Add all head variations for male and female human (for later animations)
The coloring of wolf(wo)man looks odd and is not considered finished.
Wolf heads, skeleton head and male ogre head don't have any shadow yet.
Head shadow of pgnant women is inconsistent between walk and slash animation.
This is the first pregnant slash animation. Second frame of left/right and third frame of bottom stick out and must be improved in the future. There are no compatible clothings for this yet.
Yes, but I wrongly attributed only Thompson. wolfsheet5_0.png is the wolf, I used.
I added the neck and played around with the colors. The wolf originally has much more colors, but it must be compatible to the lower body. That's why the pinkish inside of the ears and the highlights became the same color, which looks a bit weird.
Only the shape is the exact same.
The zip contains a with links to original submissions and authors.
And beware, that the headless bodies are optimized for being used with heads and look weird without.
Compared to the other generator it's extremely slow and locally it does not even switch all palettes as it should. It's loading a huge amount of files without caching, since I often just reference other files.
Likely quite some lag comes from all the reordering and palette switching. I don't even have much in it yet.
I haven't fixed spritesheets with wrong colors yet, since I'm to lazy to upload them to oga. But if that would work I would have body shapes with skin tones: normal (m/w), child, teen, muscular and pregnant. Included animations for male so far: spellcast, walk, slash, thrust, shoot with bow, shoot with guns, run and hurt.
It's possible that it gets unusable over time, unless I manage to get an performance boost or do preprocessing.
It could also be cool for locally testing new assets against the existing ones.
And I will not add, what I can't attribute. I could nowhere find round ears...
Children do work in the generator, but they only have walking animation so you dont see a proper preview.
I meant, that the preview is broken for everything that does not have the animation, the preview uses. My generator on the other hand requires that the first line is down-facing.
Maybe, could it work to instead of saving the complete sheet, save it as with multiple files with the animations seperated? I dont know if it is possible, but it could be a solution.
I thougt about implementing than into the nodejs version, too. I could use multiple canvases in general. I think that would also make it easier to hide sprite sheets.
Workaround for the terminal could be to add "--animation=<file>" and specifying there which animations should be exported.
The coloring of wolf(wo)man looks odd and is not considered finished.
Wolf heads, skeleton head and male ogre head don't have any shadow yet.
Head shadow of pgnant women is inconsistent between walk and slash animation.
This is the first pregnant slash animation. Second frame of left/right and third frame of bottom stick out and must be improved in the future. There are no compatible clothings for this yet.
The thing is, it's not only hats.
The mask for Santa's Claws includes comic eyes to look more like the original.
I also wanted to have less requirements than jrconway3's script has.
I only need bash and imagemagic. And I use his mask for cutting the shooting animation.
I would need to add some more frames for all of them, I guess.
Also might include my shell tools in the zip.
Maybe it would be also good to upload compiled full sprite sheets for all of them then.
Beautiful style and I can't wait to see an LPC version.
Yes, but I wrongly attributed only Thompson. wolfsheet5_0.png is the wolf, I used.
I added the neck and played around with the colors. The wolf originally has much more colors, but it must be compatible to the lower body. That's why the pinkish inside of the ears and the highlights became the same color, which looks a bit weird.
Only the shape is the exact same.
The zip contains a with links to original submissions and authors.
And beware, that the headless bodies are optimized for being used with heads and look weird without.
New in 0.1:
It wasn't. Just a few hours. It's just the walking animation and three head types after all.
I mostly just cutted existing stuff.
I did a new ogre, because the old one had fucked up colors somehow.
Tried to improve the drake because it looked so sharp, I guess it's hopeless. The shading looks wrong and I can't do it better.
What I had in mind, when doing this:
Maybe it does not even work with the other animations.
I started my own spritesheet collection
Compared to the other generator it's extremely slow and locally it does not even switch all palettes as it should. It's loading a huge amount of files without caching, since I often just reference other files.
Likely quite some lag comes from all the reordering and palette switching. I don't even have much in it yet.
I haven't fixed spritesheets with wrong colors yet, since I'm to lazy to upload them to oga. But if that would work I would have body shapes with skin tones: normal (m/w), child, teen, muscular and pregnant. Included animations for male so far: spellcast, walk, slash, thrust, shoot with bow, shoot with guns, run and hurt.
It's possible that it gets unusable over time, unless I manage to get an performance boost or do preprocessing.
It could also be cool for locally testing new assets against the existing ones.
And I will not add, what I can't attribute. I could nowhere find round ears...
I meant, that the preview is broken for everything that does not have the animation, the preview uses. My generator on the other hand requires that the first line is down-facing.
Maybe, could it work to instead of saving the complete sheet, save it as with multiple files with the animations seperated? I dont know if it is possible, but it could be a solution.
I thougt about implementing than into the nodejs version, too. I could use multiple canvases in general. I think that would also make it easier to hide sprite sheets.
Workaround for the terminal could be to add "--animation=<file>" and specifying there which animations should be exported.