That looks really awesome. I am doing right now a 3d pc game where you build a base on a planet, however it will go beyond that before release i will add a full battle system. Most of that is finished by now but i fear i need to polish integrate and bughunt still a while.
Have you animated it?
I did some of my own 3d stuff and animations and can animate it myself too but i am more skilled in programming.
What license will you send it with?
if you like i will send you a picture how it looks with the other buildings.
I like to have something similar to this one (Atleast this is the preffered idea. The one in the middle of the screen): but a little different from the proportions and surface.Those "wheels" running on the ore look a bit too spiky. I think all proportions should be a bit thicker.
How can i import it into unity with the texture properly attached and it looking the way like it does on the preview? When i import it the texture is usually missing and if i use the .tga as albedo some things look rather strange.
I can only tell you to look a bit earlier in the thread where i wrote:
I suggest you a different approach.
If you make the game just for fun and you dont need to finish it for any important reason like lets say make money, then you should just start and look how far you get.
And you wrote:
Yeah, that's what I usually just end up doing. But I never end up with a very high quality product, but as you say maybe that doesn't matter.
You did not aspire to make something great or finish it then. So i think you made what you aimed for: started to make a story, learned a bit programming and abandoned it then... To stay with something there needs to be more reason to stay with it than to go away and do something different.
you are disappointed because you are not motivated to have fun with making your game?
This sounds a bit like when someone says he is disappointed with himself because he does not like to play his favorite game right now. Which kinda sounds little strange...
Luckily i prevented you from writing something harsh to my song and you did only think it :)
That looks really awesome. I am doing right now a 3d pc game where you build a base on a planet, however it will go beyond that before release i will add a full battle system. Most of that is finished by now but i fear i need to polish integrate and bughunt still a while.
Have you animated it?
I did some of my own 3d stuff and animations and can animate it myself too but i am more skilled in programming.
What license will you send it with?
if you like i will send you a picture how it looks with the other buildings.
Hello IllusionOfMana,
I like to have something similar to this one (Atleast this is the preffered idea. The one in the middle of the screen): but a little different from the proportions and surface.Those "wheels" running on the ore look a bit too spiky. I think all proportions should be a bit thicker.
How can i import it into unity with the texture properly attached and it looking the way like it does on the preview? When i import it the texture is usually missing and if i use the .tga as albedo some things look rather strange.
yeah found it :)
please paste the link to kirs channel i like to listen to his songs.
My game has 10484 Lines of code now and its still not finished.
I estimate i can start playtesting or beta with 12000+ lines....
I can only tell you to look a bit earlier in the thread where i wrote:
I suggest you a different approach.
If you make the game just for fun and you dont need to finish it for any important reason like lets say make money, then you should just start and look how far you get.
And you wrote:
Yeah, that's what I usually just end up doing. But I never end up with a very high quality product, but as you say maybe that doesn't matter.
You did not aspire to make something great or finish it then. So i think you made what you aimed for: started to make a story, learned a bit programming and abandoned it then... To stay with something there needs to be more reason to stay with it than to go away and do something different.
you are disappointed because you are not motivated to have fun with making your game?
This sounds a bit like when someone says he is disappointed with himself because he does not like to play his favorite game right now. Which kinda sounds little strange...
Luckily i prevented you from writing something harsh to my song and you did only think it :)
I will add you when i feel like doing the music stuff again.
Well since you are doing it just to pass time its no problem if you are not motivated right?
Going offline now will be back in several hours...
its a bit hard to get feeling into the song with a mouse.
I dont know discord but i could try it. Tell me what and where.
I like your idea but i am afraid i have not so much time today i can only send you a bit of what i have.