100 pixels wide! thats huge! So that would make each character about 200px high, which is a fifth of the screen, on a large screen. Given that characters become exponentially more difficult the larger they are, may I ask why you require such huge characters?
I already installed 3dsmax under wine, problem is, the files are not even in a standard max format, they require a custom Rhyzome importer. I eventually got the importer working under wine, mostly. However most of the files I opened didn't import properly. I only got half the textures and the animations didn't come across.
I spoke to the Rhyzome devs on IRC, they were very helpful getting it all working, but ultimately they weren't particularly keen on the assets actually getting out. I get the feeling they like the idea of being *seen* to be open source, but they don't want to actually make it any easier for people to get their assets.
> For example, if you're a big fan of Dragonball Z, you might draw the sprites for Son Goku, and if you're a big fan of Sonic games, you might draw the sprites for Sonic.
Using copyrighten works is not good idea.
What licencing are you releasing under and what licencing do you need the art under ?
Are your games open source?
100 pixels wide! thats huge! So that would make each character about 200px high, which is a fifth of the screen, on a large screen. Given that characters become exponentially more difficult the larger they are, may I ask why you require such huge characters?
Truly beautiful, I love your style, keep it up!
Android version?
I already installed 3dsmax under wine, problem is, the files are not even in a standard max format, they require a custom Rhyzome importer. I eventually got the importer working under wine, mostly. However most of the files I opened didn't import properly. I only got half the textures and the animations didn't come across.
I spoke to the Rhyzome devs on IRC, they were very helpful getting it all working, but ultimately they weren't particularly keen on the assets actually getting out. I get the feeling they like the idea of being *seen* to be open source, but they don't want to actually make it any easier for people to get their assets.
I eventually gave up on the whole process.
I wrote a random map generator in a warcraft 3 map once, not nearly as low level I know, but still, it was awesome :)
The DungeonHack guys have implement random terrain generation in Ogre3D, it might be worth leveraging off their code.
> For example, if you're a big fan of Dragonball Z, you might draw the sprites for Son Goku, and if you're a big fan of Sonic games, you might draw the sprites for Sonic.
Using copyrighten works is not good idea.
What licencing are you releasing under and what licencing do you need the art under ?
Anon, given that they make make up the bulk of the old Planeshift team, including Planeshift's lead programmer, the chances are pretty good.
adrix89: added wireframe shots.
I hope this isn't too late:
I spent some extra time animating it before uploading it, and that pushed it over the deadline.