Sorry but I will not make any lods and besides due to the way this mesh is build/shaped any serious lod would need to be basically a rebuild of the mesh.
But really, it should run reasonably well even without lods.
Sorry, but you will have to make the lods yourself if you want to use the model. The reason why it is at 90% finished for... well years now already... is that I really lack the time and motivation to finish that model.
It is relatively lightweight at around 3500 tris (if I remember correctly) though, so for normal gameplay lods arn't really needed.
It uses the standard Xonotic rig and animations, so it would be "GPLv2 or later" however the mesh etc. I would be willing to also license CC-by-SA if you want to use it with another rig.
While I honestly still don't quite get what this "game" is supposed to be (even after watching the videos), there is this set of playermodels (male and female robot) I have created for Xonotic that are abount 90% done (random threads where I posted pictures of them):
I don't think they will ever go into main-line Xonotic given their current plans, so I guess an inclusion in your game would be the next best thing.
If you are interested I can make some small adjustments and then send you the (source) files so that you can put it in your game and if you want make adjustments to them (the texture is pretty bland).
While I understand your point about Linux binaries in general, there are plenty of examples for binaries that work nicely on a wide set of different versions of debian derived Linux versions with minimal hassle (and imho the those are the defact standard for desktop Linux anyways these days).
Your project is obviously still in an early stage and thus it's understandable that you don't want to bother with linux binaries, but on the other hand I can't be bothered installing hundreds of -dev packages and playing "dependancy hell" just to test a game for 5 minutes and then have all those packages clutter my system, annoy me with updates and are likely never to be used again by me.
Sorry but I will not make any lods and besides due to the way this mesh is build/shaped any serious lod would need to be basically a rebuild of the mesh.
But really, it should run reasonably well even without lods.
nice one, will probably end up in our FOSS RPG :)
Sorry, but you will have to make the lods yourself if you want to use the model. The reason why it is at 90% finished for... well years now already... is that I really lack the time and motivation to finish that model.
It is relatively lightweight at around 3500 tris (if I remember correctly) though, so for normal gameplay lods arn't really needed.
It uses the standard Xonotic rig and animations, so it would be "GPLv2 or later" however the mesh etc. I would be willing to also license CC-by-SA if you want to use it with another rig.
While I honestly still don't quite get what this "game" is supposed to be (even after watching the videos), there is this set of playermodels (male and female robot) I have created for Xonotic that are abount 90% done (random threads where I posted pictures of them):
I don't think they will ever go into main-line Xonotic given their current plans, so I guess an inclusion in your game would be the next best thing.
If you are interested I can make some small adjustments and then send you the (source) files so that you can put it in your game and if you want make adjustments to them (the texture is pretty bland).
Cool, very warcraftish ;)
Anychance for a dual license also as CC-by-SA?
While I understand your point about Linux binaries in general, there are plenty of examples for binaries that work nicely on a wide set of different versions of debian derived Linux versions with minimal hassle (and imho the those are the defact standard for desktop Linux anyways these days).
Your project is obviously still in an early stage and thus it's understandable that you don't want to bother with linux binaries, but on the other hand I can't be bothered installing hundreds of -dev packages and playing "dependancy hell" just to test a game for 5 minutes and then have all those packages clutter my system, annoy me with updates and are likely never to be used again by me.
*sorry for venting on you* :)
Is there a binary download for linux?
Nice work!
So what is the current status of the OPP? The wiki seems to be down, and the Pixeljoint forum hasn't seem much posts since early september it seems.
I agree, this one is quite nice.
I am just not sure if someone finds a use for such an expressive piece of guitar playing in a game ;)