I used the same method as MedicineStorm, in Spring's Adventure Doggo ^^
It isn't too complicated, depending on what engine you use of course. You just need that cosine fuction which transforms an x/y coordinate into a vector and back, if you can follow ^^
Here's a link to a video showing my rope swinging mechanism in use within the game:
Ah, I joined too.
@chasersgaming, about the platforms, I think there will be only releases for Windows and Ubuntu, no mobile systems.
Ah it's so happy!
AH this is gibberish!
I will send it to you over discord instead @chasersgaming
@chasersgaming are you using game maker?
If so, I can share my rope swinging function from SAD if you like.
I used the same method as MedicineStorm, in Spring's Adventure Doggo ^^
It isn't too complicated, depending on what engine you use of course. You just need that cosine fuction which transforms an x/y coordinate into a vector and back, if you can follow ^^
Here's a link to a video showing my rope swinging mechanism in use within the game:
@withthelove not to mention the SMS had a shitty sound chip :P
Yeah graphics were probably the only area where the SMS was decidedly superior to the NES.
I just feel most of the Master System games from the time lack that "Epicness" that the best nintendo titles had.
I might use this, maybe even for the jam, if I can resist the urge to start coding early.