that I am using the wrong bitmask configuration. If someone has an insight as to how the bitmasks should be set with Godot it would be helpful.
I re-drew (traced really) the windmill blades at 2x resolution and added intermediate frames (so 8 instead of 4). I also recolored the water wheels into the LPC palette (I might make larger versions of them at some point too). My edits are CC0, just credit Ivan if you use.
Also, would you be willing to license this set under the OGA-BY 3.0+ license (in addition to CC-BY)? . I would like to incorporate this into another set of assets that will be OGA-BY.
Thanks again for the beautiful assets!
this set looks great !
But I have two issues.
1. There's no meta-data for putting the assets such as sprite animation frames together.
2. Some of the tiles/frames are packed too tightly. For example the water mill frames are so close to the brick wall tiles (on the left side) that you either clip the water mill or end up with artifacts from the brick wall.
Has anyone solved these issues?