However the casual flare gamer will soon notice that it is similar to the existing grassland as you said. Would it be possible to alter the rocks a little, so it looks a little different in structure?
Building flare is relatively easy as there are only a few dependencies. So in case you have some experience with the shell you may try to compile it yourself:
I am also running Ubuntu 12.04 here and it works fine. (As I am involved in development also, I am sure that there are all needed libs installed - no need to check that for me)
is it possible to download without registering at 4shared?
I'd really like to try out the mod as the screenshots look great :)
Also look at which is related (no mouse)
Welcome to :)
In your user profile there is a link to
Is that the project you're talking about?
What kind of genre/type/licensing is that game? (I cannot read that language, is that polish?)
Best regards and good luck with your project.
It looks great!
However the casual flare gamer will soon notice that it is similar to the existing grassland as you said.
Would it be possible to alter the rocks a little, so it looks a little different in structure?
Thanks for playing flare :)
To help making flare better (and avoiding such segmentation faults), would you mind helpingto find out what exactly broke?
To help the developers you need to have a "debug" build.
This can be done by (assuming you compile flare yourself, as you wrote ./flare as first command)
cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
# now start flare using a debugger
gdb ./flare
# when gdb is started, type
# When it crashes, type: (the window will still stay open, so you notice the crash by everything freezing)
backtrace full
# lots of text should appear, this will be helpful for developers, thanks a lot :)
> a native 64bit build
Building flare is relatively easy as there are only a few dependencies. So in case you have some experience with the shell you may try to compile it yourself:
(quoting random parts of the Readme
pacman -S --asdeps sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer libogg libvorbis hicolor-icon-theme python sdl_ttf git cmake
git clone
cd flare-game
cmake .
Windows/Mac doesn't really care about LOWER and upper case ;) linux filesystems do so by default.
One solution would be to correct the cases or another solution would be to put that game in some mountpoint which doesn't care about cases.
I did not know dorkster is an allround talent. (Programmer for flare as well :)
Translation from
Created in Sculptris reduced MeshLab + Blender
If anyone is interested in commissions please email me, greetings!
Great Work :)
I wonder if this could be incorporated into
I tested the linux download with
I am also running Ubuntu 12.04 here and it works fine. (As I am involved in development also, I am sure that there are all needed libs installed - no need to check that for me)