I've written a build script for The Longest Road. All you need to do is to drop these two shell skripts in the game directory and execute
./buildjar.sh <java_include_path>
,where <java_include_path> is the path of the java include directory is on your system (that's /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/include for me). Then you can execute
These are quite nice. It would be great if you could upload the sources (.xcf, .psd or whatever the native format of your image editor is) aswell, though.
I'd be interested in helping out, especially on improving the OGA Weekly Challenge System. I'm not really experienced in PHP, but I've experimented with it before and think I should be able to read up on it.
Here's a build script for Blob Mobs. This time, just copy both scripts to the directory and run them.
I've written a build script for The Longest Road. All you need to do is to drop these two shell skripts in the game directory and execute
,where <java_include_path> is the path of the java include directory is on your system (that's /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/include for me). Then you can execute
to start the game.
I moved this post to the 3D art forum.
This is incredibly cool! I love the taxi. ;)
Voted, another 12 to get to the top.
Nice tutorial. I've created a forum thread for it here in our tutorials forum.
These are quite nice. It would be great if you could upload the sources (.xcf, .psd or whatever the native format of your image editor is) aswell, though.
I'd be interested in helping out, especially on improving the OGA Weekly Challenge System. I'm not really experienced in PHP, but I've experimented with it before and think I should be able to read up on it.
If giving credit is not mandatory, you might want to consider using CC0 instead of CC-BY, as CC-BY does indeed force the user to give credit.
No problem. :)