(WIP) ZRPG tiles | OGA remixed (Jetrel & DB32 colors)
I haven't been on this site for a couple years- or even a computer actually. I got caught up with some life changing distractions.
For the past month or so I've been tinkering around (on the little spare time that I have) on some pixel art and when I get tired of that I may poke at my Dusk demo game.
I'm starting my first topic here to show my work in progress of re-colorizing/remixing my favorite JRPG tilesets (32x32) with DawnDringer's 32 color palette in an effort to make all the best art here on OGA more cohesive.
There may be some art yet to be submitted to the mainline but I assure you that I'll be making all this art available when I feel I'm finished with it ;)
Here's a screenshot made with Tiled testing some of what I've been working on.
The big trees are Jetre'ls tree's located here , take a look at that - it's what inspired me to expand into usable rpg tiles. I've contacted Jetrel and he knows about my derivative works and likes what I'm doing. When I'm finished I'll be making a ton of excellent art available under the public domain (CCO), thanks to Jetrel and Hyptosis.
I'm also working on Leonard Pabin's stuff that he made for Wispers of Avalon. CC.BY/GPL
When I expand that screenshot testing more stuff I'll be sure to post a revised image here for everybody to enjoy some eye candy :)
Feedback/criticism is always appreciated.
I finally got a day off work and it's rainy outside so I mapped a bit testing some of the stuff I'm slowing bringing together.
This is an example of the new castle in the new forest. Jetrel made the first wall and floor tile that got me started. He also did the railing and statue. The castle is CCO art (I'll make it available on OGA when I feel it's complete). Still need castle windows/deugeon window bars, doors, stairs that pop you out on the roof, flags and more floor variations.
There's a little bit of LPC in there now ;)
Polishing continues...
That is some fantastic (re)integration work there, Zabin. The cohesion of the various contributed tilesets is definitely an area needing this type of attention. I'd love to see more :)
Update: Castle pops out more from considering light source pixel work, fixed a perspective problem with bricks on roof, and added a footer on the bottem of the walls.
Thanks to bluecarrot16 and his submission here: http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-castle-mega-pack I see some castle tiles I haven't seen before. Which is great as I may adapt some stuff to work with this new one I'm doing.
The Castle tileset is all CCO art so if anybody wants to play around with it feel free but I'm still working on it.
It's been 6-7 months without playing with this but it's rainy/snowy and cold/freezing outside lately so inside hobbies are in order ;)
Today I was playing with Irukards castle (The Mana World). Recolorized it to make it pixel art (still working on that). Tossed some doors, sewers, and windows in my test map and it looks nice :) The license on this is GPLv2 but I'll try and contact him about a more liberal license.
Keep me posted.
--Medicine Storm
@MedicineStorm, Thanks for showing interest and the gif image gave me a good laugh. A few days ago I contacted Irukard and here's what he said.
I asked him if he could upload his work to OGA aswell but so far he hasn't updated his old blog or post his stuff here. Probably hasn't found the time- I know how life gets busy sometimes. https://mruk.wordpress.com/ But I'm going to upload my recolored tileset of his stuff when it's finished under GPLv2 and CC.BY.SA. So thats pretty sweet. Anyways I did a little more work to it. Recolored the tower roof. This is how I do it in gimp: select by color, bucket fill-shift fills everything selected. Sounds easy but trust me it's challenging because I'm working with something that isn't pixel art and I'm trying to convert it into pixel art.
Commenting for updates.
It's been awhile since I played with pixel art. I did a little bit more for the water animations I had started years ago and figured I'd show what I have now that its basically done.
(Hopefully this gif preview is working)(update: Couldn't figure out how to get gifs working on here sorry this post might not make sense lol)
Here's my derivative of Lens ocean animation tileset https://opengameart.org/content/whispers-of-avalon-animated-ocean-tileset Lens animated beach recolored and made into 10 frames. The animating ocean body is a serious derivative of Rhyging5 Battle for Wesnoth water animation.
BFW is no longer using his ocean animation so I'm going to try and contact him about allowing more licenses then just the GPL that Wesnoth uses. Hopefully I'll hear from him and I could at least get this dual licensed under cc.by.sa and GPL.
This preview shows my derivitive of Rhyging5 BFW water used for streams and I also threw together a quick water fall (that needs some polish) and the sparkily water is an experiment/maybe garbage. The beach/ocean animation uses this water slightly tilted to give it more of a ocean/lake effect.
Attached are gif previews, assets used, and examples.
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Let me know what you think of the water animations. I think it looks good but I would like more frames/tiles for the waves crashing on the beach. Oh well, it's good enough for me and I'm done messing with it I think.
Looks really nice Zabin! I like how you've applied your own flair to all these different sets to make them work together. A few questions?
Do you have a license for Jetrel's tree? http://www.wesnoth.org/jetrel/rpg/huge-tree.png
Where did the tree on the middle-left in this screenshot come from? https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/forum-attachments/3wateranim...
Where did the pine/coniferous trees in the far middle-right of your very first screenshot come from?
Hey thanks bluecarrot16!
1. Yes I've talked to Jetrel and he says he prefers his art licensed CCO. In the next week I will be uploading a bunch of remixes of Jetrel's stuff under that license.
2. That would be Lens tree from Wispers of Avalon (recolored) https://opengameart.org/content/whispers-of-avalon-grassland-tileset
3. I like that you asked about my coniferous trees because those and the 3 small deciduous trees are derivitives of surts "dawn_of_power.png" in his CCO scraps. I'm attaching surts image and a tree pack that consists of all CCO licensed trees. (Those will be uploaded here soon). (edit: Spliced those together to show difference from surts original)
I'm also attaching the mountain tileset I'm currently working on (junk and scrap tiles scattered everywhere). Once I finish this mountain tileset I'll be submitting it with the trees.
Thanks so much Zabin. Your trees look really great too.
I'm working on a master collection of all high-quality trees I can find on OGA, remixed into the LPC style. I'm looking forward to trying to incorporate these trees, assuming I can do them justice and not make a total mess of the colors.
Also it's both inspiring and depressing to peruse surt's CC0 scraps thread... the stuff he throws away is 1000x better than most anything I've contributed :p
So I just love Jetrel's art here https://www.wesnoth.org/jetrel/rpg/rpg2.png and here https://www.wesnoth.org/jetrel/rpg/huge-tree.png When I seen that art and the big tree I just fell in love with it and wanted to draw/map with it.
I've contacted Jetrel about the derivitives I've made and he says to consider his art public domain so all this stuff is CCO.
I'm getting close to finishing converting his rpg art into 32x32 tilesets. I just made a Sweet and Simple tileable mountain tileset based on his mountain(needs finishing touches on mountain top). I'm happy with this mountain :) The 6 shades of various colored grass tileset is a disaster but I think I can eliminate alot of those tiles and organize it better(I hope).
@bluebarrot16 I'm attaching the treepack I'm using so you can have access to all the trees I have in my collection. Everything I'm attaching is CCO licensed art except for a couple assets from Lens Whispers of Avalon submission.
Zabin, are you planning to submit this stuff formally?
--Medicine Storm
@MedicineStorm Yes I'm definately submitting this stuff soonish. I just got a little polishing left to do.
Nice work (particularly the changes to the ocean/water tiles), but I have a few suggestions.
* the yellow on the sand tiles is a little harsh, consider using a different color or possibly dithering with another color.
* Some of the tress clash with Jetrel's trees, as they tend to outline each leaf and other internal elements rather than using shadow to give an impression (for lack of a better word) of many leaves.
Sweet! Thanks a lot for the feedback and for the pixel edits :D. You fixed up my tree trunk to better match Jetrel's style and it looks perfect now. I'll fix up the smaller tree trunks and update my treepack submission with these edits soonish once it's totally done.
*I thought that too about the sand tile and here soon i'll be working on those Whispers of Avalon assets to make them work with these. That was a quick recoloration awhile ago so it needs tweaking and it's also the reason I haven't submitted my reworked ocean tileset yet. I figured I'd submit all of Lens assets together in one big pack. That should be in a couple weeks from now. I attached that tileset just for the heck of it.
*I'm not quite sure what to do about the "some of the tree's" foilage that clashes with Jetrel's foilage. Maybe if you could provide an edit like you did the tree trunk I would know what's the matter exactly. Otherwise I pixeled those trees with different leaves because I was aiming for a different type of tree.
I'll give it a try over the next few days
I'm basically done making my converion on Jetrel's rpg stuff. I'm very happy with my new mountain tiles because the mountain can easily be drawn very tall or short. If you look at that screen shot you'll see how I'm considering using it as a river bank. So we'll see how that looks soon when I get around to alpha blending those tiles.
The attached tilesets will be submitted to OGA soonish. They may be hard to learn to use but I did the best I could to simplify everything as much as possible.
Now I'm going to focus on getting the colors right on Len's beach and making variations for the river flowing into the ocean. BTW the animations running in Tiled looks amazing :)
@Kichigai Hey check out the new colors on the sand. I tried to keep some of that yellow but hardly any of it is left. I also recolored the palm trees using the color scheme I have on all the other trees. Looks good to me now.
Hi Zabin
I'm working on a non-J RPG tileset using DB32.
Gonna grab your stuff n take a good look at those pixels to learn some tricks.
Nice work!
Update time! It's been 2 weeks and what did I come up with?!? You can use your eye balls to see by looking at the youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uDKaf-tnhY&t=137s
Take a look at the big RPG8 image and you will see 2 new sections mapped. The bottom left you'll notice how I've created the mouth of the river and the cliffy coastal areas similar to Northern California's coast.
The top right is a port town in the works and is going to be the next big thing I'm tackling.
Looking great Zabin!
Started working a job so progress on this will slow down a bit.
The LPC beach/desert extension bluecarrot16 just released matches this style better then Len's stuff so I've recolored that and it looks like it fits nicely. I had to figure out my terrain transistion tiles going from grass->gravel->sand and his submission really helped me figure that out.
I've polished up the mountain tiles a bit and made a tileable gravel and a tileable grass. I also kinda figured out how shadows are working. Still need to add polish and a few variations to complete everything but I feel everything is looking close to perfect and working together.
Also recolored the castle walls/LPC dock with the same color ramp as the rocks. That made it fit in better with everything else.
wow. Nice. Those side-by-side comparisons/alternates are pretty useful too.
--Medicine Storm
Looks awesome Zabin! I love what you've done with the shores, particularly the rocks in the water---looks amazing!
For the palm trees, I wonder if a trunk more similar to the original (or even Len's tree?) would work better with your style? I know it was just a rough conversion, but similar to kichigai's suggestions about over-outlining of the internal forms of Jetrel's trees, I wonder if de-emphasizing the cartoony shape of the palm tree trunk would look better. Or you could do a hybrid with Len's trunk and PixelSphere's leaves on top. Just a thought... (BTW, I really like Len's palm tree and tried hard to make it work with the beach set, but it just had too much noise compared to the style of the LPC sets, and I found myself editing to the extent it didn't look good anymore).
What is the license going to be on the rocks/gravel? Is that just you or you and Jetrel? Also who's the author of the plants in RPGfin.png?
I'm stunned by the beauty of those tilesets. Zabin is a master at work cx
Thanks for the nice comments everyone :)
@bluecarrot16 Thanks for the helpful comment. I tried addressing the over outlining issue just now on my recoloration of PixelSphere's palm tree. Take a look at it in the attachment. It looks better now I think. Len's palm trees are back in the screenshot to show how they look against PixelSphere's palm trees and Jetrel's trees. (Modanung made the big palm tree and Len made the smaller one based off it. GPLv2 for The Mana World) I like them both. I feel that PixelSphere's pixelated foilage works better with Jetrel's trees so I'm tempted to just repixel Len's foilage to make them all work together.
The license for everything in RPGfin.png is going to be CCO public domain. I'd say 50%Jetrel and 50% me. The plants in there are Jetrel's. I have 1 problem though... When I cut out the shape of the gravel transistion I based it off of Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm) LPC dirt which is CC.BY.SA and GPL 3.0 So I'll have to include that with another submission or just spend 15 minutes making up my own shape. We'll see.
@bluecarrot16 I got some nice new palm trees here ;) I think you'll like them. I took your edit of Pixelsphere's palm tree foilage and used it on The Mana World's palm trees by Modanung and Len licensed GPLv2. I wish I could get more licenses on this edit ...
I ended up deciding Pixelsphere's tree resembled a bananna tree better so I slightly edited the foilage and added banannas!
I also added shadows to some of the new tropical tree variations and I like how it looks. Let me know what you think about the shadows. I'm thinking of doing all the trees in the forest that way too.
wow these look great. Do you have the shadows in a separate layer, by chance?
--Medicine Storm
@MedicineStorm No everything is on 1 layer. I think that's how it's generally done in this style game as most of the tree goes over the player except for the base of the tree trunk. But if it's helpful to have them seperate I can provide that too no problem.
Oh and I changed the title name of this forum post because I'm calling these "ZRPG tiles".
@Zabi: ZRPG, love it. Yeah, that's how I plan to use these tiles as well, but my "sun" is coming from a different angle, so I was hoping to be able to mirror or move the shadow to match.
--Medicine Storm
Hey, I really like the palm tree variations! FWIW, I'm willing to license my edits to the Pixelsphere palm trees as CC0, so you can combine with Len/Moadung's trees and make your tree variations GPL v2 (though ideally we could secure CC-BY and GPL v2+ on Len/Moadung's trees... not sure if you have a way of contacting them...)
For the LPC stuff, I opted not to do shadows like that, since the lighting is closer to high noon, and they get really cumbersome for larger objects. Also the reason MedicineStorm mentioned.
@bluecarrot16 Thanks, I've just contacted Modanung and he said to consider his stuff for TMW dual-licensed CC-BY-SA.3.0 / GPLv2 There's a new cactus in this tileset from Modanung too so take a look at that. Here's the link to it http://pixeljoint.com/pixelart/13549.htm I realize this cactus better matches ZRPG style then the ones from your [LPC] Beach/Desert submission so I'll eventually touch those up a bit.
@MedicineStorm That's awesome you plan to use these. Right now my sun is at about 45 degrees up and to the left. It would be best to simply flip the whole tileset horizontally if your sun is comming from the right. That way the colors that make shadows within an asset is being lit up from the opposite direction too.
I went a little crazy with bananas and banana shadows o.0 making 12 banana tree variations including shadows. I also flipped Modanung's and Len's palm trees. 16 trees total and their shadows. I made a recoloration on Sharm's LPC dirt and threw it in there to test it out but haven't yet. That sand is William. Thompsonj and Daniel Eddeland. This tileset is CC-BY-SA.3.0 and will be submitted soon.
One thing I gotta do still is contact Len. Even though I may not have to because his derivative was based on Modanung's which is dual-licensed. But because these assets were created over 10 years ago I think it's best to make sure.
Progress has slowed on this since I'm working a full time job now. I still managed to make a shadow or two every few days for the past few weeks. The tilesets are re-organized with shadows and I had a play with colors again. Now it's about a 64 color palette. Half is DB32 and the other half is Jetrel's.
The story on these assets goes like this: I started playing with DB32 color palette and then I came across Jetre'ls beautiful RPG assets. I then recolored Jetrel's stuff trying to stick to a limited color palette. Even though I loved the color of Jetrel's stuff I wanted to experiment with sticking to a limited color palette. I've learned that it's not enough colors for the amount of art I'm working on. But I figured out that DB32 and Jetrel's colors work good together. The colors are extreamly similar. You can see that by looking how I've arranged Jetrel's colors on DawnBringer's palette. The colors marked with a black dot is DB32.
Anyhow the trees, rocks, and grass is Jetrel's colors now and the beach is using mostly DB32. I've attached everything here so if my computer blows up today everything is backed up on here.
The shadows I made using pure black and erasing using the opacity at 64. Feedback for improvements is greatly appreciated.
Almost finished with this...
This is so well made! I should really find a use for them!
I can't even suggest improvements, to a newb like me this looks just perfect
My only suggestion: moar!
--Medicine Storm
Thanks for the nice comments. There's still some polishing to do but it's very close to perfect in my opinion. More is definately coming but first I should release what I have already. I have a LOT of licensing rescearch to do for the beach tileset because I feel an attribution image is the best way to identify the original compared to the derivitive. Most everything else is CCO.
Updates: Mapped a little more testing everything. The coast works like a charm from the north, south, east, and west directions. It's pretty easy to work with now that everything is organized better and it's unbelievebly flexible. I mean there's a lot of variations that can be achieved by cleaver mapping. Like the blowhole for example.
Also added the OPP jungle plants. Since OPP uses DB32 those plants already fit in nicely. They need a few colors edited but that stuff will be very easy to adapt.
Last night I upgraded the water animation because the one I had didn't tile very good. The new one is a major improvement.
I cant tell without going on my computer which I cant do right now are these animated and if so do they have actual movement or just splashes?
Looks amazing Zabin, really excited for the rocks to be released. I'm working on an LPC rock/cliff set, but have been waiting for you to finish yours so it can be included ;-)
Let me know if I can help with any attributions. I should really start doing those for my submissions...
Is this usable freely and if so what is the licensing I love it and I wasnt sure exactly which images or tiles you got this animation from if you could let me know that would be great https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/forum-attachments/BeachAnimaTest2.gif
Will the beach textures that you posted a GIF of be included in this submission and will the greenish blue color ground textures in this image be included in that?
@bluecarrot16 Cool I'll put a rush on getting it out there. I'll just add a small TODO list on the submission so anyone who's wants to use it knows to come back for more.
@ArchonSC Well it was your lucky day and here's a awesome water animation. https://opengameart.org/content/the-battle-for-wesnoth-water-animation
The beach/waves will be in another submission.
I'm submitting my remix on Leonard Pabin's Animated Ocean Tileset right now and want to link to my ZRPG3 image here so the unattributed art isn't directly shown in the submission.
I want to include this gravel with my rock tileset and keep everything CCO but I need to ask Sharm if she's ok with it being cut almost exactly like her LPC dirt.
@bluecarrot16 Hey need you to look over this attribution image to make sure I didn't miss something.
Palm tree trunk is from https://opengameart.org/content/shootem-up-graphic-kit
The bush is from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-arabic-elements , which I realize I forgot to attribute. I'll update my submission ASAP.
The shells are killing me... I know some of them are mine (attached); the others I could have sworn were Hyptosis, but I can't seem to find them :( FWIW, I'm pretty sure the coral/branch thing was originally brown/grey and one of the shells was pink, then I recolored them to make some variations. I'll do some more digging later, otherwise I may have to remove them...
Aww I love those unattributed shells and coral/branch thing. I hope you can remember where you got them.
I'll remove them so I can get all this stuff submitted but I plan to make replacements for them later if those are still a problem.
Wait, I found it! It was Hyptosis :) From this entry, image 3 (which I now notice also has the non-free lanterns, canopies and clock :p) on the far left. Really sorry I screwed up the attribution on that stuff; I'm thinking I should make an attribution diagram like you have for all my other submissions to make sure I haven't missed anything and it's clear who to attribute.
LOL! It was in my own submission of Hyptosis' stuff. Dang that stuffs in there too. I'll take that stuff out ASAP. Oh and about the attribution diagram. I believe it's the best way to fullfill the terms of the license "indicate if changes were made" is one of the terms we must meet when redistributing cc-by or cc-by-sa art. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
A picture is worth a thousand words.