I like the graphics. They were unique and nice looking. Althoug things with spring have a spear on their head so I thought I cannot jump on them to kill without getting damage. Also controls were quite nice and jumpping was accurate.
At end of second level after light that rises you can move out side of the level. This was the bug I noticed.
I got idea how global timer could be done. One program which has timer writes a some value for specific file. Value could Potion of Mentor = 1. As long effect is valid. When effect ends value is changed to 0. Then you could have another program which checks the value in specific file and gives return code what ever the value is.
Problem might be that Windows might lock file for one program and another one could not read it. But I am not that familiar with Windows file system so I could be wrong.
Wow, I did not even know that batch files can used to make games...
If you would be using any other language to create this kind of game you would need to write only once all those overdrive status, killcount, level up and so on. Also adding things like Potion of Mentor are far more trivial to do with simple timers in advanced languages.
You could start learning programing language simply making this game with that. Not immediately jump on ready made engine since learning them is much more work. This kind of game might be easy to do with Lazarus(http://lazarus.freepascal.org/) It has nice GUI which can used to design GUIs. Programming language is Pascal which has quite simple syntax although not so commonly used. Also any other programming language with ready made graphical components like Java Swing, .NET or Mono should work fine.
I just feel pain how much you need test when program is made with batch. For each screen you need to test each feature...
CC0 - Public Domain Free to use anywhere where you want and no other requirements.
CC-BY - Free to use but original author must be attributed. Usually there are instructions how to attribute. Creative commons also forbids art to be DRM protected so CC-BY is problematic with iOS apps.
OGA-BY - Same as above expect DRM clause has been removed.
CC-BY-SA - Free to use but original author must be attributed and if art is being modified this new art must be redistributed with same license. This might be a bit problematic license since there a big debate if this binary code is consirider as a new art. Screenshots and videos taken from game using CC-BY-SA are mostly under this license. Also CC-BY-SA has DRM clause which makes it problematic in iOS apps.
I am not sure. Some of those tiles are from REFMAP/First Seed Material but not all. REFMAP/FSM site has been down almost year, I think. REFMAP/FSM had license that you use their tileset freely but only distribute it with your game not the tileset itself. So anywhere you can find their tileset is breaking the license.
Plus since not all those tiles are from REFMAP/FSM I have no idea under what license they are.
So shortly say I would not use that tileset in my games.
I like the graphics. They were unique and nice looking. Althoug things with spring have a spear on their head so I thought I cannot jump on them to kill without getting damage. Also controls were quite nice and jumpping was accurate.
At end of second level after light that rises you can move out side of the level. This was the bug I noticed.
I did not get what was the purpose of the star.
I got idea how global timer could be done. One program which has timer writes a some value for specific file. Value could Potion of Mentor = 1. As long effect is valid. When effect ends value is changed to 0. Then you could have another program which checks the value in specific file and gives return code what ever the value is.
Problem might be that Windows might lock file for one program and another one could not read it. But I am not that familiar with Windows file system so I could be wrong.
Wow, I did not even know that batch files can used to make games...
If you would be using any other language to create this kind of game you would need to write only once all those overdrive status, killcount, level up and so on. Also adding things like Potion of Mentor are far more trivial to do with simple timers in advanced languages.
You could start learning programing language simply making this game with that. Not immediately jump on ready made engine since learning them is much more work. This kind of game might be easy to do with Lazarus(http://lazarus.freepascal.org/) It has nice GUI which can used to design GUIs. Programming language is Pascal which has quite simple syntax although not so commonly used. Also any other programming language with ready made graphical components like Java Swing, .NET or Mono should work fine.
I just feel pain how much you need test when program is made with batch. For each screen you need to test each feature...
This was so cool ghost so I just needed to make it LPC compatible and animate it.
Check it out: http://opengameart.org/content/animated-filthy-ectoplasm
No reason not to dual license GPL. Added new license.
CC0 - Public Domain Free to use anywhere where you want and no other requirements.
CC-BY - Free to use but original author must be attributed. Usually there are instructions how to attribute. Creative commons also forbids art to be DRM protected so CC-BY is problematic with iOS apps.
OGA-BY - Same as above expect DRM clause has been removed.
CC-BY-SA - Free to use but original author must be attributed and if art is being modified this new art must be redistributed with same license. This might be a bit problematic license since there a big debate if this binary code is consirider as a new art. Screenshots and videos taken from game using CC-BY-SA are mostly under this license. Also CC-BY-SA has DRM clause which makes it problematic in iOS apps.
Here at OGA here is thread about CC-BY-SA:
Also Creative Common has published human readable forms of their license:
I haven't used GPL licenses as for art so I cannot say about them...
Since I am not lawyer you should read the license text also and try to understand them...
Should credits.zip contain name all who made something for this pack or just names who participated to LPC?
I am not sure. Some of those tiles are from REFMAP/First Seed Material but not all. REFMAP/FSM site has been down almost year, I think. REFMAP/FSM had license that you use their tileset freely but only distribute it with your game not the tileset itself. So anywhere you can find their tileset is breaking the license.
Plus since not all those tiles are from REFMAP/FSM I have no idea under what license they are.
So shortly say I would not use that tileset in my games.
LPC stands for Liberated Pixel Cup. More information from here: http://lpc.opengameart.org/
You could leave art request here in OGA but before writing that to forum, please read this thread first:
LPC Tileset is a great one.
You should learn how to use search here :)
Any way here is link where I simply searched LPC with licenses OGA-BY and CC0: