Just wanted to let you know I used some of your soundtracks in my LPC Entry. I think they're great, though I fear I might've not used them at the best of times.
I'm one of those that have 'KILLING ourselves'. I've hardly slept more than 6 hours a day just to try and do an excellent project.
I've had to pass on parties, boxing lessons and going out to the movies such as the new Batman one.
I agree that changing the deadline would set a bad precedent, but if 2 extra weeks means our good games can be polished into great games, I'm all for it.
I'm already pretty tired as-is, which is why I won't fight a decision for or against an extension, but I'd sleep a lot more if I knew I had an extra 2 weeks :P
Here's my entry for Unsealed: Whispers of Wisdom, an ActionRPG:
This version is the exact same version shipped to the judges. Bugs and all.
Feedback *is* appreciated, as we're currently working on a 2.0 version. Send it over to unsealed -at- k3rnel.net
Just wanted to let you know I used some of your soundtracks in my LPC Entry. I think they're great, though I fear I might've not used them at the best of times.
Thanks for the music!
I haven't played the other games (Okay, I played mine :P) but I really liked your game the instant I hit play.
I had a crash on level 8, after I had around 7 lives. I wonder if it tried to make me divide by zero ;)
I'm always happy to read postmortems. Your game sounds interesting, is there a linux binary available? I'm too tired to build anything right now :-/
Hah, The same thing happened to me (But I reuploaded the 'good' version before the deadline')
I hope technical mishaps such as this one don't impact the game score though, good luck!
There's a giant banner that links to http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20120801T235959&p0=137&... on the lpc minisite :-)
Both the Art & the Code portions of the contest will be announced at the same time, I'm guessing?
Thanks for the heads up.
I'm one of those that have 'KILLING ourselves'. I've hardly slept more than 6 hours a day just to try and do an excellent project.
I've had to pass on parties, boxing lessons and going out to the movies such as the new Batman one.
I agree that changing the deadline would set a bad precedent, but if 2 extra weeks means our good games can be polished into great games, I'm all for it.
I'm already pretty tired as-is, which is why I won't fight a decision for or against an extension, but I'd sleep a lot more if I knew I had an extra 2 weeks :P
As one of the many competitors, I am not against an extension and in fact, would definitely welcome it.
Create a tarball and submit it on the new code submission form.