I'm sorry for the issues you've had with the project. I admit it has been a tad unstable at times, because its at a very early stage, and I'm the only guy coding it anyway.
The most recent version should be stable, however, and the version that will be available on Monday (Assuming I finish it this weekend, heh) will be very playable.
As I've constantly mentioned, documentation on how to run and everything will be written once the actual project is worth compiling and everything, though I'd certainly welcome if someone else wrote a setup tutorial.
As-is, I'm already late per my timeline, and would rather dedicate time to implement all the missing features.
You have to release the code to participate in the contest. At the end of July, you release a fully open source "1.0" version.
After the contest is over, you can continue working on the code, and if you wrote the entire project and the libraries you used allow you to, you can work on 1.1 on a propietary base, without distributing the code.
The fact that ownership isn't transfered to OGA means that you can license the code you write with as many licenses as you want, including the "Its mine, hands off" license.
As for the art, from what I understand, you can use CC-BY-SA 3 art on a propietary game, but it gives anyone that plays the game permission to take your game's art (and its modifications) and make a game of their own.
As a recommendation, I'd try to setup a Linux VM (At least) and try to build the code using gcc or something similar to see if it works on Linux as well. :-)
The game must be built using Free (as in freedom) tools. Visual Basic 2010 could be an impediment, but only if the software can't be built without Visual Basic.
As for Fotochop, I believe that's fine and perfectly usable. Apparently, while devs are restricted in what we can use and develop, artists aren't. =P
Shrish: Thanks for the feedback. The project's still in a very early stage which is why readme's lacking documentation and all, but any Java Afficionado with Eclipse would just import both projects and Run the DesktopLauncher to get a real sense of what's currently in the tree.
As for the Unsealed-Android folder, it's just a shell that launches the actual Android app. That's how libgdx projects are packaged anyway.
I post updates every 3 days, which means I should end up with around 10 updates by the end of the contest / month (Give or take 3 entries, since I expect I might blog either a lot more, or a lot less near the end of the contest).
It's not a rule, but in open source projects, communication is always welcome :-)
Hey Shirish,
I'm sorry for the issues you've had with the project. I admit it has been a tad unstable at times, because its at a very early stage, and I'm the only guy coding it anyway.
The most recent version should be stable, however, and the version that will be available on Monday (Assuming I finish it this weekend, heh) will be very playable.
As I've constantly mentioned, documentation on how to run and everything will be written once the actual project is worth compiling and everything, though I'd certainly welcome if someone else wrote a setup tutorial.
As-is, I'm already late per my timeline, and would rather dedicate time to implement all the missing features.
Vaughan: Here's how the contest works:
You have to release the code to participate in the contest. At the end of July, you release a fully open source "1.0" version.
After the contest is over, you can continue working on the code, and if you wrote the entire project and the libraries you used allow you to, you can work on 1.1 on a propietary base, without distributing the code.
The fact that ownership isn't transfered to OGA means that you can license the code you write with as many licenses as you want, including the "Its mine, hands off" license.
As for the art, from what I understand, you can use CC-BY-SA 3 art on a propietary game, but it gives anyone that plays the game permission to take your game's art (and its modifications) and make a game of their own.
Nice! Do you have anything for Air-like attacks?
I've made some progress on the battle screen:
You can move the characters around. I'm working on adding an actual HP variable and a cast bar on top and other things.
I made a new blog entry yesterday, and a new entry is coming on tomorrow.
As a recommendation, I'd try to setup a Linux VM (At least) and try to build the code using gcc or something similar to see if it works on Linux as well. :-)
Like I said on IRC, those look fantastic and have me totally worried =P
The game must be built using Free (as in freedom) tools. Visual Basic 2010 could be an impediment, but only if the software can't be built without Visual Basic.
As for Fotochop, I believe that's fine and perfectly usable. Apparently, while devs are restricted in what we can use and develop, artists aren't. =P
Shrish: Thanks for the feedback. The project's still in a very early stage which is why readme's lacking documentation and all, but any Java Afficionado with Eclipse would just import both projects and Run the DesktopLauncher to get a real sense of what's currently in the tree.
As for the Unsealed-Android folder, it's just a shell that launches the actual Android app. That's how libgdx projects are packaged anyway.
Beards. I can't have sage(s) without beards, though I'm considering making all wise men, women to counter that. >_>
Having more enemies would be fantastic. I can only do so much using color edits of the same 5-6 creatures :P
I post updates every 3 days, which means I should end up with around 10 updates by the end of the contest / month (Give or take 3 entries, since I expect I might blog either a lot more, or a lot less near the end of the contest).
It's not a rule, but in open source projects, communication is always welcome :-)